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Title:Katalog živih glivnih kultur mikoteke in herbarija Gozdarskega inštituta Slovenije : poročilo
Authors:ID Jurc, Maja (Author)
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MD5: 18E17771107529874F1210463CC12C97
PID: 20.500.12556/dirros/e7ef559b-7eec-4717-996e-7b33176f22ee
Typology:2.13 - Treatise, Preliminary Study, Study
Organization:Logo SciVie - Slovenian Forestry Institute
Keywords:glive, mikoteka, herbarij
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije
Year of publishing:1995
Year of performance:1995
Number of pages:7 f.
PID:20.500.12556/DiRROS-6623 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:298918 New window
Note:Ov. nasl.;
Publication date in DiRROS:12.07.2017
JURC, Maja, 1995, Katalog živih glivnih kultur mikoteke in herbarija Gozdarskega inštituta Slovenije : poročilo [online]. Treatise, Preliminary Study, Study. Ljubljana : Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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