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Title:Drevesne vrste za obnovo gozdov po naravnih motnjah v Sloveniji
Authors:ID Brus, Robert (Author)
ID Kutnar, Lado (Author)
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MD5: 29934D5689EC5D342745987DBE24AABE
PID: 20.500.12556/dirros/c371ce75-9574-4cb9-bb98-3f8b1bfc19f2
Typology:1.03 - Other scientific articles
Organization:Logo ZGDS - Zveza gozdarskih društev Slovenije
Abstract:Zaradi žleda leta 2014 in poznejšega napada podlubnikov bo v Sloveniji treba obnoviti velike površine prizadetih ali uničenih gozdov. Ob tem sta pomembni vprašanji, katere drevesne vrste bomo uporabili za obnovo in s katerimi vrstami bo v spremenjenih podnebnih razmerah mogoče doseči postavljene gozdnogospodarske cilje. Na osnovi analize rastiščnih tipov in gozdnih združb na območju najmočnejšega delovanja žleda smo pripravili seznam potencialnih drevesnih vrst po rastiščih in jih razvrstili v tri kategorije: nosilne ali ključne drevesne vrste (predvideni delež v lesni zalogi do 100 %), spremljevalne drevesne vrste (delež do 30 %) in manjšinske drevesne vrste (delež do 10 %). Izbor primernih vrst za obnovo bo zahteven in odvisen od več dejavnikov. Poleg rastiščne primernosti drevesnih vrst bo treba upoštevati tudi njihov gospodarski pomen, stanje gozdov v obnovi, razpoložljivost gozdnega reprodukcijskega materiala, način in stroške obnove ter obseg razpoložljivih sredstev. Nujno se je treba izogibati čistim enovrstnim sestojem, treba je uporabiti čim več različnih, rastišču primernih drevesnih vrst in s tem v največji možni meri zmanjšati tveganje. Pospešiti je treba preizkušanje še novih domačih drevesnih vrst in preudarno tudi tujih. S povečanjem vrstne pestrosti gozdov bomo pomembno prispevali k njihovi odpornosti in uresničevanju njihovih večnamenskih vlog.
Keywords:naravne motnje, obnova gozdov, drevesne vrste, nosilne vrste, spremljevalne vrste, manjšinske vrste, Slovenija
Year of publishing:2017
Number of pages:str. 204-212
Numbering:Letn. 75, št. 4
PID:20.500.12556/DiRROS-6352 New window
ISSN on article:0017-2723
COBISS.SI-ID:4773030 New window
Publication date in DiRROS:11.05.2017
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Gozdarski vestnik : slovenska strokovna revija za gozdarstvo
Shortened title:Gozd. vestn.
Publisher:Zveza gozdarskih društev Slovenije
COBISS.SI-ID:3736834 New window

Secondary language

Title:Tree species for forest regeneration following natural disturbances in Slovenia
Abstract:The 2014 ice storm and subsequent bark beetle outbreaks damaged or devastated large areas of forest in Slovenia. In order to regenerate these areas, it is necessary to determine which tree species should be used for regeneration and which species are appropriate for achieving forest management goals in changing climatic conditions. Based on an analysis of forest site types and forest communities in the areas most affected by the ice storm, we prepared a list of potential tree species according to site and classified them into three categories: principal or key species (anticipated share in the growing stock up to 100 %), accompanying species (share up to 30 %), and minor tree species (share up to 10 %). The selection of species appropriate for regeneration will be demanding and will depend on several factors. In addition to the suitability of tree species to particular sites, their economic importance, the condition of forests undergoing regeneration, availability of forest reproduction material, regeneration method and cost, and the extent of available assets will also have to be considered. Monoculture stands should be avoided, and as many site-appropriate tree species as possible should be used to reduce risks. Other native species, as well as non-native species, should also be tested. Increasing the species diversity of forests will significantly add to their resilience and realization of their multi-purpose roles.
Keywords:natural disturbances, forest regeneration, tree species, key species, accompanying species, minor species, Slovenia


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  1. Gozdarski vestnik
