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Query: "keywords" (CR manifolds) .

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On structures of normal forms of complex points of small ${\mathcal C}^2$-perturbations of real $4$-manifolds embedded in a complex $3$-manifold
Tadej Starčič, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: We extend our previous result on the behaviour of the quadratic part of a complex points of a small ${\mathcal C}^2$-perturbation of a real $4$-manifold embedded in a complex $3$-manifold. We describe the change of the structure of the quadratic normal form of a complex point. It is an immediate consequence of a theorem clarifying how small perturbations can change the bundle of a pair of one arbitrary and one symmetric $2 \times 2$ matrix with respect to an action of a certain linear group.
Keywords: CR manifolds, closure graphs, complex points, normal forms, perturbations
Published in DiRROS: 06.05.2024; Views: 392; Downloads: 228
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Proper holomorphic maps in Euclidean spaces avoiding unbounded convex sets
Barbara Drinovec-Drnovšek, Franc Forstnerič, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: We show that if $E$ is a closed convex set in $\mathbb C^n$, $n>1$ contained in a closed halfspace $H$ such that ▫$E\cap bH$▫ is nonempty and bounded, then the concave domain $\Omega=\mathbb C^n\setminus E$ contains images of proper holomorphicmaps $f : X \to \mathbb C^n$ from any Stein manifold $X$ of dimension $< n$, with approximation of a givenmap on closed compact subsets of $X$. If in addition $2 {\rm dim} X+1 \le n$ then $f$ can be chosen an embedding, and if $2 {\rm dim} X = n$, then it can be chosen an immersion. Under a stronger condition on $E$, we also obtain the interpolation property for such maps on closed complex subvarieties.
Keywords: Stein manifolds, holomorphic embeddings, Oka manifold, minimal surfaces, convexity
Published in DiRROS: 15.03.2024; Views: 361; Downloads: 176
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Oka domains in Euclidean spaces
Franc Forstnerič, Erlend Fornæss Wold, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: In this paper, we find surprisingly small Oka domains in Euclidean spaces $\mathbb C^n$ of dimension $n>1$ at the very limit of what is possible. Under a mild geometric assumption on a closed unbounded convex set $E$ in $\mathbb C^n$, we show that $\mathbb C^n\setminus E$ is an Oka domain. In particular, there are Oka domains only slightly bigger than a halfspace, the latter being neither Oka nor hyperbolic. This gives smooth families of real hypersurfaces $\Sigma_t \subset \mathbb C^n$ for $t \in \mathbb R$ dividing $\mathbb C^n$ in an unbounded hyperbolic domain and an Oka domain such that at $t=0$, $\Sigma_0$ is a hyperplane and the character of the two sides gets reversed. More generally, we show that if $E$ is a closed set in $\mathbb C^n$ for $n>1$ whose projective closure $\overline E \subset \mathbb{CP}^n$ avoids a hyperplane $\Lambda \subset \mathbb{CP}^n$ and is polynomially convex in $\mathbb{CP}^n\setminus \Lambda\cong\mathbb C^n$, then $\mathbb C^n\setminus E$ is an Oka domain.
Keywords: Oka manifold, hyperbolic manifolds, density property, projectively convex sets
Published in DiRROS: 19.02.2024; Views: 630; Downloads: 203
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Complete nonsingular holomorphic foliations on Stein manifolds
Antonio Alarcón, Franc Forstnerič, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Let $X$ be a Stein manifold of complex dimension $n \ge 1$ endowed with a Riemannian metric ${\mathfrak g}$. We show that for every integer $k$ with $\left[\frac{n}{2}\right] \le k \le n-1$ there is a nonsingular holomorphic foliation of dimension $k$ on $X$ all of whose leaves are topologically closed and ${\mathfrak g}$-complete. The same is true if $1\le k \left[\frac{n}{2}\right]$ provided that there is a complex vector bundle epimorphism $TX\to X \times \mathbb{C}^{n-k}$. We also show that if $\mathcal{F}$ is a proper holomorphic foliation on $\mathbb{C}^n$ $(n > 1)$ then for any Riemannian metric ${\mathfrak g}$ on $\mathbb{C}^n$ there is a holomorphic automorphism $\Phi$ of $\mathbb{C}^n$ such that the image foliation $\Phi_*\mathcal{F}$ is ${\mathfrak g}$-complete. The analogous result is obtained on every Stein manifold with Varolin's density property.
Keywords: Stein manifolds, complete holomorphic foliations, density property
Published in DiRROS: 19.02.2024; Views: 466; Downloads: 200
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Fractional Sobolev spaces with kernel function on compact Riemannian manifolds
Ahmed Aberqi, Abdesslam Ouaziz, Dušan Repovš, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: In this paper, a new class of Sobolev spaces with kernel function satisfying a Lévy-integrability-type condition on compact Riemannian manifolds is presented. We establish the properties of separability, reflexivity, and completeness. An embedding result is also proved. As an application, we prove the existence of solutions for a nonlocal elliptic problem involving the fractional $p(\cdot, \cdot)$-Laplacian operator. As one of the main tools, topological degree theory is applied.
Keywords: nonlinear elliptic problem, fractional Sobolev spaces, kernel function, Lévy-integrability condition, compact Riemannian manifolds, existence of solutions, topological degree theory
Published in DiRROS: 19.02.2024; Views: 464; Downloads: 199
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