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A web-application that extends functionality of medical device for tumor treatment by means of electrochemotherapy
Ivan Pavlović, Peter Kramar, Selma Čorović, David Cukjati, Damijan Miklavčič, 2004, original scientific article

Abstract: Electrochemotherapy (ECT) is a novel method for efficient tumor treatment in clinical environment. It combines local drug delivery and application of shorthigh voltage pulses, which permeabilize the plasma membrane by electroporation. Drug can enter only the cells with permeabilzed membrane. Recently, medical device CliniporatorTM for controlled electroporation was developed. Here, we present a web-application that extends the functionality of this medical device. The aim of the application is to collect, store and toallow the analysis of every ECT application using this medical device. The application helps transferring data collected by devčce during the electroporation process to the central database, and enables filling of medical records through the web forms. The application is based on technologies ASP, HTML, Flash, JavaScript, XML and others. The application main advantages are easy and rapid data access, scalability and independence of client computer operating system as well as easy application debugging and upgrading.
Keywords: neoplasms- drug therapy, drug delivery systems, elektroporation instrumentation
Published in DiRROS: 07.02.2024; Views: 542; Downloads: 130
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Cysteine proteinase inhibitors stefin A and stefin B in operable carcinoma of the head and neck : Inhibitorji cisteinskih proteinaz stefin A in stefin B pri operabilnem karcinomu glave in vratu
Primož Strojan, Marjan Budihna, Alojz Šmid, Branka Svetic, Ivan Vrhovec, Janko Kos, Janez Škrk, 2002, original scientific article

Abstract: Purpose. To evaluate the significance of cysteine proteinase inhibitors stefins (Stefs) A and B for a treatment decision and prognosis in operable squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN). Patients and methods. Stefs A and B concentrations were determined immunobiochemically using ELISAs in cytosols prepared from the tumor and adjacent normal mucosa from 91 patients with operable SCCHN. The median follow-up period of patients alive atthe close-out date was 5.8 years (range, 5-9.3 years). Results. Stef A concentrations were significantly higher in tumor compared to normal mucosa (FM.05). When a subgroup with clinically palpable nodes) at presentation was taken into consideration (n=57), a significant difference in Stef A (P=0.03) and Stef B (P=0.02) concentrations between those with negative and positive necks, as determined on histopathological examination, was observed. On the univariate survival analysis, higher Stefsć concentrations turned to be prognostically advantageous. Stef A proved its independent prognostic significance also on multivariate setting. Conclusions. With the capability todifferentiate between the pN0- and pN+-stages of the disease in the patientsoriginally presented as node-positive, Stefs A and B could be useful markers when deciding on the extent of neck surgery. In addition, both Stefs proved to be reliable prognosticators for survival in patients with operable SCCHN.
Published in DiRROS: 31.01.2024; Views: 397; Downloads: 81
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Cathepsin D and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 in normal, benign and alignant ovarian tissues : a preliminary report
Marina Šprem, Damir Babić, Marija Abramić, Duško Miličić, Ivan Vrhovec, Janez Škrk, Maja Osmak, 2000, original scientific article

