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Vzorčenje bentoških nevretenčarjev v rekah brez vpliva kraškega izvira Evdinarske subhidroekoregije za pripravo metodologije vrednotenja ekološkega stanja : končno poročilo
Mojca Hrovat, Gorazd Urbanič, Maja Sever, Špela Ambrožič Ergaver, Barbara Debeljak, Mihael Jožef Toman, 2012, final research report

Abstract: Direktiva 2000/60/ES določa okvir za delovanje Skupnosti na področju vodne politike in upravljanja z vodami. Namen Vodne direktive je preprečevanje nadaljnjega slabšanja stanja vodnih ekosistemov ter varstvo in izboljšanje vodnega okolja. Dobro ekološko stanje površinskih vodnih teles naj bi članice dosegle do konca leta 2015. Bentoški nevretenčarji so eden izmed bioloških elementov, ki so vključeni v sistem razvrščanja vodnih teles rek in jezer po ekološkem stanju. Kot podpora biološkim elementom so v sistem razvrščanja vključeni še podporni hidromorfološki elementi ter kemijski in fizikalno-kemijski elementi. Pridobitev ustreznih podatkov o bioloških in podpornih elementih je prvi korak za pripravo ustrezne metodologije vrednotenja ekološkega stanja voda v skladu z Vodno direktivo (Direktiva 2000/60/ES). V poročilu “Vzorčenje bentoških nevretenčarjev v rekah brez vpliva kraškega izvira Evdinarske subhidroekoregije za pripravo metodologije vrednotenja ekološkega stanja” so predstavljeni rezultati v skladu s pogodbo št. 38-864/12. Terenske, laboratorijske in kabinetne obdelave ter meritve so bile opravljene v skladu z Uredbo o stanju površinskih voda (Uradni list št. 14, 2009) in Pravilniku o monitoringu stanja površinskih voda (Uradni list št. 10, 2009). V poročilu so zbrani vsi izpolnjeni delovni protokoli za opis mest vzorčenja za vse vzorčene reke. Prav tako so zbrani podatki o merjenih fizikalno-kemijskih parametrih in številčnosti najdenih taksonov. Slike vzorčnih mest so le na priloženem CD-ju.
Keywords: vzorčenje bentoških nevretenčarjev, vrednotenje ekološkega stanja
Published in DiRROS: 16.09.2024; Views: 166; Downloads: 35
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CCQM-K86/P113.1: Relative quantification of genomic DNA fragments extracted from a biological tissue : final report
Philippe Corbisier, Mojca Milavec, Jana Žel, 2012, final research report

Abstract: Key comparison CCQM-K86 was performed to demonstrate and document the capacity of interested National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) and Designated Institutes (DIs) in the determination of the relative quantity of two specific genomic DNA fragments present in a biological tissue. The study provides the support for the following measurement claim: "Quantification of the ratio of the number of copies of specified intact sequence fragments of a length in the range of 70 to 100 nucleotides in a single genomic DNA extract from ground maize seed materials ".
Published in DiRROS: 16.09.2024; Views: 37; Downloads: 30
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Preiskave kakovosti vode ribnika Tivoli in Koseškega bajerja : končno poročilo
Mateja Germ, Urška Kuhar, Alenka Gaberščik, Tina Eleršek, Gorazd Urbanič, Gorazd Kosi, Majda Ivanušič, Dušan Fortuna, Mojca Hrovat, Maja Pavlin Urbanič, Barbara Debeljak, final research report

