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PARP inhibitorji pri raku jajčnikov : v dobrem in slabem
Maja Ravnik, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: rak jajčnikov, sistemsko zdravljenje, ginekološki raki
Published in DiRROS: 23.11.2023; Views: 271; Downloads: 131
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Uporaba energetskih inštrumentov pri kirurškem zdravljenju raka jajčnikov
Borut Kobal, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: rak jajčnikov, kirurško zdravljenje, ginekološki raki
Published in DiRROS: 23.11.2023; Views: 326; Downloads: 165
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Biomarkerji in zapleti po imunoterapiji
Breda Škrbinc, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: rak jajčnikov, imunoterapija, ginekološki raki
Published in DiRROS: 23.11.2023; Views: 337; Downloads: 152
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Paraaortna limfadenektomija in anatomske različice
Sebastjan Merlo, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: rak jajčnikov, kirurško zdravljenje, ginekološki raki
Published in DiRROS: 23.11.2023; Views: 350; Downloads: 153
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Delovnoterapevtska obravnava uporabnika v paliativni oskrbi
Katarina Galof, Katarina Hekič, Mirjana Klajnšek, 2023, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: delovna terapija, paliativna oskrba, bivalno okolje
Published in DiRROS: 23.11.2023; Views: 288; Downloads: 117
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Obravnava kostne bolečine v paliativni oskrbi
Jasna But-Hadžić, 2023, published scientific conference contribution abstract (invited lecture)

Keywords: kostna bolečina, paliativna oskrba, onkologija
Published in DiRROS: 23.11.2023; Views: 314; Downloads: 103
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Etične dileme v paliativni oskrbi
Roman Globokar, 2023, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: etika, paliativna oskrba, etični sistemi, etične dileme, človekovo dostojanstvo, paradigma etičnih načel
Published in DiRROS: 23.11.2023; Views: 350; Downloads: 122
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Potrebe bolnika in njegovih bližnjih v domačem okolju
Jana Mali, 2023, published scientific conference contribution abstract (invited lecture)

Keywords: socialno delo, bolniki, svojci, oskrba v domačem okolju, neformalni oskrbovalci
Published in DiRROS: 23.11.2023; Views: 284; Downloads: 116
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Toksikološka analiza vsebine vojaških čutar, zakopanih 70 let v kraški jami na Kočevskem, JV Slovenija
Janez Mulec, Sara Skok, Vesna Zalar Serjun, Andrej Mihevc, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: Za odkrivanje ostankov materialnih sledi se na dobro ohranjenih predmetih lahko opravijo forenzične preiskave. V Breznu v Debliških livadah je bilo odkritih večje število predmetov, ki so bili odvrženi v jamo v maju in juniju 1945. Med odkritim materialom so bile tudi vojaške čutare. Nekatere izmed čutar so še vsebovale tekočino, nekatere pa tudi poltrdo, gelasto oborino. Tekočina in oborina iz čutar sta vsebovali kovine, ki so se najverjetneje s časom izlužile iz kovinske posode. Korozija čutar nakazuje prisotnost minerala hematita. Vsebina čutar je nadalje vsebovala nekaj raztopljene organske snovi (celotni organski ogljik – TOC v tekočini 9,22 mg/l, v tekočini ekstrahirane oborine 34,1 mg/l), nekaj mikrobne biomase ter relativno visoke koncentracije nitrata (240 mg/l v tekočini, 55 mg/l v ekstrahirani oborini) in sulfata (18mg/l v tekočini, 836 mg/l v ekstrahirani oborini). Bakterijskih indikatorjev, Escherichia coli in enterokokov, ki bi kazali na fekalno kontaminacijo vsebine, v vzorcih nismo zaznali. Raztopina in oborina sta izkazovali podobno stopnjo toksičnosti, okrog 20%inhibicijo bioluminiscence bakterije Vibrio fischeri. Glede na Pravilnik o pitni vodi tekočina s sedanjimi kemijskimi lastnostmi ni primerna za uživanje. Rezultati ne kažejo nujno na toksičnost izvornih tekočin iz časa, ko so bile čutare odvržene v jamo, ampak bi se toksičnost lahko razvila postopoma zaradi izluževanja kovin iz posode, zlasti aluminija, in (bio)kemijskih reakcij. Navkljub stabilnim jamskim razmeram, ki so jim bile izpostavljene čutare, ugotovljeni parametri ne podpirajo dolgoročne ohranitve stabilne DNA za morebitne nadaljnje forenzične analize.
Keywords: jame, vojaški material, toksičnost
Published in DiRROS: 23.11.2023; Views: 344; Downloads: 177
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Elucidating nucleation stages of transgranular stress corrosion cracking in austenitic stainless steel by in situ electrochemical and optical methods
Sarmiento Klapper Helmuth, Bojan Zajec, Andreas Heyn, Andraž Legat, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: The pitting and environmentally assisted cracking resistance of austenitic stainless steels (SS) is challenged in several industrial applications particularly those involving hot chloride-concentrated streams. Directional drilling used in the oil and gas exploration is one of these applications. Indeed, high strength CrMn-SS commonly used in drilling technology have a high tendency to fail by stress corrosion cracking (SCC) preceded by localized corrosion once subjected to highly chloride-concentrated drilling fluids at elevated temperatures. A comprehensive understanding regarding the mechanisms governing the transition from pitting into SCCis not currently available, though. Therefore, mechanistic aspects such as the effect of loading conditions on pit nucleation and repassivation as well as the synergistic effect between pit stabilization and the nucleation of a stress corrosion crack are of great practical significance. To investigate this an electrochemical-, optical- and mechanical- monitored SCC test was conducted on a CrMn-SS in an alkaline brine at elevated temperature. The transition from metastable to stable pitting and subsequently to SCC in this system was documented in-situ for the first time. Results supported H.S. Isaacs postulates regarding the interpretation of electrochemical signals and demonstrated that loading conditions affect pit nucleation and repassivation leading to a higher susceptibility of the material to pitting, which preceded SCC.
Keywords: pitting corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, monitoring, elektrochemical noise, austenitic stainless steel
Published in DiRROS: 23.11.2023; Views: 341; Downloads: 257
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