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Cost-benefit analysis of fire protection in buildings : application of a present net value approach
Thomas Gernay, Shuna Ni, David Unobe, Andrea Lucherini, Ranjit Kumar Chaudhary, Ruben Van Coile, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: In fire safety engineering, cost–benefit analysis provides a systematic method to assess whether the projected benefits from a fire safety measure outweigh its costs. However, there remains a wide discrepancy between methods used in the field for cost–benefit analysis, as well as a lack of quantitative data on the costs and economic impact of fire protection in buildings. In a recent research project, a reference methodology was proposed based on Present Net Value evaluation and on a combination of specialized construction database, fire statistics, and numerical modeling for estimation of the cost components. This paper presents the application of the methodology to four case studies. The case studies allow describing the methodology, the collection of data, fire statistics, and loss estimation, as well as illustrating how the methodology can support decision-making when multiple alternatives are compared. Under the assumptions adopted for the single-family house and the residential timber building case studies, it is found that for every 1\$, invested in sprinklers, \$1.06 is saved. This benefit–cost ratio increases with increasing valuation of indirect losses and statistical value of life. Sensitivity analyses are provided to explore the robustness of the investment recommendations. The results of evaluations, adapted from the presented case studies with project-specific inputs, can support decision making for policy makers, insurance companies, and individual building owners.
Keywords: fire safety, cost-benefit analysis, fire protection, fire statistics, sprinklers, compartmentation
Published in DiRROS: 29.11.2023; Views: 426; Downloads: 107
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In situ consideration of resistance of bridge girder according to EC2 with AEM
Ana Brunčič, Andrej Štrukelj, Maja Kreslin, Andrej Anžlin, Aljoša Šajna, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: The paper presents a case study of a considerably cracked and degraded bridge in Slovenia: with the implementation of in-situ measurements under bending and shear and the use of a non-destructive acoustic emission technique. Despite the existing crack system, the latter was able to detect microstructural changes. These were characterised by low values of average frequency (AF), as well as lower values of the rise time-amplitude ratio (RA), and energy. A correlation between shear capacity and acoustic activity was observed. This promises to expand the use of AE in the process of assessing of the load-bearing capacity of existing concrete structures.
Keywords: shear resistance, shear crack, crack width, acoustic emission (AE) parameters, bridge girder, stiffness, elasticity, damage evaluation
Published in DiRROS: 28.11.2023; Views: 379; Downloads: 163
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Pilot production of façade panels : variability of mix design
Majda Pavlin, Barbara Horvat, Vilma Ducman, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: As part of the WOOL2LOOP project, the Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (ZAG), in collaboration with Termit d.d. were responsible for the production of façade panels. An initial mix design was developed at ZAG, where alkali-activated façade panels were produced, primarily from stone wool waste, while production took place at Termit. The mix design was changed twice during the pilot production, before a final product with suitable durability was developed. A compressive strength of up to 60 MPa and bending strength of approximately 20 MPa was achieved. The mechanical properties, however, varied, due to the unevenly milled batches of the milled mineral wool. Milling on a larger scale is very challenging, and it is difficult to obtain consistent quality of the milled material. Once the correct curing process had been found, however, the panels produced showed good performance. Moreover, the results from leaching tests showed that the elevated concentrations of certain elements (Cr, As and Mo) did not exceed the legal limits for non- hazardous waste.
Keywords: waste mineral wool, alkali activated material, façade panels, pilot production, circular economy
Published in DiRROS: 28.11.2023; Views: 372; Downloads: 159
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Microwave irradiation of alkali - activated metakaolin slurry
Barbara Horvat, Branka Mušič, Majda Pavlin, Vilma Ducman, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: The building and civil engineering industry generates more than 40% of man-caused carbon emissions, consumes a lot of energy just to produce building materials, generates a large amount of waste through construction and demolition, and consumes a large amount of natural resources. One of the possible solutions is to use alkali-activated materials, which can use waste instead of raw materials and are produced at lower temperatures, with less energy consumption and in less time than traditional building products. All of this lowers the carbon footprint, which could be further reduced by the timely-short implementation of microwave irradiation in the early stages of alkali-activation synthesis. Therefore, metakaolin activated with Na-water glass in a theoretically optimal ratio was irradiated with microwaves of 2.45 GHz at powers of 100 W and 1000 W for 1 min, and compared to non-irradiated reference cured only at room conditions. Samples prepared at higher power, i.e., 1000 W, solidified completely and foamed. TG-DTA was performed on all samples in the early stages of curing, mechanical strengths were measured on 3 and 28-day- old samples, and leaching tests on aged samples.
Keywords: metakaolin, alkali activated material, alkali activated foams, microwave irradiation
Published in DiRROS: 28.11.2023; Views: 387; Downloads: 166
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Predlog nove klasifikacije kožnih limfomov
Sergio Chimenti, 1999, review article