Abstract: Vodna telesa, kot sta Tivolski ribnik in Koseški bajer, so pomembni elementi mest. Kot antropogeni tvorbi sta pomembna tako z vidika naravne kot tudi kulturne dediščine. Raziskave so pokazale, da predstavljajo ribniki v spremenjeni krajini, kjer so vodotoki večinoma regulirani in naravni obrežni pasovi okrnjeni ali celo odstranjeni, habitate in zatočišča za različne ptice in žuželke. To je posebej pomembno v mestih, kjer je biotska pestrost zaradi človekovih posegov močno zmanjšana. Z vidika ekosistemskih storitev imajo ribniki pomembno socialno vlogo, saj njihova okolica predstavlja mesto za sprostitev, sama vodna telesa pa lahko služijo tudi v izobraževalne namene. Njihova vloga je tudi podporna, saj uravnavajo okoljske razmere (blažijo temperaturna nihanja in povečujejo vlažnost zraka) na območju. Zaradi intezivnih bioloških procesov se različne snovi, ki prihajajo v ribnike s spiranjem in pritoki, tam razgradijo ali spremenijo. Vse vloge pa so povezane z celovitostjo življenjske združbe in uravnoteženostjo procesov v ribnikih, saj je znano, da je lahko ekološki potencial siromašnih evtrofnih sistemov močno zmanjšan. Za oceno učinkov v letu 2011 izvedene sanacije ribnika Tivoli ter ovrednotenje stanja Koseškega bajerja smo v letih 2012 in 2013 v skladu s projektno nalogo Preiskave kakovosti vode ribnika Tivoli in Koseškega bajerja opravili preiskave obeh ribnikov. Izvedli smo vzorčenje fitoplanktona, bentoških nevretenčarjev, fitobentosa in makrofitov ter opravili meritve in vzorčenje vode za fizikalno-kemijske analize. V končnem poročilu so zbrani rezultati analiz, ocenjeno je stanje obeh vodnih teles ter predlagani ukrepi za izboljšanje stanja. Ker metodologija za izdelavo ocene ekološkega potenciala še ni pripravljena, smo vodni telesi uvrstili v trofične kategorije. Izjema je le vrednotenje na osnovi bentoških nevretenčarjev.
Keywords: ekologija sladkih voda
Published in DiRROS: 16.09.2024; Views: 32; Downloads: 925
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Ultrasound-mediated spatial and temporal control of engineered cells in vivo
Filip Ivanovski, Maja Meško, Tina Lebar, Marko Rupnik, Duško Lainšček, Miha Gradišek, Roman Jerala, Mojca Benčina, 2024, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 09.09.2024; Views: 143; Downloads: 3930
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Stabilization of river dredged sediments by means of alkali activation technology
Karmen Fifer Bizjak, Lea Žibret, Mojca Božič, Boštjan Gregorc, Vilma Ducman, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Purpose Alkali activation process has been applied to fresh river clay-rich sediments in order to increase their mechanical properties and make them suitable for soil stabilization. Materials and methods Dredged sediments were mixed with up to 30 mass percent (ma%) of fly ash (FA) or ladle slag (LS) and after curing for 3 days at 60 °C, the bending and compressive strength have been determined. The mixtures which exhibited the highest strengths were further optimized for being used in soil stabilization. For this purpose, the sediment was stabilized with 4 ma% of quicklime (QL) and after 1 h 30 ma% of FA with alkali activator was added and cured for 1, 7 and 28 days. Results The stabilized sediment has a significantely better geomechanical performance in comparison with the sediment alone. Stabilizing the dredged sediment using alkali activation technology provides high enough strengths to eventually make it suitable for anti-flood embankments. Conclusions The results confirmed the suitability of the investigated technology for soil stabilization.
Keywords: river sediment, alkali activated materials, ladle slag, fly ash, mechanical strength, soil stabilization
Published in DiRROS: 09.09.2024; Views: 130; Downloads: 4609
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Kmetijstvo in biodiverziteta z roko v roki
Mojca Pibernik, Blaž Koderman, Danilo Bevk, Aleš Tolar, Janko Rode, 2019, other monographs and other completed works

Abstract: Biodiverziteta je vse živo Biodiverziteta (biotska pestrost) je pestrost življenja na Zemlji od bakterij in gliv do rastlin in živali. Nastala je v milijardah let razvoja življenja. Pomembna značilnost biodiverzitete je izjemna povezanost organizmov, ki sami ne bi mogli preživeti, skupaj pa sestavljajo edinstven preplet, ki odločilno vpliva na razmere na našem planetu.
Keywords: kmetijstvo, biodiverziteta
Published in DiRROS: 04.09.2024; Views: 109; Downloads: 71
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Kmetijstvo in biodiverziteta na skupni poti
Danilo Bevk, Blaž Koderman, Mojca Pibernik, Mateja Colarič, 2019, other monographs and other completed works

Abstract: Biodiverziteta (biotska pestrost) je pestrost življenja na Zemlji od bakterij in gliv do rastlin in živali. Nastala je v milijardah let razvoja življenja. Pomembna značilnost biodiverzitete je izjemna povezanost organizmov, ki sami ne bi mogli preživeti, skupaj pa sestavljajo edinstven preplet, ki odločilno vpliva na razmere na našem planetu.
Keywords: biodiverziteta, kmetijstvo, ekosistemske storitve, Slovenija
Published in DiRROS: 04.09.2024; Views: 108; Downloads: 448
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Čudovita pestrost živega
Mojca Pibernik, Blaž Koderman, Danilo Bevk, 2020, other monographs and other completed works

Abstract: Biotska pestrost (tudi biotska raznolikost, biotska raznovrstnost, biodiverziteta) je raznolikost živih bitij. Vključuje vse rastline, živali in druge organizme. Vsi organizmi so med seboj tesno povezani in se med seboj dopolnjujejo, sami pa ne bi mogli preživeti. Tudi ljudje smo kot del narave močno odvisni od biotske pestrosti, zato je pomembno, da se njenega pomena zavedo že otroci.
Keywords: biodiverziteta, otroci, pestrost živega, LIFE Naturaviva
Published in DiRROS: 04.09.2024; Views: 114; Downloads: 78
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Predlog načrta za hitro odzivanje ob najdbi azijskega sršena (Vespa velutina) : Projekt LIFE ARTEMIS, izdelek akcije A2
Maarten De Groot, Simon Zidar, Danilo Bevk, Mojca Pibernik, Metka Pislak, Jana Kus Veenvliet, 2020, treatise, preliminary study, study

