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Title:Vzhodnoazijska motivika lisic v delih Alme Karlin
Authors:ID Veselič, Maja (Author)
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MD5: B580E16B7486B150EC492461D642D373
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:Logo ZRS Koper - Science and Research Centre Koper
Abstract:Svetovno popotnico in pisateljico Almo Karlin so na njeni poti okoli sveta posebej zanimali verovanja in prakse dežel, ki jih je obiskala. Med njimi so jo pri-vlačili predvsem tisti, ki jih je v duhu časa in takrat cvetoče primerjalne religiologije imenovala za vraževerje, saj naj bi prav ti prestavili opazovalce in bralce v tuje svetove. V Vzhodni Aziji so jo med nadnaravnimi bitji najbolj navdušile lisice, ki jim v neobjavljenem besedilu Verovanje in praznoverje na Daljnem Vzhodu nameni največ pozornosti. lisice so poleg budizma tudi vzhodnoazijski religijski element, ki se najpogosteje pojavlja v njenih literarnih delih. Prispevek najprej povzame verovanja in pripovedi o lisicah, ki jih je Karlin obravnavala v svojem poljudnoznanstvenem besedilu, nato pa njene zapiske umesti v kompleksen svet motiva lisice na Kitajskem in Japonskem, ki je neločljiv preplet ljudske religioznosti, folklornih elementov in literarnih pripovedi klasičnih besedil. V zadnjem delu sledi analiza podobe lisice v objavljenih kratkih zgodbah Alme Karlin z vzhodnoazijsko temo. Omembe lisic pogosto služijo umestitvi dogajanja v konkreten geografsko-kulturni prostor, medtem ko zgodbe, ki so spletene okoli lisičjih duhov, te predstavljajo skozi klasične literarne motive nezemeljskih lepotic, ki zapeljejo mladega moškega, ga obnorijo in mu posrkajo življenjsko energijo, da se znajde na robu smrti.
Keywords:vraževerje, praznoverje, verovanje, literatura, lisice, vzhodnoazijski religijski elementi, Alma Karlin, literarna dela, Japonska, Kitajska
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Publication date:29.12.2022
Year of publishing:2022
Number of pages:str. 195-222
Numbering:Letn. 27, št. 107/108
PID:20.500.12556/DiRROS-16307 New window
ISSN on article:1318-8828
DOI:10.35469/poligrafi.2022.366 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:136400131 New window
Copyright:ZRS Koper
Publication date in DiRROS:28.02.2023
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Hover the mouse pointer over a document title to show the abstract or click on the title to get all document metadata.

Record is a part of a journal

Title:Poligrafi : revija za religiologijo, mitologijo in filozofijo
Shortened title:Poligrafi
Publisher:Nova revija, Društvo za primerjalno religiologijo, Nova revija, Društvo za primerjalno religiologijo, Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče, Univerzitetna založba Annales, Društvo za primerjalno religiologijo, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče, Annales ZRS, Društvo za primerjalno religiologijo
COBISS.SI-ID:59336192 New window

Document is financed by a project

Funder:ARRS - Slovenian Research Agency
Project number:J6-3133
Name:Osiroteli predmeti: obravnava vzhodnoazijskih predmetov izven organiziranih zbirateljskih praks v slovenskem prostoru

Funder:ARRS - Slovenian Research Agency
Project number:P6-0243
Name:Azijski jeziki in kulture

Secondary language

Title:The East Asian fox motifs in the works by Alma Karlin
Abstract:On her journey around the world, the global traveller and writer alma Karlin was most interested in the beliefs and practices of the countries she visited. She was particularly drawn to those that ‒ in the spirit of the times and of the contem-porary flourishing comparative religious studies ‒ she called superstitions, as they were said to transport the observers and readers into strange and foreign worlds. In East asia, the supernatural being that she found most fascinating was the fox, and in her unpublished text Glaube und Aberglaube im Fernen Osten (Faith and Superstition in the Far East) she particularly focussed on them. The fox is also one of the East asian religious elements, besides Buddhism, most commonly found in her literary works.This paper initially summarises the beliefs and narratives about foxes discussed by Karlin in the above-mentioned popular scientific text, and subsequently frames her notes in the complex world of the fox motif in China and Japan, which is an inextricable entanglement of popular religiosity, elements of folklore, and classical literary texts. The concluding section presents an analysis of the image of the fox in alma Karlin’s published short stories inspired by East asia. Her mention of foxes often serves to provide the events with a concrete geographical-cultural setting, while in the plots woven around fox spirits the latter appear as the classical literary motifs of unearthly beauties seducing young men, depriving them of reason, and sucking the life energy out of them, thus bringing them to the verge of death.
Keywords:superstitions, beliefs, literature, fox spirits, magical creatures, Japan, China
