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Long term results of radiotherapy in vulvar cancer patients in Slovenia between 1997-2004
Helena Barbara Zobec Logar, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: The aim of this retrospective single institution study was to analyse long term results of vulvar cancer treatment with conventional 2D radiotherapy in Slovenia between years 1997%2004. Patients and methods. Fifty-six patients, median age 74.4 years +/- 9.7 years, mainly stage T2 or T3, were included in the study. All patients were treated with radiotherapy, which was combined with surgery (group A), used as the primary treatment (group B) or at the time of relapse (group C). Chemotherapy was added in some patients. Histology, grade, lymph node status, details of surgery, radiation dose to the primary tumour, inguinofemoral and pelvic area as well as local control (LC) and survival were evaluated. Results. Overall survival (OS), disease specific survival (DSS) and LC rates at 10-years for all patients were as follows: 22.7%, 34.5% and 41.1%, respectively. The best 10-years results of the treatment were achieved in the primary operated patients treated with adjuvant radiotherapy +/-chemotherapy (OS 31.9%, DSS 40.6% and LC 47.6%). Positive lymph nodes had a strong influence on LC. In case of positive nodes LC decreased by 60% (p = 0.03) and survival decreased by 50% (p = 0.2). There was a trend to a better LC with higher doses % 54.0 Gy (p = 0.05). Conclusions. The best treatment option for patients with advanced vulvar cancer is combined treatment with surgery and radiotherapy +/- chemotherapy, if feasible. Radiotherapy with the dose of % 54.0 Gy should be considered to achieve better LC if positive adverse factors are present.
Keywords: vulvar cancer, radiotherapy, surgery, survival
Published in DiRROS: 31.05.2024; Views: 46; Downloads: 21
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Identification of plasma biomarker candidates in glioblastoma using an antibody-array-based proteomic approach
Klemen Zupančič, Andrej Blejec, Ana Herman, Matija Veber, Urška Verbovšek, Marjan Koršič, Miomir Knežević, Primož Rožman, Tamara Lah Turnšek, Kristina Gruden, Helena Motaln, 2014, original scientific article

Abstract: Background. Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a brain tumour with a very high patient mortality rate, with a median survival of 47 weeks. This might be improved by the identification of novel diagnostic, prognostic and predictive therapy-response biomarkers, preferentially through the monitoring of the patient blood. The aim of this study was to define the impact of GBM in terms of alterations of the plasma protein levels in these patients. Materials and methods. We used a commercially available antibody array that includes 656 antibodies to analyse blood plasma samples from 17 healthy volunteers in comparison with 17 blood plasma samples from patients with GBM. Results. We identified 11 plasma proteins that are statistically most strongly associated with the presence of GBM. These proteins belong to three functional signalling pathways: T-cell signalling and immune responses; cell adhesion and migration; and cell-cycle control and apoptosis. Thus, we can consider this identified set of proteins as potential diagnostic biomarker candidates for GBM. In addition, a set of 16 plasma proteins were significantly associated with the overall survival of these patients with GBM. Guanine nucleotide binding protein alpha (GNAO1) was associated with both GBM presence and survival of patients with GBM. Conclusions. Antibody array analysis represents a useful tool for the screening of plasma samples for potential cancer biomarker candidates in small-scale exploratory experiments; however, clinical validation of these candidates requires their further evaluation in a larger study on an independent cohort of patients.
Keywords: glioblastoma, proteomics, biomarker
Published in DiRROS: 16.04.2024; Views: 330; Downloads: 329
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Microinvasive cervical squamous cell carcinoma in Slovenia during the period 2001-2007
Helena Gutnik, Jasenka P. Matišić, Maja Primic-Žakelj, Margareta Strojan Fležar, 2014, original scientific article

Abstract: Background. Microinvasive squamous cell carcinoma (MISCC) comprises a significant portion of all cervical cancers in Slovenia. Criteria of carcinomatous invasion are well described in the literature, however histopathological assessment of MISCC is difficult, because morphological characteristics can overlap with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 (CIN 3) and other pathological changes. The aim of our study was to evaluate the reliability of the histopathological diagnosis of MISCC in Slovenia during the period from 2001 to 2007. Materials and methods. Data on patients with a histopathological diagnosis of cervical MISCC (FIGO stage IA) in the period of 2001 to 2007 were obtained from the Cancer Registry of Slovenia. Histological slides were obtained from the majority of pathology laboratories in Slovenia. We received 250 cases (69% of all MISCC) for the review; 30 control cases with CIN 3 and invasive squamous cell carcinoma FIGO stage IB were intermixed. The slides were coded and reviewed. Results. Among 250 cases originally diagnosed as MISCC, there was an agreement with MISCC diagnosis in 184 (73.6%) cases (of these 179/184 (97.3%) cases were FIGO stage IA1 and 5/184 (2.7%) cases were FIGO stage IA2). Among 179 FIGO stage IA1 cases 117 (65.4%) showed only early stromal invasion. Conclusions. The retrospective review of cases diagnosed as MISCC during the period 2001- 2007 in Slovenia showed a considerable number of overdiagnosed cases. Amongst cases with MISCC confirmed on review, there was a significant proportion with early stromal invasion (depth of invasion less than 1 mm).
