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Query: "author" (Simona Borštnar) .

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The urokinase-type plasminogen activator, its inhibitors and its receptor - the new prognostic factors in solid cancers
Simona Borštnar, Tanja Čufer, Zvonimir Rudolf, 1997, review article

Abstract: The urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), its inhibitors (PAI-1 and PAI-2) and its receptor (uPAR) play nan important role in the degradation of the intercellular tissue, the process which affects the ability of cancer cells to invade to surrounding tissue and to metastasize. The results of clinical studies performed in the past few years point out a significant influence of uPA, PAI-1, PAI-2 and uPAR on the course of the disease and survival of patients with solid tumours, particularly breast cancer. Hopefullythe categorization of patients according to the content of the serineproteases and its inhibitors in tumour tissues could provide a basis formore rational treatment planning and thus improving patients' survival.
Published in DiRROS: 18.01.2024; Views: 402; Downloads: 121
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Differential diagnosis between bone metastases and osteomalacia
Branko Zakotnik, Simona Borštnar, Tadeja Movrin, Boris Jančar, Andreja Zidar, 1996, original scientific article

Abstract: In oncology the diagnosis of skeletal metastases is a frequent one, in infact so frequent that other diagnoses such as metabolic bone diseases affecting patients with cancer may be overlooked. In our report two cases of osteomalacia referred to an oncologist are presented; in both of them the diagnosis of diffuse bone metastases of unknown origin was suspected. The differential diagnosis is discussed and the importance of bone marrow biopsy using Yamshidi needle for diagnosis of metabolic bone disease is emphasized.
Published in DiRROS: 16.01.2024; Views: 440; Downloads: 111
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Pristopi k zdravljenju raka dojk
Simona Borštnar, 2023, published professional conference contribution

Keywords: rak dojk, zdravljenje, sistemsko zdravljenje
Published in DiRROS: 08.01.2024; Views: 414; Downloads: 117
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Šola raka dojk : [strokovno srečanje]
2023, not set

Keywords: epidemiologija, presejanje, genetsko svetovanje, rehabilitacija, rekonstrukcija, zborniki
Published in DiRROS: 11.12.2023; Views: 748; Downloads: 175
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Novosti na področju imunoterapije dojk
Simona Borštnar, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Z odkritjem in razpoznavanjem vloge zaviralcev imunskih kontrolnih točk (ZIKT) pri številnih solidnih rakih in potrditve imunogenosti trojno negativnega raka dojk (TNRD), je imunoterapija postala privlačna strategija zdravljenja tudi pri tej bolezni. Čeprav so se ZIKT kot monoterapija izkazali za večinoma neučinkovite, pa je več kasnejših raziskav pokazalo, da kombinacija kemoterapije in ZIKT izboljša rezultate zdravljenja v primerjavi s kemoterapijo samo tako pri razsejanem in tudi zgodnjem TNRD. Atezolizumab v kombinaciji z nab-paklitakselom in pembrolizumab v kombinaciji s taksani ali platino in gemcitabinom so standardno zdravljenje pri bolnikih s prvim razsojem PD-L1 pozitivnega raka dojk. Neoadjuvantna terapija s pembrolizumabom in kemoterapijo pa je standardni pristop pri zgodnjem TNBC. Pri ostalih podtipih raka dojk zaenkrat še ni na voljo dokazov o učinkovitosti ZIKT.
Keywords: imunoterapija, onkologija, onkološko zdravljenje
Published in DiRROS: 16.02.2023; Views: 486; Downloads: 246
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Značilnosti zdravljenja, učinkovitosti in varnosti eribulina pri bolnicah z razsejanim rakom dojk : raziskava iz realnega sveta
Luka Dobovišek, Simona Borštnar, 2022, published professional conference contribution abstract

Keywords: onkologija, rak dojke, kemoterapija
Published in DiRROS: 14.02.2023; Views: 613; Downloads: 160
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Varnost trastuzumab emtanzina v dopolnilnem zdravljenju zgodnjega HER2-pozitivnega raka dojk : podatki iz klinične prakse
Tina Pavlin, Maša Auprih, Eva Pribožič, Ivica Ratoša, Simona Borštnar, 2022, published professional conference contribution abstract

Keywords: onkologija, rak dojke, kemoterapija
Published in DiRROS: 09.02.2023; Views: 715; Downloads: 162
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Napovedna vrednost ultrazvočne ocene pazdušnih bezgavk po neoadjuvantem sistemskem zdravljenju pri bolnicah z rakom dojk
Nina Pišlar, Janez Žgajnar, Simona Borštnar, Andraž Perhavec, 2022, published professional conference contribution abstract

Keywords: onkologija, rak dojke, pazdušne bezgavke
Published in DiRROS: 09.02.2023; Views: 626; Downloads: 162
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