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Query: "fulltext" AND "organization" (Agricultural Institute of Slovenia) .

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The Carniolan honeybee from Slovenia : a complete and annotated mitochondrial genome with comparisons to closely related Apis mellifera subspecies
Ajda Moškrič, Andraž Marinč, Polonca Ferk, Branimir Leskošek, Mai-Britt Mosbech, Ignas Bunikis, Olga Vinnere Pettersson, Lucile Soler, Janez Prešern, original scientific article

Abstract: The complete mitochondrial genome of the Carniolan honeybee (Apis mellifera carnica) from Slovenia, a homeland of this subspecies, was acquired in two contigs from WGS data and annotated. The newly obtained mitochondrial genome is a circular closed loop of 16,447 bp. It comprises 37 genes (13 protein coding genes, 22 tRNA genes, and 2 rRNA genes) and an AT-rich control region. The order of the tRNA genes resembles the order characteristic of A. mellifera. The mitogenomic sequence of A. m. carnica from Slovenia contains 44 uniquely coded sites in comparison to the closely related subspecies A. m. ligustica and to A. m. carnica from Austria. Furthermore, 24 differences were recognised in comparison between A. m. carnica and A. m. ligustica subspecies. Among them, there are three SNPs that affect translation in the nd2, nd4, and cox2 genes, respectively. The phylogenetic placement of A. m. carnica from Slovenia within C lineage deviates from the expected position and changes the perspective on relationship between C and O lineages. The results of this study represent a valuable addition to the information available in the phylogenomic studies of A. mellifera—a pollinator species of worldwide importance. Such genomic information is essential for this local subspecies’ conservation and preservation as well as its breeding and selection.
Keywords: western honeybee, Apis mellifera carnica, mitochondrial genome, phylogeny, C lineage, annotation, whole genome sequencing, protection, conservation
Published in DiRROS: 06.09.2022; Views: 841; Downloads: 278
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Vpliv interaktivnih kvasovk na fizikalno-kemijsko sestavo in kakovost rdečega vina 'Merlot'
David Rustja, 2012, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Vpliv interaktivnih kvasovk na fizikalno-kemijsko sestavo in kakovost rdečega vina 'Merlot'
Keywords: diplomske naloge, vino, Merlot, Vipavska dolina, polifenoli, antociani, proantocianidini, senzorična ocena
Published in DiRROS: 06.09.2022; Views: 1029; Downloads: 506
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Combined effects of early season leaf removal and climatic conditions on aroma precursors in Sauvignon blanc grapes
Paolo Sivilotti, Branka Škvarč, Lorena Butinar, Melita Sternad Lemut, Klemen Lisjak, Andreja Vanzo, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Early leaf removal around the cluster zone is a common technique applied in cool climate viticulture, to regulate yield components and improve fruit quality. Despite the increasing amount of information on early leaf removal and its impact on total soluble solids, anthocyanins and polyphenols, less is known regarding aroma compounds. In order to verify the hypothesis that defoliation, applied before or after flowering, could impact the biosynthesis of thiol precursors, we performed a two year (2013 and 2014) experiment on Sauvignon blanc. We provided evidence that differential accumulation of thiols precursors in berries is affected by the timing of defoliation and this impact was related to modifications in biosynthetic pathway. Furthermore, the possible interaction between leaf removal treatment and seasonal weather conditions, and its effect on the biosynthesis of volatile precursors are discussed. Our results suggested that in Sauvignon blanc the relative proportion of 4-S-glutathionyl-4-methylpentan-2-one (G-4MSP) and 3-S-glutathionylhexan-1-ol (G-3SH) precursors can be affected by defoliation, and this could be related to the induction of two specific genes encoding glutathione-S-transferases (VvGST3 and VvGST5), while no significant effects on basic fruit chemical parameters, polyphenols and methoxypyrazines were ascertained under our experimental conditions.