Keywords: cervical cancer, cervical squamous cell carcinoma, microinvasive squamous cell carcinoma, intraepithelial neoplasia
Published in DiRROS: 11.04.2024; Views: 383; Downloads: 259
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The liberation set in the inverse eigenvalue problem of a graph
Jephian C.-H. Lin, Polona Oblak, Helena Šmigoc, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: The inverse eigenvalue problem of a graph $G$ is the problem of characterizing all lists of eigenvalues of real symmetric matrices whose off-diagonal pattern is prescribed by the adjacencies of $G$. The strong spectral property is a powerful tool in this problem, which identifies matrices whose entries can be perturbed while controlling the pattern and preserving the eigenvalues. The Matrix Liberation Lemma introduced by Barrett et al. in 2020 advances the notion to a more general setting. In this paper we revisit the Matrix Liberation Lemma and prove an equivalent statement, that reduces some of the technical difficulties in applying the result. We test our method on matrices of the form $M=A \oplus B$ and show how this new approach supplements the results that can be obtained from the strong spectral property only. While extending this notion to the direct sums of graphs, we discover a surprising connection with the zero forcing game on Cartesian products of graphs. Throughout the paper we apply our results to resolve a selection of open cases for the inverse eigenvalue problem of a graph on six vertices.
Keywords: symmetric matrix, inverse eigenvalue problem, strong spectral property, Matrix Liberation Lemma, zero forcing
Published in DiRROS: 14.03.2024; Views: 147; Downloads: 69
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Elektronske cigarete, ogrevani tobačni izdelki, nikotinske vrečke in brezdimni tobačni izdelki : kaj o teh izdelkih s tobakom ali nikotinom povedo raziskave?
Helena Koprivnikar, Jerneja Farkaš-Lainščak, 2023, review article

Abstract: V Sloveniji je kajenje tobaka še vedno med najpomembnejšimi preprečljivimi dejavniki tveganja za smrt in na prvem mestu za izgubljena zdrava leta življenja. V Sloveniji in številnih razvitih državah beležimo zniževanje prevalence kajenja. Industrija je za ohranitev oziroma večanje prodaje in dobička dala na trg različne vrste izdelkov s tobakom ali nikotinom, kot so elektronske cigarete, ogrevani tobačni izdelki in nikotinske vrečke, ki so prisotni tudi v Sloveniji. Vse bolj priljubljeni v Sloveniji postajajo tudi brezdimni tobačni izdelki. V bibliografski podatkovni zbirki PubMed smo poiskali sistematične preglede in metaanalize o vplivih na zdravje pri uporabi teh izdelkov, poiskali poročila mednarodnih organizacij o njihovem vplivu na zdravje in okolje ter uporabili najnovejše dostopne podatke iz slovenskih nacionalnih raziskav za prikaz razširjenosti njihove uporabe v Sloveniji. Ogrevani tobačni izdelki, elektronske cigarete in nikotinske vrečke izpostavijo uporabnika znatnim ravnem zdravju škodljivih snovi. Dolgoročni učinki njihove uporabe na zdravje še niso ustrezno raziskani, saj so v uporabi še prekratek čas, dostopni podatki pa kažejo, da imajo škodljive učinke na zdravje, nekateri že kratkoročno, in da bodo verjetno privedli do pomembnih posledic za zdravje pri dolgoročni uporabi. O manjši škodljivosti teh izdelkov v primerjavi s kajenjem cigaret ni možno govoriti, saj je na voljo premalo kakovostnih raziskav, poznani pa so škodljivi učinki dolgoročne uporabe brezdimnih tobačnih izdelkov. Vsi omenjeni izdelki se pogosto promovirajo tudi kot učinkoviti pripomočki za opuščanje kajenja, a tudi na tem področju ni na voljo zadosti kakovostnih raziskav, da bi lahko sklepali zaključke o njihovi vlogi v opuščanju kajenja, zato se jih v te namene ne priporoča. Vsi omenjeni izdelki vsebujejo nikotin (izjema so elektronske cigarete brez nikotina) in uporabnika zasvojijo. Uporaba izdelkov z nikotinom med mladimi pa je povezana še z dodatnimi pomembnimi tveganji; poleg zasvojenosti, ki se razvije hitreje in močneje kot pri odraslih, so tu še škodljivi učinki na razvoj možganov, pri elektronskih cigaretah in brezdimnih tobačnih izdelkih pa tudi zvišano tveganje za kajenje cigaret v prihodnosti. Podatki za Slovenijo kažejo, da uporaba teh izdelkov med mladimi narašča s starostjo ter da med mladimi odstotki uporabnikov večinoma presegajo odstotek med populacijo, starejšo od 25 let. V zadnjih letih odstotki uporabnikov elektronskih cigaret in brezdimnih tobačnih izdelkov med mladostniki naraščajo izraziteje kot med odraslimi. Ključna je čimprejšnja strožja zakonodajna ureditev teh izdelkov, da preprečimo in zmanjšamo njihovo uporabo, predvsem med mladimi.
