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Query: "author" (Kropivšek Jože) .

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Entrepreneurship in wood economy and a proposition for an entrepreneurial model
Jože Kropivšek, Cene Šubic, Leon Oblak, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial activity of the population are of key importance for economic development, creation of new jobs and rise of the public welfare level. Some general researches (for example GEM - Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) showed that the entrepreneurial potential in Slovenia has not been completely maximized. Considering the findings from the research into entrepreneurship in wood economy we can claim the same also for the domain of wood, since we discovered numerous opportunities that are not being used at the moment. Research was made in small wood-industry companies with the help of questionnaires. On the basis of the established facts, a modern, future and development-orientated entrepreneurial model was elaborated, which is based on internal and external factors of entrepreneurship efficiency. Entrepreneurial activity is based on constant, planned and goal orientated learning and transfer (and use) of this knowledge in the business process.
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4413; Downloads: 1908
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The research of virtual production in wood industry
Tomislav Grladinović, Leon Oblak, Jože Kropivšek, Tomislav Poršinsky, Denis Jelačić, Darko Motik, 2007, original scientific article

Abstract: Enterprises with inflexible production structures can no longer survive in a turbulent market, as they cannot react to changes that would lead to their development. In order to satisfy specific customer needs related to quality, quantity, cost and delivery terms, it is necessary to restructure the existingenterprises according to the Taylor principle. One of reconstruction possibilities is the implementation of new co-operation forms that lead to virtual enterprises i.e. changeable networks. A changeable network can only achieve efficiency by means of a modern information and communication technology. This paper presents an idea of a changeable network that can be acceptable for all participants within a virtual enterprise.
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4462; Downloads: 1929
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Organisational model of a globally oriented wood industry company
Jože Kropivšek, Rudi Rozman, 2007, review article

Abstract: The paper provides an answer to the question as to in what way and with which organizational steps a wood industry company can be (more) adaptable and successful in a rapidly changing (global) business environment. The purpose ofthe article is to form an organizational model of a globally oriented wood industry company, considering the three required model properties: repeatability, efficiency and productiveness, as well as practical applicability. Research is limited to actual state in Slovenian wood industry practice with some specifics that should be considered by other implications of the research. Practical applicability of the model is based on these findings and is ensured by making guidelines on the basis of which companies can organise their businesses. These guidelines include suggested measures forindividual areas of business organization with the intention of increasing adaptability and innovativeness of business operation, improving competitive ability, and the ability of constant improvement. The paper provides a new organizational approach, specialized for making wood industry companies successful in the changing business environment.
Keywords: adaptability, globalisation, model, organization, wood industry company
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4423; Downloads: 1974
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Launching work orders into production of wood enterprise with the multi-criteria decision-making method
Leon Oblak, Boštjan Novak, Igor Lipušček, Jože Kropivšek, 2007, review article

Abstract: Quality information is crucial for planning and running of production in wood industry companies. Information of crucial importance is the following: quality in the production process according to work orders and types of product, the information on the missing materials i.e. constituent parts according to projects i.e. work orders and the information on launching work orders into production. The method of multi-criteria decision-making was used for determining the order of launching group products into production. We studied three main criteria: market factors, organisation-production factors and economic factors. For computer support, we chose the computer programme DEXi, which represents the framework of the expert system for multi-criteria decision-making.
Keywords: wood enterprise, work orders, organization, multi-criteria decision-making method
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4526; Downloads: 1978
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Managing business documentation in view of its information value in Slovenian wood industry companies
Jože Kropivšek, 2005, original scientific article

Abstract: The present competitive business environment demands more documentation, whichis also more complex for the purpose of quality execution of business operations. Documents are no longer merely bearers of information among activesubjects in business processes but have certain information value in thearchives as well. For a better control of documentation and documents themselves, availability of data and information for the need of the decision-making process in the companies, the so-called contemporary documentation management systems (DMS) and e-archives have been introduced. During our research, the current state of use of contemporary technologies andapproaches to documentation management was assessed and the quantities and recording medium for documentation storage in Slovenian wood industry companies were analysed. Documentation was classified in view of its information value and a three-level proposal of e-archive organization based on information value of documents in wood industry companies was introduced.
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4347; Downloads: 1840
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The impact of business informatics develpoment on business operations in Slovenian wood industry companies
Jože Kropivšek, Leon Oblak, 2003, original scientific article