Abstract: Background. The aim of the present study was to determine the concentration ofcathepsin D (Cath D) and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) in normal ovarian tissues, benign and malignant ovarian tumor tissues, and to asses relationship between Cath D and PAI-1 content, and some clinical and pathohistological parameters. Materials and methods. Cath D contents and PAI-1concentrations were determined (using immunoradiometric ELSA-Cath D assayand commercial IMUDIND R ELISA immunoassay, respectively) in 35 samples: 10 normal ovarii, 10 benign, 10 primary malignant and 5 metastatic ovarian tumors. Results. The concentrations of Cath D were significantly higher in malignant (32.89+-14.26 pmol/mg protein ) and metastatic (31.42+-10.24 pmol/mgprotein), than in normal (13.68+-4.03 pmol/mg protein) and benign (17.89+-13.13 pmol/mg protein) ovarian tissues. There was no statistical differences in the concentrations of PAI-1 between normal, benign, malignant and metastatic tumor specimens. The concentrations of Cath D as well as PAI-1 did not correlate to the age of patients, menopausal status, parity, GOG risk group, clinical stage or pathohistological grading. Conclusion. Concentrationsof Cath D (but not PAI-1) were significantly increased in malignant and metastatic ovarian tumor tissues when compared to normal and benign ovarian tumor samples; they were independent from pathohistological andclinical parameters.
Published in DiRROS: 23.01.2024; Views: 432; Downloads: 109
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Cathepsin H in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck
Primož Strojan, Marjan Budihna, Alojz Šmid, Branka Svetic, Ivan Vrhovec, Janko Kos, Janez Škrk, 1999, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 22.01.2024; Views: 434; Downloads: 130
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Prognostic relevance of urokinase plasminogen activator and its inhibitors in patients with breast cancer
Simona Borštnar, Tanja Čufer, Ivan Vrhovec, Zvonimir Rudolf, 1999, original scientific article

Abstract: Urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) and its inhibitors, PAI-1 and PAI-2, play an important role in iritercellular tissue degradation, thus promoting tumor cell invasion into the adjoining structures and metastasizing. Our studywas aimed to assess a possible prognostic value of uPA, PAI-1 and PAI-2 in a retrospective series of 87 patients with breast cancer stage I-III, whosecytosols were stored in the archives of the, Institute of Oncology in Ljubljana. The median follow-up was 35 months. The prognostic value of the established prognostic factors and uPA, PAI-1 and PAI-2 were evaluated by means of univariate statistical analysis and partial multivariate models. The obtained uPA values were very low and did not correlate with the disease free survival, whereas PAI-1 and PAI-2 significantly influenced the time to the first recurrence. Patients with PAI-1 values above 5 ng/mg proteins had statistically significantly worse disease free survival than the patients withlower PAI-1 values (58% vs. 85%). In the case of PAI-2, the situation wasjust the opposite: the patients with PAI-2 values exceeding 6.4 ng/mg proteins had statistically significantly better 3-year disease free survival than the patients with lower values (90% vs. 60%). Both, PAI-1 and PAl-2 retained their independent prognostic value, irrespective of the addition of the established prognostic factors to partial multivariate models, and only with locally advanced disease the prognostic value of PAI-1 was greater than that of PAI-2.
Published in DiRROS: 22.01.2024; Views: 484; Downloads: 118
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Getting more out of existing structures
Martín-Sanz Henar, Konstantinos Tatsis, Domagoj Damjanovic, Irina Stipanović, Aljoša Šajna, Ivan Duvnjak, Uroš Bohinc, Eugen Brühwiler, Eleni Chatzi, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: Ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced cement-based composite (UHPFRC) has been increasingly adopted for rehabilitation projects over the past two decades, proving itself as a reliable, cost-efficient and sustainable alternative against conventional methods. High compressive strength, low permeability and high ductility are some of the characteristics that render UHPFRC an excellent material for repairing existing aged infrastructure. UHPFRC is most commonly applied as a surface layer for strengthening and rehabilitating concrete structures such as bridge decks or building slabs. However, its implementation with steel structures has so far been limited. In this work, the UHPFRC strengthening of a steel bridge is investigated both in simulation as well as in the laboratory, by exploiting a real-world case study: the Buna Bridge. This Croatian riveted steel bridge, constructed in 1893, repaired in 1953, and decommissioned since 2010, was removed from its original location and transported to laboratory facilities for testing prior to and after rehabilitation via addition of UHPFRC slab. The testing campaign includes static and dynamic experiments featuring state-of-the-art monitoring systems such as embedded fiber optics, acoustic emission sensors and digital image correlation. The information obtained prior to rehabilitation serves for characterization of the actual condition of the structure and allows the design of the rehabilitation solution. The UHPFRC slab thickness was optimized to deliver optimal fatigue and ultimate capacity improvement at reasonable cost. Once the design was implemented, a second round of experiments was conducted in order to confirm the validity of the solution, with particular attention allocated to the interface between the steel substrate and the UHPFRC overlay, as the connection between both materials may result in a weak contact point. A detailed fatigue analysis, based on updated FEM models prior to and after strengthening, combined with the results of a reliability analysis prove the benefits of adoption of such a solution via the significant extension of the structural lifespan.
Keywords: bridge, steel, UHPFRC, structures
Published in DiRROS: 21.12.2023; Views: 489; Downloads: 207
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Polypropylene blends with m-EPR copolymers : mechanical and rheological properties
Iztok Švab, Anđela Pustak, Matjaž Denac, Andrijana Sever Škapin, Mirela Leskovac, Vojko Musil, Ivan Šmit, 2018, original scientific article

