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Title:Ontological Aspects of the Literary Work of Art in Roman Ingarden and Nicolai Hartmann
Authors:ID Kryeziu, Sazan (Author)
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Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:Logo INR - Institute Nova Revija for the Humanities
Abstract:The aesthetics of Roman Ingarden and Nicolai Hartmann are phenomenological in the Husserlian sense of the term. Although both Ingarden as well as Hartmann owe their ideas to Husserl, each of them worked independently of the other and provided different accounts with regard to the anatomy and the mode of existence of the literary work of art, which have proven to be invaluable for its study. While Ingarden’s account utilizes the properties of conscious acts to explain the appearance of an aesthetic object, Hartmann employs the founding properties of the conscious acts in the human temporality, within which these acts are performed. However, there are also some specific similarities to be found in their theories of ontology, concerning the “stratified structures” of the different kinds of aesthetic objects. The present paper is an attempt to develop a comparison with respect to certain questions related to Ingarden’s and Hartmann’s ontologies of the literary work of art. The aim is to answer these questions from the point of view of both Ingarden as well as Hartmann.
Keywords:phenomenology, ontology, aesthetics, literary work of art, Roman Ingarden, Nicolai Hartmann
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Publication date:23.07.2024
Year of publishing:2024
Number of pages:str. 67-84
Numbering:Letn. 33, št. 128/129
PID:20.500.12556/DiRROS-20551 New window
ISSN on article:1318-3362
DOI:10.32022/PHI33.2024.128-129.4 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:205036291 New window
Publication date in DiRROS:21.10.2024
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Phainomena : [glasilo Fenomenološkega društva v Ljubljani
Shortened title:Phainomena
Publisher:Fenomenološko društvo [etc.], Fenomenološko društvo [etc.], Nova revija, Inštitut Nove revije - Zavod za humanistiko
COBISS.SI-ID:29705216 New window


License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.

Secondary language

Title:Ontološki vidiki literarne umetnine pri Romanu Ingardnu in Nicolaiju Hartmannu
Abstract:Estetiki Romana Ingardna in Nicolaija Hartmanna sta fenomenološki v husserlovskem smislu têrmina. Čeprav tako Ingarden kot Hartmann poglavitne ideje dobita od Husserla, sta oba delovala neodvisno eden od drugega in prispevala različne poglede na anatomijo in način biti literarne umetnine, ki so se izkazali za neprecenljive glede njene obravnave. Medtem ko Ingardnov pristop uporablja lastnosti zavestnih aktov, da bi razložil prikazovanje estetskega objekta, se Hartmann poslužuje utemeljitvenih lastnosti zavestnih aktov človeške temporalnosti, znotraj katere se ti akti udejanjajo. Vendar je znotraj njunih ontoloških teorije mogoče najti tudi specifične podobnosti, ki zadevajo »slojevite strukture« različnih vrst estetskih objektov. Pričujoči prispevek skuša razviti primerjavo določenih vprašanj Ingardnove in Hartmannove ontologije literarne umetnine. Njegov cilj je poiskati odgovore na tovrstna vprašanja tako z vidika Ingardna kot z vidika Hartmanna
Keywords:fenomenologija, ontologija, estetika, literarna umetnina, Roman Ingarden, Nicolai Hartmann
