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Title:Predlog prostorske razporeditve izbranih primestnih gozdov na podlagi daljinsko pridobljenih podatkov in terenske kontrole
Authors:ID Hladnik, David (Author)
ID Bambič, Sebastian (Author)
ID Benčina, Aleš (Author)
ID Mihelič, Jan (Author)
ID Repotočnik, Žiga (Author)
ID Pirnat, Janez (Author)
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MD5: 63292C9F4B05C3A81692AE8831D26A8F
Typology:1.04 - Professional Article
Organization:Logo ZGDS - Zveza gozdarskih društev Slovenije
Abstract:V pričujočem prispevku predstavljamo predlog opredelitve t.i. primestnih gozdov na podlagi študije, ki sta jo predstavila Pirnat in Hladnik (2018), v kateri sta analizirala zgradbo krajine in povezljivost gozdov v mestnem in obrobnem območju 30 največjih slovenskih mest. Članek je služil kot osnova za delo s študenti pri dveh izbirnih predmetih Gozdovi, ljudje in trajnostne krajine in Prostorski monitoring naravnega okolja na magistrskem študijskem programu druge stopnje Gozdarstvo in upravljanje gozdnih ekosistemov. Študentje so v okviru seminarjev na podlagi predstavljene metodologije članka (Pirnat in Hladnik, 2018), zbirke podatkov o državnih cestah, podatkovne zbirke CORINE Land Cover, podatkov o gozdnih sestojih, podrobnega digitalnega modela reliefa ter na podlagi terenskih ogledov v programskem okolju ArcMap izdelali predlagane spremembe površin t. i. primestnih gozdov štirih izbranih mest (Grosuplje, Kočevje, Ljubljana, Slovenj Gradec). To delo je primerna osnova za izdelavo metodologije določanja primestnih gozdov, če se bo pokazala potreba.
Keywords:primestni gozdovi, krajinska ekologija, daljinsko zaznavanje, Lidar
Year of publishing:2019
Year of performance:2019
Number of pages:str. 124-129
Numbering:Letn. 77, št. 3
PID:20.500.12556/DiRROS-9454 New window
ISSN on article:0017-2723
COBISS.SI-ID:5368998 New window
Publication date in DiRROS:23.04.2019
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Gozdarski vestnik : slovenska strokovna revija za gozdarstvo
Shortened title:Gozd. vestn.
Publisher:Zveza gozdarskih društev Slovenije
COBISS.SI-ID:3736834 New window

Secondary language

Title:Proposition of spatial distribution of the selected suburban forests on the basis of the remote sensing data and field control
Abstract:In this article we present a proposition for defining the so-called suburban forests on the basis of the study, presented by Pirnat and Hladnik (2018), in which they analyzed the structure of the landscape and connectivity of forests in urban and suburban areas of 30 largest Slovenian cities. This article was used as the basis for work with students in two elective subjects, i.e. %Forests, people, and sustainable landscapes% and %Spatial monitoring of the natural environment% in the second degree master study program Forestry and Forest Ecosystem Management. In the framework of the seminary on the basis of the presented methodology of the article (Pirnat and Hladnik, 2018), data base in state roads, CORINE land cover data base, data on forest stands, detailed digital model of the relief, and on the basis of field controls, the students made the suggested corrections of the so-called suburban forests% areas of four selected cities (Grosuplje, Kočevje, Ljubljana, Slovenj Gradec) in the ArcMap program environment. This work is an appropriate basis for making the methodology for defining suburban forests, if the need arises.
Keywords:suburban forest, landscape ecology, remote sensing, Lidar


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  1. Gozdarski vestnik
