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Title:Provenance analysis of Roman stone artefacts from sedimentary rocks from the archaeological site near Mošnje, NW Slovenia
Authors:ID Miletić, Snježana (Author)
ID Dolenec, Sabina (Author)
ID Lux, Judita (Author)
ID Šmuc, Andrej (Author)
ID Zupančič, Nina (Author)
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Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:Logo ZAG - Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute
Abstract:This study deals with the macroscopic and microfacies characterisation of Roman stone artefacts excavated in 2006 from a Roman villa rustica near Mošnje (NW Slovenia) with the aim of defining their provenance. A total of 28 representative finds (querns, mortars, whetstones, tooled and rounded stones, a fragment of stone slab, mosaic tesserae and two architectural elements - one with a relief) made of clastic and carbonate sedimentary rocks were examined. Comparison was made with rock samples taken from quarries and gravel bars close to the archaeological site, as well as from larger distance to the site. The majority of artefact sampled is composed of Upper Palaeozoic quartz sandstones, which are found as pebbles in gravel bars close to the archaeological site; while 2 samples were from Quaternary coarse grained clastic rocks which can be found in local glacio-fluvial Sediments. Other finds were made of four different Mesozoic shallow-water limestones which outcrop in different areas of Central and SW Slovenia. The nearest Lower Jurassic biopelmicritic limestones are found at the western periphery of Ljubljana in Podutik. Cretaceous miliolid limestones and biocalcarenitic limestones with rudists are common in the successions of the Dinaric Carbonate Platform in SW Slovenia (for example, on the Trieste-Komen Plateau), NE Italy and SW Croatia. This indicates that the limestones for architectural elements, stone mortars and tesserae were brought to Mošnje from distant locations. Smaller stone tools are likely to have been made at the location of the archaeological site from material gathered locally, mostly pebbles from clastic rocks, which were accessible and suitable for tooling.
Keywords:arheološke izkopanine, rimljani, sedimentne kamnine, apnenec, mikrofacies, izvor kamnine, arheološko najdišče, Slovenija
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Publication date:11.08.2016
Publisher:Geološki zavod Slovenije
Year of publishing:2016
Number of pages:str. 35-53
Numbering:59, št. 1
PID:20.500.12556/DiRROS-21151 New window
ISSN on article:0016-7789
DOI:10.5474/geologija.2016.003 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2547029 New window
Copyright:© Author(s) 2016
Publication date in DiRROS:08.01.2025
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Record is a part of a journal

Shortened title:Geologija
Publisher:Geološki zavod Slovenije
COBISS.SI-ID:5636866 New window


License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.

Secondary language

Title:Določanje izvora rimskih kamnitih artefaktov iz sedimentnih kamnin z arheološkega najdišča pri Mošnjah, SZ Slovenija
Abstract:Raziskava obravnava makroskopsko in mikrofaciesno karakterizacijo kamnitih rimskih artefaktov, izkopanih leta 2006 v rimski podeželski vili pri Mošnjah (SZ Slovenija), z namenom določitve njihovega izvora. Pregledali smo 28 reprezentativnih najdb (žrmlje, možnarji, brusi, obdelani in okrogli kamni, odlomek kamnite plošče, mozaične kocke in dva arhitekturna elementa - eden z reliefom) iz klastičnih in karbonatnih sedimentnih kamnin. Kamnite najdbe smo primerjali z vzorci kamnin iz kamnolomov in prodišč v ožji in širši okolici arheološkega najdišča. Večina vzorcev artefaktov je iz zgornjepaleozojskih kremenovih peščenjakov, ki smo jih našli tudi v prodnikih na prodiščih v okolici Mošenj, medtem ko sta dva vzorca iz kvartarnih debelozrnatih klastičnih kamnin, ki se nahajajo v lokalnih ledeniško-rečnih nanosih. Ostale najdbe so izdelane iz štirih različnih mezozojskih plitvovodnih apnencev, ki se pojavljajo na različnih območjih v osrednji in jugozahodni Sloveniji. Spodnjejurske biopelmikritne apnence najdemo najbližje na zahodnem obrobju Ljubljane v Podutiku. Kredni miliolidi apnenci in biokalkarenitni apnenci z rudisti so pogosti v horizontih Dinarske karbonatne platforme na JZ Slovenije (npr. na Tržaško-Komenski planoti), SV Italije in JZ Hrvaške. Domnevamo, da so apnence za izdelavo arhitekturnih elementov, možnarjev ter mozaičnih kock v Mošnje pripeljali z oddaljenih lokacij. Manjša kamnita orodja so verjetno izdelovali na lokaciji najdišča in so uporabili dosegljivi material iz okolice, večinoma prodnike klastičnih kamnin, primernih za obdelavo.
