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Title:Pomen biovarnosti za zdravje gozdov : pregled izkušenj iz tujine in predlogi za Slovenijo
Authors:ID Brglez, Ana (Author)
ID Smolnikar, Peter (Author)
ID Piškur, Barbara (Author)
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MD5: 81C296D60B862C16B88BD12DCBEB939B
Typology:1.04 - Professional Article
Organization:Logo ZGDS - Zveza gozdarskih društev Slovenije
Abstract:V letu 2020 obeležujemo mednarodno leto zdravja rastlin. V kmetijstvu in vrtnarstvu je pojem zdravja rastlin dobro znan, medtem ko se za naravno okolje vse premalokrat omenja. Gozdove ogrožajo številni domači in tujerodni organizmi, ki jim naša dejavnost v okolju omogoča vse lažje in hitrejše širjenje v prostoru. Za preprečitev oz. omejevanje širjenja je ključno delovanje fitosanitarnih inšpekcij in nadzora na mejah ob vstopu tujega blaga, na lokalnem nivoju pa ozaveščenost strokovnih služb, lastnikov zemljišč ter vseh obiskovalcev narave, da upoštevajo osnovne ti. biovarnostne ukrepe. Biovarnost je skupek ukrepov, ki zmanjšajo ali v celoti preprečijo vnos in prenos škodljivih organizmov z ene lokacije na drugo. Po navadi ukrepi zajemajo čiščenje oblačil, obutve, vozil in opreme vseh organskih ostankov rastlin in zemlje ter pregled notranjosti vozila glede prisotnosti žuželk. V prispevku predstavljamo kot primer dobre prakse ozaveščanja o pomenu biovarnosti v gozdovih obširno akcijo Združenega kraljestva Keep it clean ter iščemo ovire in priložnosti za rabo pri nas. V Sloveniji je pojem biovarnosti uveljavljen v kmetijstvu (npr. v prašičjereji in hmeljarstvu), v gozdarstvu pa je dokaj neznan. Z zakonsko dovoljenim prostim dostopom v gozd, gosto mrežo gozdnih cest in v zadnjem času povečanim obiskom gozdov je ob morebitni prisotnosti škodljivih organizmov potencial za njihovo hitro razširjenje izjemno velik. Vendar pa je tudi prostora za izboljšanje sedanje situacije še veliko. Med priložnostmi lahko izpostavimo ozaveščanje v smeri higiene in ukrepov, ki so potrebni za preprečitev vnosa in prenosa škodljivih organizmov, posodobitev veljavne zakonodaje na področju zdravja rastlin in gozdarstva, njuno uskladitev z veljavno evropsko zakonodajo ter nadzor nad njihovim izvajanjem. Nikakor pa ne smemo pozabiti na največjo priložnost vsakega izmed nas, da se vede odgovorno do okolja, v katerem živimo.
Keywords:biovarnost, biovarnostni ukrepi, zdravje gozdov, varstvo gozdov, škodljivi organizmi
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Year of publishing:2020
Year of performance:2020
Number of pages:str. 359-367
Numbering:Letn. 78, št. 9
PID:20.500.12556/DiRROS-12642 New window
ISSN on article:0017-2723
COBISS.SI-ID:36849155 New window
Publication date in DiRROS:14.11.2020
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Gozdarski vestnik : slovenska strokovna revija za gozdarstvo
Shortened title:Gozd. vestn.
Publisher:Zveza gozdarskih društev Slovenije
COBISS.SI-ID:3736834 New window

Secondary language

Title:The importance of biosecurity for forest health : a review of foreign experiences and suggestions for Slovenia
Abstract:In the year 2020, we commemorate the international year of plant health. In agriculture and gardening, the idea of plant health is well known, however, it is seldom mentioned for the natural environment. The forests are endangered by numerous native and non-native organisms, to whom our activities enable more and more fast and easy spread. For prevention or limitation of their spread, the activities of phytosanitary inspections and border controls at entering foreign goods are crucial; on the local level, this role is played by awareness of professional services, landowners, and all visitors of the nature to comply with the basic, i.e. biosecurity measures. Biosecurity is a complex of measures which reduce or totally prevent intake and transfer of harmful organisms from one location to another. The measures usually comprise cleaning all organic waste of plants and soil from the clothing, footwear, vehicles, and equipment and checking the interior of the vehicles regarding the presence of insects. In this article, we present Keep it clean, the extensive action by the United Kingdom, as an example of good practice and look for impediments and opportunities for applying it here. In Slovenia, the idea of biosecurity is established in the agriculture (e.g. in pig farming and hop production), however, it is rather unknown in forestry. Through the legally allowed free access to the forests, a dense network of forest roads, and, lately, increased forest visits, the potential for fast-spreading of harmful organisms is extremely large in the case of their presence. However, there is also much room for the improvement of the present situation. Among the opportunities, we can highlight making people aware of the hygiene and measures, needed for preventing the intake and transport of harmful organisms, updating the valid legislation in the field of plant health and forestry, necessary harmonization with the European legislation, and control over their implementation. However, we should by no means forget the greatest opportunity for every one of us to act responsibly toward the environment we live in.
Keywords:biosecurity, biosecurity measures, forest health, forest protection, harmful organisms


This document is a part of these collections:
  1. Gozdarski vestnik
