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Query: "author" (Ema %C5%BDagar) .

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Wavelength-dependent activation of photoacids and bases
Petra Utroša, Joshua A. Carroll, Ema Žagar, David Pahovnik, Christopher Barner-Kowollik, 2024, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 25.07.2024; Views: 219; Downloads: 145
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Structural basis for the multitasking nature of the potato virus Y coat protein
Andreja Kežar, Luka Kavčič, Martin Pólak, Jiři Nováček, Ion Gutiérrez-Aguirre, Magda Tušek-Žnidarič, Anna Coll Rius, Katja Stare, Kristina Gruden, Maja Ravnikar, David Pahovnik, Ema Žagar, Franci Merzel, Gregor Anderluh, Marjetka Podobnik, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: Potato virus Y (PVY) is among the most economically important plant pathogens. Using cryoelectron microscopy, we determined the near-atomic structure of PVY’s flexuous virions, revealing a previously unknown lumenal interplay between extended carboxyl-terminal regions of the coat protein units and viral RNA. RNA–coat protein interactions are crucial for the helical configuration and stability of the virion, as revealed by the unique near-atomic structure of RNA-free virus-like particles. The structures offer the first evidence for plasticity of the coat protein’s amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions. Together with mutational analysis and in planta experiments, we show their crucial role in PVY infectivity and explain the ability of the coat protein to perform multiple biological tasks. Moreover, the high modularity of PVY virus-like particles suggests their potential as a new molecular scaffold for nanobiotechnological applications.
Keywords: plant pathogens, potato virus Y, viral RNA
Published in DiRROS: 23.07.2024; Views: 217; Downloads: 183
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Dynamic expression of 11 miRNAs in 83 consecutive primary and corresponding recurrent glioblastoma : correlation to treatment, time to recurrence, overall survival and MGMT methylation status
Boštjan Matos, Emanuela Boštjančič, Alenka Matjašič, Mara Popović, Damjan Glavač, 2018, original scientific article

Abstract: Background. Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common and the most malignant glioma subtype. Among numerous genetic alterations, miRNAs contribute to pathogenesis of GBM and it is suggested that also to GBM recurrence and resistance to therapy. Based on publications, we have selected 11 miRNAs and analyzed their expression in GBM. We hypothesized that selected miRNAs are differentially expressed and involved in primary as well as in recurrent GBM, that show significant expressional differences when different treatment options are in question, and that are related to certain patients and tumor characteristics. Patients and methods. Paraffin embedded tissues, obtained from primary and corresponding recurrent tumor from 83 patients with primary GBM were used. Eleven miRNAs ( miR-7, miR-9, miR-15b, miR-21, miR-26b, miR-124a, miR-199a, let-7a, let-7b, let-7d, and let-7f ) were selected for qPCR expression analysis. For patients who received temozolamide (TMZ) as chemotherapeutic drug, O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) methylation status was defined using the methyl-specific PCR. Results. There was a significant change in expression of miR-7, miR-9, miR-21, miR-26b, mirR-124a, miR-199a and let- 7f in recurrent tumor compared to the primary. In recurrent tumor, miR-15b, let-7d and let-7f significantly changed comparing both treatment options. We also observed difference in progression free survival between patients that received radiotherapy and patients that received radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and longer survival for patients who received chemotherapy after second surgery compared to not treated patients. miR-26b showed correlation to progression free survival and let-7f to overall survival. We did not find any expression difference between the tumors with and without methylated MGMT. Conclusions. Our data suggest that analyzed miRNAs may not only contribute to pathogenesis of primary GBM, but also to tumor progression and its recurrence. Moreover, expression of certain miRNAs appears to be therapy- dependent and as such they might serve as additional biomarker for recurrence prediction and potentially predict a therapy-resistance.
Keywords: glioblastoma, radiotherapy, chemotherapy
Published in DiRROS: 02.07.2024; Views: 255; Downloads: 147
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Sclerosing melanocytic lesions (sclerosing melanomas with nevoid features and sclerosing nevi with pseudomelanomatous features) : an analysis of 90 lesions
Biljana Grčar-Kuzmanov, Emanuela Boštjančič, Juan Antonio Contreras, Jože Pižem, 2018, original scientific article

