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Title:Oral bioaccessibility of potentially toxic elements in various environmental media
Authors:ID Gaberšek, Martin (Author)
ID Gosar, Mateja (Author)
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Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:Logo GeoZS - Geological Survey of Slovenia
Abstract:An important aspect of geochemical studies is determining health hazard of potentially toxic elements (PTEs). Key information on PTEs behaviour in the human body in case of their ingestion is provided with the use of in vitro bioaccessibility tests. We analysed and compared oral bioaccessibility of a wide range of PTEs (As, Cd, Ce, Cr, Cu, Hg, La, Li, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sn, Zn), including some that are not often studied but might pose a human health hazard, in soil, attic dust, street dust, and household dust, using Unified BARGE Method (UBM). Additionally, feasibility of usage of scanning electron microscope techniques in analyses of solid residuals of UBM phases was tested. Results show that bioaccessible fractions (BAFs) of PTEs vary significantly between individual samples of the same medium, between different media and between the gastric and gastro-intestinal phases. In soil, attic dust and street dust, bioaccessibility of individual PTE is mostly higher in gastric than in gastro-intestinal phase. The opposite is true for PTEs in household dust. In all four media, with the exception of Pb in household dust, among the most bioaccessible PTEs in gastric phase are Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn. During the transition from the stomach to small intestine, the mean BAFs of most elements in soil, attic dust, and street dust decreases. The most bioaccessible PTEs in gastro-intestinal phase are Cu, Cd, Ni, and As. Micromorphological and chemical characterisation at individual particle level before and after bioaccessibility test contribute significantly to the understanding of oral bioaccessibility.
Keywords:urban geochemistry, UBM, soil, attic dust, street dust, household dust
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Publication date:20.06.2024
Publisher:Springer Nature
Year of publishing:2024
Number of pages:21 str.
Numbering:vol. 46
PID:20.500.12556/DiRROS-19189 New window
ISSN on article:0269-4042
DOI:10.1007/s10653-024-02073-5 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:200919811 New window
Publication date in DiRROS:10.07.2024
GABERŠEK, Martin and GOSAR, Mateja, 2024, Oral bioaccessibility of potentially toxic elements in various environmental media. Environmental geochemistry and health [online]. 2024. Vol. 46. [Accessed 17 March 2025]. DOI 10.1007/s10653-024-02073-5. Retrieved from:
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Environmental geochemistry and health
Shortened title:Environ. geochem. health
Publisher:Science and Technology Letters
COBISS.SI-ID:16012037 New window

Document is financed by a project

Funder:ARIS - Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency
Project number:P1-0020-2020
Name:Podzemne vode in geokemija


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Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
