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Final report on the ʺNIB Proficiency Test 2015-01ʺ: proficiency test for molecular detection of Ralstonia solanacearum and Erwinia amylovora
Tanja Dreo, 2015, final research report

Abstract: Proficiency test is a way in which competence of laboratories is assessed and demonstrated. In proficiency testing standardized samples are prepared with known status regarding the presence of harmful organisms. These are sent out to participating laboratories that analyze them using their own methods, equipment and reagents and send results back to the organizer. Organizer analyzes the results and provides a report detailing all participants’ results in confidential manner together with actual sample status
Keywords: real-time PCR, digital PCR
Published in DiRROS: 16.09.2024; Views: 78; Downloads: 41
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Metabolic rates of groundwater species as a function of body mass and temperature
Tiziana Di Lorenzo, Nataša Mori, Tatjana Simčič, 2024, review article

Abstract: Research on the metabolic physiology of groundwater species, particularly regarding oxygen consumption rates (OCR), has made significant advancement, revealing valuable insights into the adaptations of exclusively groundwater-dwelling (stygobitic) species. However, a comprehensive understanding of how these metabolic rates scale with body mass and respond to temperature changes remains elusive. This study aims to bridge this gap by reviewing published data on OCR across a variety of groundwater organisms to elucidate patterns of metabolic rates in relation to body size and temperature. We employed a combination of literature review and quantitative analyses, focusing on the allometric scaling of OCR with body weight and the effect of temperature on metabolic rates. Our findings indicate that OCR scales with body weight in an allometric pattern, with an inter-species slope of 0.80, suggesting non-isometric scaling. Furthermore, our analysis showed that stygobitic species’ metabolic rates are less responsive to warming than those of non-stygobitic species at low to moderate temperatures. However, at higher temperatures, metabolic rates in stygobitic species decline faster than in non-stygobitic taxa, highlighting a potential vulnerability to global climate change. This study contributes to our understanding of the metabolic strategies of groundwater species, underscoring the need for further research to fully grasp the eco-evolutionary implications of these findings for groundwater conservation.
Keywords: allometry, Arrhenius equation, ectotherms, metabolism, oxygen consumption rate, respiration, stygobiont
Published in DiRROS: 13.09.2024; Views: 97; Downloads: 75
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Final report on the 'NIB Proficiency Test Round 2016-02': proficiency test for molecular detection of Xylella fastidiosa
Tanja Dreo, Manca Pirc, Lidija Matičič, 2017, final research report

Abstract: Proficiency test is a way in which competence of laboratories is assessed and demonstrated. In proficiency testing standardized samples are prepared with known status regarding the presence of harmful organisms. These are sent out to participating laboratories that analyse them using their own methods, equipment and reagents and send results back to the organizer. Organizer analyses the results and provides a report detailing all participants’ results in confidential manner together with actual sample status.
Keywords: real-time PCR, digital PCR
Published in DiRROS: 05.09.2024; Views: 108; Downloads: 46
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Final report on the ʼNIB Proficiency Test Round 2018-01ʼ : proficiency test for the molecular and/or serological detection of Erwinia amylovora
Tanja Dreo, Manca Pirc, 2019, final research report

Abstract: Proficiency test is a way in which competence of laboratories is assessed and demonstrated. In proficiency testing standardized samples are prepared with known status regarding the presence of harmful organisms. These are sent out to participating laboratories that analyse them using their own methods, equipment and reagents and send results back to the organizer. Organizer analyses the results and provides a report detailing all participants’ results in confidential manner together with actual sample status.
Keywords: real-time PCR, digital PCR
Published in DiRROS: 05.09.2024; Views: 110; Downloads: 45
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Proceedings : Colloquium of genetics 2014
2014, other monographs and other completed works

Published in DiRROS: 04.09.2024; Views: 124; Downloads: 983
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Monitoring populacij izbranih ciljnih vrst hroščev v letih 2016 in 2017 : prvo delno poročilo
Al Vrezec, Špela Ambrožič Ergaver, Andrej Kapla, treatise, preliminary study, study