Abstract: Background. Sclerosing melanocytic lesions, which are characterized by either focal or diffuse sclerosis in the dermal component and atypical proliferation of predominantly nevoid melanocytes, remain poorly defined. Our aim was to analyze systematically their morphologic spectrum, especially the distinction between sclerosing melanocytic nevus and sclerosing melanoma, which has not been well documented. Patients and methods. We collected 90 sclerosing melanocytic lesions, occurring in 82 patients (49 male, 33 female; age range from 21 to 89 years). A four probe fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) assay was performed in 41 lesions to substantiate the diagnosis of sclerosing melanomas. Results. A prominent full-thickness pagetoid spread of melanocytes was identified in 44 (48%) lesions, and a melanoma in situ adjacent to the sclerosis in 55 (61%) lesions. In the intrasclerotic component, maturation was absent in 40 (44%) and mitotic figures were identified in 18 (20%) lesions. Of the 90 lesions, 26 (29%) were diagnosed morphologically as nevi and 64 (71%) as melanomas (Breslow thickness from 0.4 to 1.8 mm), including 45 (50%) melanomas with an adjacent nevus. A four-probe FISH assay was positive in the sclerotic component in 14 of 25 lesions diagnosed morphologically as melanomas and none of 16 nevi. A sentinel lymph node biopsy was performed for 17 lesions and was negative in all cases. Conclusions. Sclerosing melanocytic lesions form a morphologic spectrum and include both nevi and melanomas. The pathogenesis of sclerosis remains obscure but seems to be induced by melanocytes or an unusual host response in at least a subset of lesions.
Keywords: sclerosing melanoma, sclerosing nevus, fibrosis
Published in DiRROS: 02.07.2024; Views: 266; Downloads: 210
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Long-term survival in glioblastoma : methyl guanine methyl transferase (MGMT) promoter methylation as independent favourable prognostic factor
Uroš Smrdel, Mara Popović, Matjaž Zwitter, Emanuela Boštjančič, Andrej Zupan, Viljem Kovač, Damjan Glavač, Drago Bokal, Janja Jerebic, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: In spite of significant improvement after multi-modality treatment, prognosis of most patients with glioblastoma remains poor. Standard clinical prognostic factors (age, gender, extent of surgery and performance status) do not clearly predict long-term survival. The aim of this case-control study was to evaluate immuno-histochemical and genetic characteristics of the tumour as additional prognostic factors in glioblastoma. Long-term survivor group were 40 patients with glioblastoma with survival longer than 30 months. Control group were 40 patients with shorter survival and matched to the long-term survivor group according to the clinical prognostic factors. All patients underwent multimodality treatment with surgery, postoperative conformal radiotherapy and temozolomide during and after radiotherapy. Biopsy samples were tested for the methylation of MGMT promoter (with methylation specific polymerase chain reaction), IDH1 (with immunohistochemistry), IDH2, CDKN2A and CDKN2B (with multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification), and 1p and 19q mutations (with fluorescent in situ hybridization). Methylation of MGMT promoter was found in 95% and in 36% in the long-term survivor and control groups, respectively (p < 0.001). IDH1 R132H mutated patients had a non-significant lower risk of dying from glioblastoma (p= 0.437), in comparison to patients without this mutation. Other mutations were rare, with no significant difference between the two groups. Molecular and genetic testing offers additional prognostic and predictive information for patients with glioblastoma. The most important finding of our analysis is that in the absence of MGMT promoter methylation, longterm survival is very rare. For patients without this mutation, alternative treatments should be explored.
Keywords: glioblastoma, long-term survival, methyl guanine methyl transferase, MGMT, prognostic factor
Published in DiRROS: 30.04.2024; Views: 335; Downloads: 316
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Insight into the cross-linking of synthetic polypeptide gels prepared by ring-opening polymerization using ▫$L-$▫cystine ▫$N-$▫carboxyanhydride
Petra Utroša, Ema Žagar, David Pahovnik, 2024, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 17.04.2024; Views: 628; Downloads: 721
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Morphological characteristics of young and old murine hematopoietic stem cell niches, as modeled in vitro
Mojca Justin, Ema Rogac Randl, Veno Kononenko, Matej Hočevar, Damjana Drobne, Primož Rožman, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: The hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) niche undergoes detrimental changes with age. The molecular differences between young and old niches are well studied and understood; however, young and old niches have not yet been extensively characterized in terms of morphology. In the present work, a 2D stromal model of young and old HSC niches isolated from bone marrow was investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to characterize cell density after one, two, or three weeks of culturing, cell shape, and cell surface morphological features. Our work is aimed at identifying morphological differences between young and old niche cells that could be used to discriminate between their respective murine HSC niches. The results show several age- specific morphological characteristics. The old niches differ from the young ones in terms of lower cell proliferating capacity, increased cell size with a flattened appearance, increased number of adipocytes, and the presence of tunneling nanotubes. In addition, proliferating cell clusters are present in the young niches but not in the old niches. Together, these characteristics could be used as a relatively simple and reliable tool to discriminate between young and old murine HSC niches and as a complementary approach to imaging with specific cellular markers.
Keywords: bone marrow, hematoopetic stem cell niche, aging, adipocytes, scanning electron microscopy
Published in DiRROS: 26.01.2024; Views: 495; Downloads: 249
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Construction materials for a sustainable future : proceedings of the 2nd International Conference CoMS 2020/21
2021, proceedings of peer-reviewed scientific conference contributions (international and foreign conferences)

Abstract: Zbornik pokriva številne, predvsem tehnične teme, ki so pomembne za trajnostni razvoj gradbenega sektorja, kot ključnega dejavnika pri doseganju ciljev EU za obvladovanje podnebnih sprememb in za prehod v brezogljično družbo. Vsebinsko naslavlja inovacije v gradbenih materialih in tehnologijah, vključno s komponentami za zdravo in udobno bivanje, ter interakcije med materiali in okoljem. Poleg energetske učinkovitosti stavb je v njem zajeto področje širšega razumevanja trajnostnega načrtovanja, gradnje in vzdrževanja stavb ter monitoring, ocenjevanje in modeliranje stavb. Vključuje pa tudi vsebine, ki se nanašajo na krožno gospodarstvo, kot je recikliranje materialov in komponent ter koncepti sanacij stavb, ter na digitalizacijo in avtomatizacijo področja.
Keywords: trajnostno gradbeništvo, trajnostna gradnja, gradbeni materiali, tehnologije, energetska učinkovitost, zborniki, elektronske knjige
Published in DiRROS: 25.01.2024; Views: 587; Downloads: 237
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Developing an implicit solvation machine learning model for molecular simulations of ionic media
Amaury Coste, Ema Slejko, Julija Zavadlav, Matej Praprotnik, 2024, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 25.01.2024; Views: 420; Downloads: 196
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