Abstract: The effects of two metallocene ethylene-propylene-based elastomers (m-EPR1 and m-EPR2) differing in molecular mass and viscosity on mechanical, rheological and interfacial properties were compared. The m-EPR elastomers were added to iPP in 2.5, 5, 10, 15, and 20 vol.%. Torque values, elongation at break and impact strength measured of the iPP/m-EPR1 blends were higher than the iPP/m-EPR2 blends due to higher molten viscosity of m-EPR1 than m-EPR2 copolymer. Slight differences in Young moduli as well as in tensile strength at yield and at break might indicate that tensile properties of iPP/m-EPR blends were not significantly affected by difference in viscosity or molecular mass, miscibility and spherulite size. Optimization diagrams indicated the metallocene m-EPR copolymers are efficient impact modifiers for polypropylene and showed good balancing of mechanical properties in iPP/m-EPR blends.
Keywords: isotactic polypropylene, metallocene ethylene-propylene-based elastomers, blend, mechanical properties, adhesion parameters
Published in DiRROS: 13.12.2023; Views: 498; Downloads: 237
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Preiskave lesenih okvirnih stenskih panelov s cementno-ivernimi obložnimi ploščami
Meta Kržan, Tomaž Pazlar, Ivan Grašič, Boštjan Ber, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: V članku so predstavljeni rezultati eksperimentalnih preiskav študije obnašanja lesenih okvirnih stenskih panelov s cementno-ivernimi obložnimi ploščami pri horizontalnih obremenitvah. Posebnost predstavljene preiskave je uporaba cementno-ivernih plošč pri proizvodnji okvirnih stenskih panelov, saj njihovo obnašanje še ni dobro raziskano. Preiskave so bile izvedene v dveh fazah. Ker je za strižno obnašanje panela bistveno pritrjevanje obložnih plošč na leseni okvir, so se na manjših vzorcih najprej določile nosilnosti zvez s kovinskimi paličastimi sponkami ter analiziral vpliv debelin plošč in razmika med sponkami. Nadalje so bile zasnovane in izvedene monotone in ciklične strižne preiskave različnih izvedb stenskih panelov. Preskušani so bili trije osnovni tipi panelov, med drugim tudi panel z različnima debelinama obložnih plošč. Rezultati preiskave kažejo ugoden duktilen odziv sten pri strižnih obremenitvah ter potrjujejo, da nosilnost sten zaradi različnih debelin obložnih plošč ni dodatno zmanjšana, kot to pri izračunu nosilnosti predvideva SIST EN 1995-1-1. Ključne besede: leseni okvirni stenski paneli, cementno-iverna plošča, strižni preskus, nosilnost sponke v eni strižni ravnini.
Keywords: leseni okvirni stenski paneli, cementno-iverna plošča, ciklični strižni preskus, nosilnost sponke v eni strižni ravnini
Published in DiRROS: 04.12.2023; Views: 585; Downloads: 228
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