Abstract: V končnem poročilu so predstavljeni rezultati terenskih raziskav štirih varstveno pomembnih vrst hroščev v Sloveniji v letu 2016. Za močvirskega krešiča (Carabus variolosus), rogača (Lucanus cervus), alpskega kozlička (Rosalia alpina) in bukovega kozlička (Morimus funereus) je v Sloveniji že vzpostavljena shema populacijskega in distribucijskega monitoringa. V tem poročilu so podani rezultati popisov populacijskega in distribucijskega monitoringa v letu 2016. V tem letu smo izvedli vzorčenja za populacijski monitoring za močvirskega krešiča (deseto snemanje), rogača (deseto snemanje), alpskega (deveto snemanje) in bukovega kozlička (osmo snemanje) ter vzorčenja za distribucijski monitoring za močvirskega krešiča in rogača (četrto leto v tretjem petletnem ciklusu). Dodatno so glede na najnovejše raziskave podani predlogi izboljšanja sheme monitoringa za rogača in alpskega kozlička. V poročilu so predstavljeni rezultati popisa v letih 2016 in 2017 za dopolnitev strokovnih podlag za puščavnika (Osmoderma eremita) in škrlatnega kukuja (Cucujus cinnaberinus). Za obe vrsti sta podani tudi predlogi sheme monitoringa. V okviru naloge smo opravili pregled vodnega telesa v Spodnjem Krapju in pet vodnih teles ob reki Muri za namene ugotavljanja prisotnosti ovratniškega plavača (Graphoderus bilineatus). Vrsto smo v letu 2017 zopet potrdili ob reki Muri in sicer v Murski šumi, kar je nova lokacija za vrsto v Sloveniji, ne pa tudi v mrtvici pri Spodnjem Krapju, ki je bila do nedavna edina recentna lokaliteta za vrsto pri nas, kjer je bil ovratniški plavač potrjen v letu 2011.
Keywords: hrošči, monitoring, ekologija
Published in DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Views: 116; Downloads: 657
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Preparation of reference material for phytoplasma molecular testing ʼCandidatus Phytoplasma solaniʼ : technical innovation factsheet
Tanja Dreo, Špela Alič, Marina Dermastia, treatise, preliminary study, study

Abstract: The important economic sector of world grapevine production of 74 million tons is threatened by several grapevine yellows diseases associated with the presence of phytoplasmas. There is a lack of availability of well-characterized and certified material suitable for use as reference positive controls in different diagnostic schemes, validation studies, performance studies and proficiency tests, which are all part of the management programs for fast and accurate detection of grapevine yellows phytoplasmas.
Keywords: reference material, detection, plant pathogen, digital droplet PCR
Published in DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Views: 123; Downloads: 54
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Obvladovanje hruševega ožiga (Erwinia amylovora (Burrill) Winslow et al.)
Janja Lamovšek, Alenka Ferlež Rus, Jože Miklavc, Tanja Dreo, Primož Pajk, treatise, preliminary study, study

Abstract: Prvi pojav hruševega ožiga pri nas je uradno zabeležen leta 2001. Prvi večji izbruh bolezni v Sloveniji je bil v letu 2003, ko se je hrušev ožig razširil po celotni Gorenjski in v okolici Maribora. Ob drugem večjem izbruhu, ki se je zgodil leta 2007, se je bolezen razširila tudi proti jugu in vzhodu države. Hrušev ožig se je ustalil na Gorenjskem, Koroškem, na območju Maribora in na Notranjskem. Kasneje sta bili iz varovanega (neokuženega) območja izločeni še občini Lendava ter Renče-Vogrsko (južno od avtoceste H4).
Keywords: hrušev ožig
Published in DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Views: 119; Downloads: 660
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Minimum performance parameters to select tests for validation and selection of laboratories for TPS : grant agreement N. 773139, deliverable N° 1.1
Špela Alič, Géraldine Anthoine, A Chabirand, Anne-Marie Chappé, Tanja Dreo, L Laurenson, Tadeja Lukežič, Nataša Mehle, H Mouaziz, Manca Pirc, Maja Ravnikar, Jenny Tomlinson, Marcel Westenberg, 2019, treatise, preliminary study, study

Abstract: The aim of deliverable 1.1. is to prepare criteria to select tests for validation and to select laboratories for TPS (test performance study). Criteria for selection of tests for the TPS for each pest have been set (see Tables 7-12). These criteria have been divided in five groups: 1) validation data, 2) applicability, 3) protocols, 4) chemicals and 5) equipment. For selection of participants for the TPS selection criteria have also been set (see Table 13). Amongst the most important criteria for selection for participants of TPS are technical expertise for the pest group and the method, authorization to work with the specific pest and that the participating laboratory has quality assurance in place. These criteria enable evaluation of whether participants are proficient to perform the tests, have the necessary equipment and a permit to work with viable regulated organism. The scope of the testing for specific pests was set and common rules for each selection process was defined.
Keywords: pests, tests
Published in DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Views: 122; Downloads: 1083
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List of tests for validation : round 1, grant agreement N. 773139
Špela Alič, Géraldine Anthoine, A Chabirand, Anne-Marie Chappé, Tanja Dreo, Tjaša Jakomin, L Laurenson, Tadeja Lukežič, Nataša Mehle, E Metz-Verschure, H Mouaziz, J Oorspronk, Manca Pirc, Maja Ravnikar, Naomi te Braak, Jenny Tomlinson, Marcel Westenberg, 2019, treatise, preliminary study, study

Abstract: We prepared a list of methods and tests for validation in test performance study (TPS) Round 1, both for laboratory and on-site use, for 6 selected pests: Erwinia amylovora, Pantoea stewartiisubsp. stewartii, citrus tristeza virus, plum pox virus, Fusarium circinatum and Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. The listed tests were first validated in preliminary studies by TPS organizers in order to select the final tests for TPS, based on the scope and criteria prepared in D1.1.
Keywords: pests, tests
Published in DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Views: 132; Downloads: 77
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