Keywords: early leaf removal, cluster exposure, thiol precursors, methoxypyrazines, Vitis vinifera
Published in DiRROS: 06.09.2022; Views: 768; Downloads: 317
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Uporaba naprednih tehnologij za celostno obvladovanje ogorčic koreninskih šišk (Meloidogyne spp., Nematoda: Meloidogynidae)
Nik Susič, 2020, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: Tropske vrste ogorčic koreninskih šišk (RKN) so izredno polifagni škodljivci v kmetijstvu, kjer povzročajo velike izgube pridelka. Nekatere vrste, kot so Meloidogyne ethiopica, M. inornata in M. luci (MEG), je zaradi visoke sorodnosti težavno razlikovati. Sekvencirali smo 7 izolatov ogorčic iz skupine MEG ter po zlaganju zaporedij genomov določili filogenetsko umestitev v rod. Zloženi genom ogorčice M. luci SI-Smartno V13 je s 327 kontigi, N50 dolžini kontigov 1,7 Mb in končni dolžini zloženega zaporedja 209,2 Mb, trenutno najpopolnejši javno dostopen genom RKN. Filogenetska analiza je pokazala na umestitev vseh izolatov iz skupine MEG v enoten monofiletski klad, vrsta M. luci se je bistveno razlikovala od vrst M. ethiopica in M. inornata. Preizkušali smo uporabnost hiperspektralnega slikanja za zgodnje razločevanje biotskega stresa (napad RKN) od abiotskega stresa (suša) pri rastlinah paradižnika. Z analizo hiperspektralnih posnetkov v območju spektra 400-2500 nm je bilo mogoče razlikovati med dobro zalitimi ter sušnimi rastlinami s 100 % natančnostjo, z 90-100 % natančnostjo pa je bilo mogoče razlikovati med zdravimi in napadenimi rastlinami. Ovrednotili smo nematicidno aktivnost in analizirali genoma bakterij Bacillus firmus I-1582 in Bacillus sp. ZZV12-4809, v katerih smo našli številne potencialne dejavnike virulence. V lončnih poskusih in na mikroparcelah je sev I-1582 zmanjšal število ogorčic M. luci za 51-53 % v primerjavi s kontrolo. Bakterije I-1582 so delovale nematicidno ter spodbudile rast rastlin, kar smo pokazali z meritvami morfologije rastlin, relativne vsebnosti klorofila, vsebnostjo elementov in analizo hiperspektralnih posnetkov. Z analizo hiperspektralnih posnetkov z nadzorovano klasifikacijo smo uspešno razlikovali med rastlinami tretiranimi z B. firmus in rastlinami brez bakterij – v lončnem poskusu smo dosegli 97,4 % uspešnost, na mikroparcelah pa 96,3 %.
Keywords: ogorčice koreninskih šišk, filogenomika, hiperspektralno slikanje, biotično varstvo rastlin, Meloidogyne spp., Bacillus firmus, doktorske disertacije
Published in DiRROS: 06.09.2022; Views: 1041; Downloads: 298
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Tissue specific splicing of pre-mRNA porcine mitochondrial transcription factor A
Andrej Renčelj, Martin Škrlep, Marjeta Čandek-Potokar, Peter Dovč, 2018, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 06.09.2022; Views: 642; Downloads: 226
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Histology basics and cell death detection in honeybee tissue
Maja Ivana Smodiš Škerl, original scientific article

Abstract: Honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) inside the hive (nurse workers and other hive bees) and outside the hive (foragers) are exposed to climate and weather changes, various pesticides, pathogens, and malnutrition, mainly entering through the mouth and primarily affecting the digestive tracts of adult bees. To understand and prevent the effects of such external and internal stressors on honeybees, one useful research method is the immunohistochemical method. A basic protocol is described to prepare the midgut (ventriculus) and hypopharyngeal glands (HPGs) of adult bees for histological analysis. A detailed methodology is described to assess the level of cell damage and distinguish necrosis from programmed cell death (apoptosis) as a natural process of tissue regeneration. The results of adult honeybee treatment with oxalic acid and pesticides (insecticide and acaricide) and the determination of cell death in the ventriculus and HPGs are presented. The pros and cons of the methodology are also discussed.
Keywords: cell death, honeybee, histology, environment
Published in DiRROS: 08.07.2022; Views: 760; Downloads: 451
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