Abstract: The rapid development of business informatics is greatly influencing (global) business environment formation, while informatisation of business has, at the same time, a significant impact on assuring adapted business operations due tothis (changeable) environment. Informatics is closely connected with almost every (business) field in companies. Thus, the theoretical analysis in the article shows business (and production) informatics course of development and its impact on business operations in (also) Slovenian wood industry companies.A practical analysis in those companies was made with the aid of theopinion pool method in the years 2000 in 2003. The major deficiencies were established first of all in the (contentual) coverage of business processes bythe information system. However, information technology in these companies seems to be relatively up-to-date. According to those (established) deficiencies, possible solutions were indicated to solve the current situationin Slovenian wood industry companies, which was one of the main objectives of the performed research.
Keywords: poslovna informatika, poslovni informacijski sistemi, lesnoindustrijsko podjetje, Slovenija, business informatics, business information systems, wood industry firms, Slovenia
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4679; Downloads: 1996
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Skrajšanje nastavitvenega časa na štiristranskem skobeljnem stroju z metodo SMED
Leon Oblak, Jože Kropivšek, Igor Lipušček, 2003, original scientific article

Abstract: Zaradi čedalje hitrejšega naraščanja raznolikosti proizvodov in manjšanja velikosti izdelavnih serij je skrajšanje nastavitvenih časov na strojih ključnega pomena za dobičkonosnost podjetja. V članku smo obravnavali problem dolgih nastavitvenih časov na strojih v lesnoindustrijskem podjetju in možnosti za reševanje tega problema z metodo SMED. Kot primer smo analizirali skrajšanje nastavitvenega časa na štiristranskem skobeljnem stroju.
Keywords: lesnoindustrijsko podjetje, štiristranski skobeljni stroj, nastavitveni časi, metoda SMED
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4583; Downloads: 1976
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Model reševanja konfliktov - primer lesnega podjetja na Hrvaškem
Josip Faletar, Jože Kropivšek, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: Pri poslovanju se, kakor tudi pri vseh ostalih odnosih, pojavljajo nasprotna mišljenja in konflikti. Ravnanje s konflikti je ena pomembnejših nalog managementa, ki močno vpliva na učinkovitost in uspešnost podjetij. V raziskavi, ki je predmet tega članka, smo preučevali fenomen konfliktov v velikem lesnopredelovalnem podjetju na Hrvaškem. Podatke smo pridobivali s strukturiranim anketnim vprašalnikom. Ugotavljali smo značilnosti obstoječega modela ravnanja s konflikti v tem podjetju. Podrobneje smo preučevali odnose med zaposlenimi, kako pogosto se pojavljajo konflikti in kako se vpleteni odzivajo nanje. Čeprav v preučevanem podjetju formalno ne obstaja model ravnanja s konflikti, pa lahko na osnovi te raziskave ta model dovolj natančno identificiramo in dokažemo njegove skupne značilnosti. Rezultati so pokazali, da so odnosi med zaposlenimi v preučevanem podjetju dobri ter, da je način odzivanja na konflikte pozitivno naravnan. Najpogostejši vzrok za konflikte je slabši pretok informacij med zaposlenimi, kar kaže na izrazito potrebo po izboljšanju komunikacijskega kanala, predvsem po razgovorih in različnih drugih vrstah sestankov. Zato je to tudi eden izmed pomembnejših elementov predloga modela za ravnanje s konflikti v preučevanem podjetju.
Keywords: konflikti, reševanje konfilktov, lesno podjetje, modeli, Hrvaška, poslovanje, voditeljstvo, conflicts, leadership, wood industry, model, Croatia
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 5674; Downloads: 2742
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Stanje in razvoj kompetenc zaposlenih v lesni proizvodnji
Jože Kropivšek, Marko Mokorel, Matej Jošt, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: Velike spremembe v poslovnem okolju in hitri tehnološki razvoj ter drugačni pristopi k opravljanju dela zahtevajo od zaposlenih v podjetjih (tudi lesnih), da neprestano razvijajo svoje sposobnosti in širijo znanja. Učenje je pomemben del razvoja posameznika, s katerim pridobiva nova znanja. S tem zagotavljamo razvoj kompetenc zaposlenih in večjo konkurenčnost podjetij. Cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti stanje kompetenc za različne profile zaposlenih v lesni proizvodnji in ugotoviti vpliv načrtnih usposabljanj na zmanjšanje deficitov teh kompetenc. Ugotovili smo, da so bili pred usposabljanji največji manki kompetenc na področju razvoja, obvladovanja in kontrole kakovosti, uporabe računalniških orodij ter programiranja in upravljanja računalniško krmiljenih strojev (CNC). Zaključimo lahko, da je stanje kompetenc proizvodnih delavcev v slovenskih lesnih podjetjih dobro. Predvsem lahko postavimo v ospredje velik vpliv načrtnega usposabljanja zaposlenih na dvig njihovih kompetenc, saj se je večina kompetenc zelo izboljšala (povprečno za 51,8 %).
Keywords: kompetence, model kompetenc, proizvodni delavci, usposabljanje, lesarstvo, lesna industrija
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 5004; Downloads: 2535
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