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Pomen analize dominantnih dreves za gozdnogospodarsko načrtovanje na primeru kisloljubnega bukovja z rebrenjačo
Andrej Bončina, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Poznavanje razvoja dominantnega drevja je pomembno za spremljavo razvoja enomernih sestojev, določanje režima redčenj, ciljnih premerov drevesnih vrst in optimalnega razmerja razvojnih faz ter ocenjevanje produkcijske sposobnosti gozdnih rastišč. S podatki stalnih vzorčnih ploskev smo analizirali debelinsko in višinsko rast dominantnih dreves petih drevesnih vrst kisloljubnega bukovja z rebrenjačo (smreka, bukev, graden, rdeči bor in kostanj). Za vrste smo ocenili rastiščni produkcijski indeks (SPI), ki je dominanta višina drevja pri prsnem premeru 45 cm, rastiščni indeks (SI) in prikazali postopek določanja optimalnega razmerja razvojnih faz glede na drevesno sestavo sestojev ter odločitev o ciljnih premerih drevja in pomlajevanju sestojev. Vrednosti SPI za bukev, smreko, graden, rdeči bor in kostanj so 28,4; 31,1; 25,1; 26,1 in 23,2, vrednosti SI pa 27,9; 32,5; 20,9; 22,9 in 21,7. Optimalni deleži razvojnih faz so odvisni od izbrane drevesne sestave gozdov ter odločitev glede ciljnih premerov in pomlajevanja sestojev. Model debelinskega priraščanja bukve kaže, da na njeno debelinsko rast pozitivno vplivajo prsni premer, produktivnost rastišča in raznomernost sestojev, negativno pa delež bukve v sestoju, sestojna temeljnica in naklon terena.
Keywords: višinska rast, debelinska rast, rastiščni indeks, rastiščni produkcijski indeks, Fagus sylvatica, Picea abies, Quercus petraea, Pinus sylvestris, Castanea sativa
Published in DiRROS: 11.08.2022; Views: 1166; Downloads: 320
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Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) is more drought tolerant and better reflects climate variations compared to pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) in lowland mixed forests in northwestern Serbia : ǂa ǂstable carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) and radial growth approach
Saša Kostić, Tom Levanič, Saša Orlović, Bratislav Matović, Dejan Stojanović, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Tree-ring width (TRW), stable carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) and intrinsic water use efficiency (iWUE) data set chronologies were built for the period 1961–2000 for two oak species (pedunculate oak – Quercus robur L. and Turkey oak – Quercus cerris L.) in northwestern Serbia (Vojvodina province). We focused on the response of the two oak species to measured meteorological data (temperature, precipitation and cloud cover), drought events expressed by six meteorological drought indices, and river water level to better understand their drought tolerance and stress and to assess the reliability of the species response to climate and drought indices when using TRW or δ13C. Turkey oak exhibited better drought tolerance (and less drought stress) compared to pedunculate oak, as manifested, respectively, by less negative δ13C and lower iWUE values. Based on a generalised additive mixed model (GAMM) among the six drought indices studied, the standardised precipitation evapotranspiration index and the standardised precipitation index showed the best fit with both TRW and δ13C, while the Palmer drought severity index exerted a strong influence only on TRW. It was thus concluded that δ13C responds more strongly and rapidly to climate variations than TRW.
Keywords: dendrochronology, stable carbon isotope, tree ring, Quercus robur, Quercus cerris, drought, climate change
Published in DiRROS: 04.08.2022; Views: 877; Downloads: 691
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