Keywords: tobak, nikotin, elektronski sistemi za dovajanje nikotina, tobačni izdelki, mladostniki
Published in DiRROS: 05.02.2024; Views: 302; Downloads: 63
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Ocenjevanje kakovosti zraka na izbranih lokacijah v Mežiški dolini z uporabo epifitskih lišajev
Samar Al Sayegh-Petkovšek, Teja Sterže, Helena Poličnik, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Na 12 izbranih lokacijah v Mežiški dolini smo spomladi leta 2022 opravili popis epifitskih lišajev z uporabo slovenske metode SI in nemške metode VDI. Z obema metodama se ocenjuje kakovost zraka na podlagi obstoječih rastnih tipov steljk in vrst epifitskih lišajev, na katere vplivajo predvsem plinasta onesnažila v zraku. Dodatno smo določali tudi indekse toksitolerance. Skupaj smo na prostostoječem drevju evidentirali 34 vrst epifitskih lišajev; 25 v Zgornji Mežiški dolini in 27 vrst epifitskih lišajev v Spodnji Mežiški dolini. Na podlagi izračuna povprečnega indeksa toksitolerance za posamezno lokacijo smo ugotovili, da na vseh lokacijah prevladujejo vrste, ki so manj občutljive za onesnaževanje. Največji indeks zračne čistosti, določen po metodi VDI, je bil izračunan za lokacijo Lom, sledita lokaciji Žerjav in Tolsti vrh, kjer smo evidentirali tudi največje število vrst lišajev. Stanje lišajske vegetacije na vseh obravnavanih lokacijah je primerljivo in kaže, da so lokacije srednje obremenjene s plinastimi onesnažili. V ospredje lahko postavimo lokaciji Dolgo Brdo in Preški vrh, kjer je izpostavljenost plinastim onesnažilom velika do zmerna; na lokaciji Dolgo Brdo pa je bila tudi obrast lišajev revna. Izračunani indeksi zračne čistosti so sicer pokazali, da je kakovost zraka v Zgornji Mežiški dolini nekoliko boljša kot v Spodnji Mežiški dolini, vendar razlike niso statistično značilne.
Keywords: epifitski lišaji, kartiranje, bioindikatorji, onesnažen zrak, Mežiška dolina
Published in DiRROS: 25.01.2024; Views: 779; Downloads: 238
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Enhancing circular business model implementation in pulp and paper industry (PPI) : a phase-based implementation guide to waste valorisation strategiesa
Amaia Sopelana, Asier Oleaga, Juan José Cepriá, Karmen Fifer Bizjak, Helena Paiva, Francisco-Javier Rios-Davila, Adriana H. Martinez, Antonio Cañas, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Innovation in the circular economy (CE) and the deployment of effective circular business models (CBM) have attracted significant attention in times of growing natural resource scarcity. Despite this widespread interest, significant challenges remain between theoretical innovations and effective CBM implementation in any industrial sector where companies pursue cost-saving opportunities through waste valorisation strategies. Since current methods mislead in terms of the real limitations to designing feasible novel products and services under a circular economy, this study proposes exploring determinants underpinning the organisational resilience of CBMs under a resource efficiency strategy through three case studies. As a result of a co-creation process, the implementation of a CBM framework was built upon empirical data and, thence, a phase-based implementation guide was laid out to assist companies in designing and implementing innovative CBM dealing with the complexity of innovative waste valorisation strategies between the PPI and construction sectors. Relevant findings on managerial and policy recommendations encountered along the demo stage are provided in this paper favouring an effective implementation of CE strategies: the role of technological and non-technological aspects within the CBM, the perspective of the ecosystem and its value proposition, and specific guidelines for the different phases of CBM life cycle.
Keywords: circular business models (CBMs), resource recovery, waste valorisation, strategic management, pulp and paper industry (PPI), construction sector
Published in DiRROS: 13.12.2023; Views: 254; Downloads: 106
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