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Title:Transverse Dinaric zone of increased compression between the Kraški rob and Hrušica Regions, NE Microadria
Authors:ID Placer, Ladislav (Author)
ID Rižnar, Igor (Author)
ID Novak, Ana (Author)
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Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:Logo GeoZS - Geological Survey of Slovenia
Abstract:The Kvarner fault divides the Microadria (Adria microplate, the Adria stable core) into the Po and Adria segments. The Istra block, which is sandwiched between the right-lateral Kvarner Fault and the left-lateral Sistiana Fault lies at the extreme eastern edge of the Po segment. Both faults run transversely to the Dinarides and reach their thrust boundary in the east. The Microadria has been moving towards the Dinarides since the Middle Miocene. The movement of the Istra block is exposed in relation to the neighbouring blocks, so an extensive pushed area (the Istra Pushed Area) was formed in the External Dinarides, which is bent towards the northeast. It is defined by two flexural zones, one lying in the extension of the Sistiana Fault and the other in the extension of the Kvarner Fault. The structure of the Dinaric thrust border on the north-eastern side of the Istra block is complex. Its prominent structural element is the Črni Kal Anomaly, due to which a zone of increased compression developed within the Istra Pushed Area and transversely to the Dinarides (Kraški rob – Hrušica Traverse), which lies between the Sistiana and Kvarner Flexural Zones. In terms of kinematics, it differs greatly from these two, and various geomorphologically responsive deformations have occurred within it. Mt. Vremščica (1027 m), which represents a transpressive anticline within the wider zone of the Raša Fault is the most prominent. In order to understand the genesis of the Classical Karst relief, it is important to know that the Mt. Vremščica ridge rose from the levelled karst surface.
Keywords:NE Microadria (Adria Microplate), Istra peninsula, Istra Pushed Area, Črni Kal Anomaly, Kraški rob – Mt. Hrušica Traverse, stacked structure, envelope fault
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Publication date:04.08.2023
Publisher:Geološki zavod Slovenije
Year of publishing:2023
Number of pages:str. 9-71
Numbering:vol. 66, no. 1
PID:20.500.12556/DiRROS-17640 New window
ISSN on article:0016-7789
DOI:10.5474/geologija.2023.001 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:164563203 New window
Publication date in DiRROS:15.01.2024
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Record is a part of a journal

Shortened title:Geologija
Publisher:Geološki zavod Slovenije
COBISS.SI-ID:5636866 New window

Document is financed by a project

Funder:ARIS - Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency
Project number:Z1-3195-2021
Name:Karst3Dge – 3D geološko modeliranje za odkrivanje kenozojskega razvoja stika Jadranske mikroplošče in Dinaridov ter strukturnega vpliva na pojavljanje podzemne vode na Kraškem robu

Funder:ARIS - Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency
Project number:P1-0011-2019
Name:Regionalna geologija


License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.

Secondary language

Title:Prečnodinarska cona povečane kompresije med Kraškim robom in Hrušico, NE Mikroadrija
Abstract:Kvarnerski prelom deli Mikroadrijo (Jadranska mikroplošča, stabilno jedro Adrije) na padski in jadranski segment. Na skrajnem vzhodnem robu padskega segmenta leži istrski blok, ki je umeščen med desnozmični Kvarnerski in levozmični Sesljanskim prelom. Oba preloma potekata prečno na Dinaride in segata do njihove narivne meje. Mikroadrija se že od srednjega miocena naprej pomika proti Dinaridom, premikanje istrskega bloka je nasproti sosednjim blokom eksponirano, zato se je v Zunanjih Dinaridih izoblikovalo obsežno potisno območje (istrsko potisno območje), ki je usločeno proti severovzhodu. Določata ga dve upogibni coni, ena leži v podaljšku Sesljanskega, druga v podaljšku Kvarnerskega preloma. Zgradba narivne meje Dinaridov na severovzhodni strani istrskega bloka je zapletena, njen izstopajoči strukturni element je črnokalska anomalija, zaradi katere se je v istrskem potisnem območju in prečno na Dinaride razvila cona povečane kompresije (traverza Kraški rob - Hrušica), ki leži med sesljansko in kvarnersko upogibno cono. V kinematskem smislu od obeh močno odstopa, v njej so nastale različne geomorfološko odzivne deformacije, najbolj vidna med njimi je Vremščica (1027 m), ki predstavlja transpresivno antiklinalo znotraj širše cone Raškega preloma. Za razumevanje geneze reliefa Klasičnega krasa je pomembno vedeti, da se je greben Vremščice dvignil iz uravnanega kraškega površja.
Keywords:NE Mikroadrija (Jadranska mikroplošča), Istra, istrsko potisno območje, črnokalska anomalija, traverza Kraški rob – Hrušica, zložbena zgradba, ovojni (envelopni) prelom


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  1. Geologija
