701. Survey on the attitudes of school community members regarding the role of the language(s) of schooling in the integration process of pupils with an immigrant background in SloveniaTina Čok, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: In terms of integration policy, Slovenia is considered a country that pro-motes the integration of children with an immigrant background into schools as quickly as possible. However fast the integration process may be, languages always play a key role in the education of pupils with an immigrant background and teachers need to adapt to their different lan-guage needs and literacy levels. Furthermore, it is important that teachers use teaching methods that promote pupils’ linguistic development in their mother tongue as well. In this paper, we present the results of research on the role of languages of schooling in the success of all pupils in Slovenian primary education institutions, with a focus on those with an immigrant background. To achieve this goal, we conducted an anonymous survey (n = 78) among teachers and support staff and interviewed principals from nine Slovenian primary schools. The main aim of the survey and inter-views was to investigate the status and understanding of the role of the languages of schooling in the context of the newly proposed cognitive-in-clusive language didactics based on collaborative learning. The study found that while school staff recognise the importance of multilingual education and linguistic integration, there are significant gaps in training and sup-port mechanisms for teachers. Although schools generally support the use of multiple languages, there is a lack of cross-language awareness and vis-ible promotion of multilingualism in the school environment. The findings of the study suggest the need to introduce comprehensive, standardised training and support for teachers that focuses on improving cross-language awareness and inclusive educational practices, which can ultimately lead to better integration outcomes for immigrant pupils and enrichment of the educational environment for all members of the community. Keywords: language(s) of schooling, linguistic integration, cognitive-inclusive didactics, collaborative learning Published in DiRROS: 25.09.2024; Views: 263; Downloads: 140
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702. Factors influencing the attitudes of the majority population of Slovenia towards immigrationMojca Medvešek, Romana Bešter, Janez Pirc, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: The article presents the results of a study on the attitudes of the majority population of Slovenia towards immigration and the factors influencing such. The factors examined included: socio-demographic characteristics of the members of the majority population, contacts between the majority population and immigrants, and perceived economic, security, and cultural threats. We took as our premise two theoretical frameworks – group threat theory and intergroup contact theory. The results show that the majority population has a rather reserved attitude towards immigration and mostly believes Slovenia should tighten immigration conditions. The influence of individual factors on the majority pop- ulation’s attitudes was tested using hierarchical multiple regression analysis. Perceived threats, especially cultural threat, and to a lesser extent economic and security threats, emerged as the strongest predictors of attitudes towards immigration. Published in DiRROS: 24.09.2024; Views: 253; Downloads: 116
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703. Attitudes of the majority population towards the civic and political participation of immigrants in SloveniaMojca Medvešek, Romana Bešter, Janez Pirc, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: The civic and political participation of immigrants in the receiving country are important dimensions of the integration process. However, immigrants often encounter various barriers in accessing individual forms of participation, either due to legal barriers or due to informal opposition from the majority population. This article aims to examine the attitudes of the majority population towards the civic and political participation of immigrants in Slovenia and the factors influencing such attitudes. The survey on a representative sample of Slovene residents revealed predominantly negative attitudes of the majority population towards both civic and political participation of immigrants. Particularly notable is the opposition to granting immigrants active and passive voting rights. Relevant factors influencing such attitudes include gender, age, education, the type of settlement in which the respondents reside, and their ideological orientation. Keywords: Slovenia, civic participation, political participation, immigrants, attitude of the majority population Published in DiRROS: 24.09.2024; Views: 329; Downloads: 158
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705. Poročilo o preskusu št.: LVG 2024-124 : vzorec št. 2024/00727Barbara Piškur, Patricija Podkrajšek, Zina Devetak, Nikica Ogris, 2024, expertise, arbitration decision Keywords: varstvo gozdov, morfološke analize, črni bor, Pinus nigra, borov smolasti rak, Fusarium circinatum Published in DiRROS: 20.09.2024; Views: 326; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
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708. Dve leti po požaru na goriškem KrasuMarija Kolšek, Matej Kravanja, Boštjan Košiček, Andreja Nève Repe, Andrej Breznikar, Marijana Vidrih Minić, Aleš Poljanec, 2024, professional article Keywords: sanacija požarišč, Kras, gozdni požari Published in DiRROS: 20.09.2024; Views: 324; Downloads: 95
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710. Gozdni požar na Potoški gori in sanacija v požaru poškodovanih gozdovJurij Rozman, Martin Umek, Tomaž Polajnar, Domen Oven, Janez Logar, 2024, professional article Abstract: Gozdni požari postajajo vse pogostejši in intenzivnejši zaradi podnebnih sprememb in človeških dejavnosti, pri čemer pa so še posebno ranljiva gorska območja. Tam so posledice požarov hujše, saj otežen dostop in strm teren povzročata hitrejše širjenje ognja in zahtevnejše gašenje. Poseben primer je bil požar na Potoški gori leta 2022, ki je povzročil veliko ekološko in ekonomsko škodo. Izkušnje kažejo, da v gorskih predelih za učinkovito obvladovanje požarov potrebujemo dobro zasnovano gozdno infrastrukturo, ki omogoča prevoz gasilcev in tehnike, za gašenje zračno podporo in bližino ustreznih vodnih virov. Sanacija prizadetih območij vključuje preprečevanjem erozije tal, posek poškodovanih dreves in omejeno ciljno obnovo s sajenjem in setvijo. Požari v strmini sicer ustvarjajo nove ekološke niše, vendar ob tem nastajajo tudi številni izzivi, kot so težave pri naravni obnovi zaradi odsotnosti semenjakov, izpostavljenosti eroziji in vremenu, objedanju divjadi ter zmanjšani motivaciji lastnikov gozdov za sodelovanje pri obnovi. Pomembno je usklajeno delovanje gozdarjev, lastnikov gozdov, naravovarstvenikov in lokalne skupnosti, da bi zagotovili uspešno obnovo gozdnih ekosistemov. Za zmanjšanje tveganja prihodnjih požarov je nujna prilagoditev gozdnogospodarskih načrtov in uvedba učinkovitih preventivnih ukrepov, ki vključujejo tudi upoštevanje protipožarne vloge gozdnih cest ter drugih infrastrukturnih elementov. Pomembno je tudi usmerjanje rekreacije v naravnem okolju in ozaveščanje vse družbe o nevarnostih požarov, ki jih v večini povzročamo ljudje. Keywords: gozdni požari, gorski svet, Potoška gora, sanacija gozdov po požaru, sanacijski načrt, obnova požarišča Published in DiRROS: 20.09.2024; Views: 345; Downloads: 89
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