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Title:Transplantacija srca 28 let po končanem zdravljenju ne-Hodgkinovega limfoma v otroštvu
Authors:ID Zadravec-Zaletel, Lorna (Author)
ID Rakovec, Peter (Author)
ID Jelenc, Matija (Author)
ID Dolenc-Stražar, Zvezdana (Author)
ID Jereb, Berta (Author)
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MD5: 96359BAF6660D26AC1798C07C48F7F8E
PID: 20.500.12556/dirros/d45904e7-a556-43ed-8115-3da695918018
Typology:1.03 - Other scientific articles
Organization:Logo OI - Institute of Oncology
Abstract:Pri bolnikih, ki so se zdravili zaradi raka v otroštvu, so okvare kardiovaskularnega sistema med poglavitnimi vzroki pozne umrljivosti, ki je sedem-krat večja kot pri splošni populaciji. Najpogostejši vzrok komplikacij na srcu pri bolnikih z rakom so antraciklini ki sodijo med najučinkovitejša zdravila neoplastičnih bolezni. Pri opisu primera našega bolnika želimo opozoriti na napredujočo okvaro srčne mišice po zdravljenju ne-Hodgkinovega limfoma s kemoterapijo, ki je vsebovala antracikline in alkilirajoče agense, in je 28 let po končanem zdravljenju privedla do odpovedi srca, zaradi katere je bila potrebna transplantacija srca. Pri bolnikih, zdravljenih z antracikini, je zelo pomembno doživljenjsko sledenje funkcije srca, da vsako motnjo (tudi klinično nemo) na srcu čim prej odkrijemo in ustrezno zdravimo. Ehokardiografija je najpogosteje uporabljena diagnostična metoda za ocenjevanje delovanja srca v okviru sledenja poznih posledic zdravljenja s citostatiki in/ali obsevanjem. Zelo pomembno je morebitne okvare najti v fazi, ko je bolnik še asimptomatski, saj lahko z ustreznim zdravljenjem (predvsem ACE inhibitorji in beta-blokatorji) in ustreznim načinom življenja in zmanjševanjem drugih dejavnikov tveganja za razvoj kardiovaskularnih obolenj preprečimo oz. upočasnimo razvoj življenje ogrožujoče okvare srca.
Keywords:pozne posledice raka, otroci, ne-Hodgkinov limfom, kardiovaskularni sistem, odpoved srca
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Year of publishing:2014
Number of pages:str. 113-115, 120
Numbering:Letn. 18, št. 2
PID:20.500.12556/DiRROS-8884 New window
ISSN on article:1408-1741
COBISS.SI-ID:1964411 New window
Copyright:by Authors
Publication date in DiRROS:31.08.2018
ZADRAVEC-ZALETEL, Lorna, RAKOVEC, Peter, JELENC, Matija, DOLENC-STRAŽAR, Zvezdana and JEREB, Berta, 2014, Transplantacija srca 28 let po končanem zdravljenju ne-Hodgkinovega limfoma v otroštvu. Onkologija [online]. 2014. Vol. 18, no. 2, p. 113–115, 120. [Accessed 24 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Record is a part of a journal

Shortened title:Onkologija
Publisher:Onkološki inštitut
COBISS.SI-ID:65324032 New window


License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:31.08.2018

Secondary language

Title:Heart transplant 28 years after completed treatment for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in childhood - case report
Abstract:In patients, who have received cancer treatment in childhood, the damages of the cardiovascular system are among the primary causes for later mortality, which is seven times higher than in general population. The most frequent cause for heart complications in cancer patients are anthracycline, which are the most effective medications for neoplastic diseases. In our patient case report we wish to draw attention to the advanced heart muscle defect after treatment of nonHodgkin’s lymphoma with chemotherapy, which included anthracyclines and alkaline agents, after 28 years resulted in heart failure and required a heart transplant. In patients treated with anthracyclines, lifetime active monitoring of their cardiac function is crucial, so that any heart disturbances (also clinically silent) are discovered as soon as possible and treated accordingly. Echocardiography is the most frequently used diagnostic method for heart function evaluation within the scope of monitoring subsequent consequences of cytostatic treatment and/or radiation. It is very important that any potential defects are discovered at a stage when the patient is still asymptomatic, because appropriate treatment (mainly ACE inhibitors and beta blockers), appropriate lifestyle, as well as minimising other risks for developing cardiovascular disease can prevent or delay the development of a life-threatening heart defect.