Abstract: A proposal of a rapid response plan for the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) was prepared in the LIFE ARTEMIS Project. The Asian hornet is an invasive alien species which is on the priority list of the IAS EU legislation 1143/2014. In the proposal the EWRR system is described for the finding and the rapid response for the asian hornet. First findings of the asian hornet will be submitted to the information system »Invazivke« or to the National Veterinary Institute (NVI). When data is checked, it will be send to the coordinating governmental body - Slovenian Environment Agency (ARSO) within two days. During the rapid response proces, two tactical meetings will be organised. First ARSO will inform The Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning (MOP) about the finding, which will send it to the European commission. On the first tactical meeting the coordinator for the rapid response actions will be determined. Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation (ZRSVN) will prepare a first survey in which the status of the population will be determined. Furthermore, all inform general public, landowners and local communities in the invaded area. Within two days to 14 days after the submission of the survey report, the second tactical meeting will be held. During this meeting the possible eradication actions will be discussed and the tasks will be divided. After that the organisation responsible for the rapid response action will prepare the final plan of eradication. The organisation responsible for the eradication action will take action. Information on the eradication action are written in the report. After that it will be checked whether the eradication was successful. In case this was not, more eradication actions will take place. If it will be successful the area will be monitored for the coming 5 years to be sure that the species is really eradicated. All information will be send to ARSO, who will inform MOP. MOP will inform the European commission and the member states.
Keywords: azijski sršen, invazivni organizmi, tujerodni organizmi
Published in DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Views: 116; Downloads: 889
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HarmoNIA methodological proposals : Harmonizing monitoring of marine contaminants and sharing data Quality Control procedures
Daniela Berto, Margherita Malgorzata Formalewicz, Giordano Giorgi, Loredana Manfra, Marina Lipizer, Maria-Eugenia Molina Jack, Andriana Aravantinou, Oliver Bajt, Magdalena Cara, Ana Castelli, Branko Čermelj, Maja Fafanđel, Michele Giani, Ioannis Hatzianestis, Athanassia Iona, Damir Ivankovic, Danijela Joksimović, Helen Kaberi, Jerina Kolitari, Martina Kralj, Slavica Matijević, Milena Mitrić, Stefanos Papazisimou, Constantine Parinos, Mojca Dobnikar-Tehovnik, Catherine Tsangaris, Ivana Ujević, Melita Velikonja, Christina Zeri, Luka Žilić, 2020, treatise, preliminary study, study

Abstract: The overall increase in maritime transport, coastal urbanization and the foreseen increase in offshore oil and gas extraction pose serious risks of pollution from hazardous substances for several coastal states in the whole Mediterranean, and in particular in the Adriatic - Ionian region. Countries sharing a marine region or sub-region should adopt a common approach to environmental monitoring, good environmental status definition and assessment. In the Adriatic – Ionian marine sub-regions, the level of coherence and consistency of several EU and regional environmental policies, particularly in the assessment of contamination from hazardous substances, needs a common implementation. In the framework of enhancing the capacity to tackle environmental vulnerability and safeguard ecosystem services at transnational scale, the objective of HarmoNIA is twofold: to share best practices to support the harmonized implementation of marine environmental directives in the ADRION regionto strengthen the network of data infrastructures to facilitate access and re-use of marine data among countries bordering the Adriatic – Ionian Seas. Building on the EU initiative EMODnet for the management and supply of fragmented marine data, HarmoNIA will strengthen the existing transnational network of data infrastructures to facilitate access and re-use of marine data among countries bordering the Adriatic – Ionian Seas. The project will improve the coherence, among most countries bordering the Adriatic and Ionian Seas, all Contracting Parties of the Barcelona Convention, of protocols for monitoring and for assessment of contaminants in the marine environment and will facilitate data and information exchange within the region. The outputs will consist in a Transnational network of institutions adopting a joint data management system for contaminants in the marine environment, and in regional strategies to improve harmonization in monitoring and assessment, and to evaluate risk of contaminant dispersion in vulnerable coastal zones from different pollution sources. HarmoNIA outputs will improve the coordination among institutions involved in MSFD and UNEP/MAP protocol implementation, local, regional and national authorities in charge of environmental assessment, management, conservation, as well as research institutions, to tackle problems related to pollution dispersal and risks on the coastal areas of the ADRION region. The transnational approach will be assured by the cooperation among partners from most of the countries bordering the ADRION region, with consolidated experience in marine data acquisition and management and involved in the implementation of marine environmental policies.
Keywords: chemical pollution, monitoring programmes
Published in DiRROS: 03.09.2024; Views: 107; Downloads: 1149
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