Abstract: Dosedanje klasifikacije kožnih limfomov (npr. Kielska) so temeljile na njihovih histoloških značilnostih in niso razlikovale med primarnimi in sekundarnimi kožnimi limfomi, zaradi česar imajo majhno praktično vrednost. Nova klasifikacija kožnih limfomov zato temelji na kombinaciji kliničnih, histoloških, imunohistokemičnih in genetskih kriterijev in daje smernice za zdravljenje vsakega posameznega bolnika. Limfome razvršča najprej na T- in B-celične, nato pa glede na potek in prognozo na indolentno, intermediarno, agresivno ter provizorično skupino.
Published in DiRROS: 28.11.2023; Views: 290; Downloads: 57
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Verukozni karcinom
Stephan Hodl, 1999, review article

Abstract: Verukozni karcinom je redka oblika kožnega raka. Gre za nizko maligno obolenje, ki se pojavlja na koži, na sluznici ustne votline in v genitoanalnempodročju. Bolezen je kronična in kasno metastazira v regionalne bezgavke. Diferencialno diagnostično moramo upoštevati kronične piodermije, plantarne bradavice, keratoakantom in amelanotični maligni melanom. Pravočasno, najbolje kirurško zdravljenje pomeni bolnikovo popolno ozdravitev.
Published in DiRROS: 28.11.2023; Views: 833; Downloads: 61
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Ploščatocelični karcinom ustne votline in ustnic
Andrej Kansky, Borut Sotošek, 1999, review article

Abstract: Rak ustne votline predstavlja približno 6% rakavih obolenj in okoli 30% vseh tumorjev glave in vratu. Pomembni etiološki dejavniki so uporaba tobaka, uživanje alkoholnih pijačin slaba ustna higijena. Tveganje za nastanek boleznije odvisno od trajanja in intenzitete škodljivih dražljajev. Prognoza je odvisna od ocene kliničnega štadija in histoloških značilnosti tumorja in regionalnih bezgavk. Na izbiro zdravljenja vplivajo različni dejavniki, v poštev pa pride kirurško zdravljenje, radioterapija in kombinacija kirurškega zdravljenja in radioterapije. Rak ustnic je najpogostejši tumor v zgornjem aerodigestivnem traktu. Največkrat se pojavi na spodnji ustnici pri moškem. Glavni etiološki dejavnik je izpostavljenost sončni svetlobi in kajenje. Prognoza je na splošno boljša kot pri ostalih karcinomih ustne votline. Kirurgija je glavni način zdravljenja.
Published in DiRROS: 28.11.2023; Views: 361; Downloads: 75
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Bazalnocelični karcinom
Blanka Zagoričnik, 1999, review article

Abstract: Bazalnocelični karcinom (bazaliom) je najpogostejši tumor kože. Pojavi se predvsem na soncu izpostavlljeni koži, običajno po 50. letu starosti. Raste lokalno invazivno in destruktivno, metastaze bazalioma pa so izjemna redkost. Glede na klinično sliko ločimo več oblik bazalno celičnega karcinoma. Zaradi izjemne pestrosti klinične slike moramo v diferencialni diagnozi pomisliti na številne druge kožne tumorje.
Published in DiRROS: 28.11.2023; Views: 321; Downloads: 82
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Kirurško zdravljenje malignih epitelijskih tumorjev kože
Uroš Ahčan, Zoran M. Arnež, 1999, review article

Abstract: Kožni tumorji spadajo med najpogostejše novotvorbe pri človeku. Delimo jih v tri skupine: benigni, predmaligni in maligni kožni tumorji. Zlasti na obrazu starejših ljudi se pojavijo značilne kožne spremembe, ki so posledica kronološke starosti bolnika in škodljivih zunanjih dejavnikov, zlasti solarno-klimatskih učinkov. Med malignimi tumorji sta najpomembnejša bazalno in spinalno celični karcinom, ki nezdravljena povzročata hudo lokalno uničenjetkiva. Hitra in pravilna diagnoza ter čimprejšnja kirurška odstranitevs histološko preiskavo omogoča učnkovito zdravljenje z dobrim estetskim rezultatom. Rano po eksciziji tumorja neposredno zašijemo s posameznimi ali tekočim intradermalnim šivom. Majhne kožne vrzeli pokrijemo s prostimi presadki kože različne debeline ali lokalnimi transpozicijskimi in rotacijskimi naključnimi kožnimi režnji. Pri velikih tkivnih vrzelih pa je potrebna rekonstrukcija z vezanimi režnji ali prostim prenosom tkiv.
Published in DiRROS: 28.11.2023; Views: 335; Downloads: 78
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