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Overlooked intersection of gender and racial/ethnic dimensions in Slovenian academic sexual harassment & violence policies
Lucija Dežan, Mateja Sedmak, Zorana Medarić, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: This article addresses the need to adopt an intersectional perspective when discussing sexual harassment and violence in academia. The introduction of an intersectional perspective is important since sexual harassment and violence in relation to racial and ethnic minorities seldom revolve exclusively around gender. Recognising the intersectional nature of sexual assault and harassment means also recognising the coexistence of racism and nationalism, the perpetuation of ethnic/racial stereotypes, the multifaceted manifestations of discrimination, and a matrix of domination that exists in our society and educational and research institutions as well. In this article, we analysed official documents of Slovenian higher education and research institutions (public and private ones) with an aim to examine whether and how they address intersectionality and racial/ethnic minorities in their policies combating sexual harassment and violence. The results revealed a significant ignorance towards intersectionality of gender and ethnicity, but also issues arising from accessibility of these policies.
Keywords: sexual harassment and violence, intersectionality, gender, “race”, ethnicity, university, research institutions
Published in DiRROS: 30.10.2024; Views: 287; Downloads: 145
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Massively parallel measurement of protein–protein interactions by sequencing using MP3-seq
Alexandr Baryshev, Benjamin Groves, Cirstyn Michel, David Baker, Ajasja Ljubetič, Georg Seelig, 2024, original scientific article

Keywords: proteins, proteins interactions, sequencing, MP3-seq
Published in DiRROS: 30.10.2024; Views: 287; Downloads: 932
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Recycled red mud as an useful geotechnical material
Primož Pavšič, Marija Đurić, Mateja Košir, Alenka Mauko Pranjić, Ana Mladenovič, Primož Oprčkal, Sara Seršen, Vesna Zalar Serjun, 2024, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Red mud (RM) is an extractive waste from Bayer process in alumina production. The most conventional methods of RM disposal are tailing dams, or dry storage,both of which raiseenvironmental concerns due to the high alkalinity of RMandthe presence and leaching of potentially hazardous elements (PTEs).Due to its fine-grained nature and poor mechanical properties, as well as leaching of potentially hazardous substances, RM cannot be used by itself. Properties of the RM can be improved, by mixing it with hydraulic or pozzolanic binders, such as calcareous ashes or steelmaking slag, to produce mechanically stable and durable composites for earthworks. On the other hand, RMcan also serve as an immobilization additive for remediation of contaminated soils.Two different approaches for useful utilization of RMare presented based on results of laboratory research and a real case study, opening of new possibilities for conserving natural resources and reducing environmental hazards of RM deposits.
Keywords: red mud, recycling, geotechnical composites, environment
Published in DiRROS: 30.10.2024; Views: 318; Downloads: 842
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Lesno oglje za žar na slovenskem trgu
Darja Stare, Peter Prislan, 2021, professional article

Keywords: gozdovi, lesno oglje, primerjava, žar, analiza kakovosti, trg, Slovenija
Published in DiRROS: 29.10.2024; Views: 254; Downloads: 787
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Izid novega učbenika Žagarstvo
2021, popular article

Keywords: gozdovi, gozdarstvo, žagarstvo, učbeniki, žaganje, predstavitev knjige
Published in DiRROS: 29.10.2024; Views: 228; Downloads: 660
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