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Title:Izzivi razvoja ribištva v Sloveniji
Authors:ID Mavrič, Alex (Author)
ID Bojnec, Štefan (Author)
ID Ramšak, Andreja (Author)
ID Rozman, Črtomir (Reviewer)
ID Turk, Jernej (Reviewer)
ID Dukič, Davorin (Copy-reader)
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Typology:2.01 - Scientific Monograph
Organization:Logo NIB - National Institute of Biology
Abstract:Raziskava prinaša nova spoznanja in izzive s področij ribištva v Sloveniji in z njim povezanih panog. Z intervjuji smo pridobili primarne podatke za raziskovanje, ki je vključevalo različne vidike in segmente ribiškega trga v Sloveniji, s poudarkom na socio-ekonomskih dejavnikih. Preučevali smo ribolov in vzrejo školjk ter rib v morju in v celinskih vodah, povezovanje ribištva s turizmom, predelavo ribiških izdelkov, zlorabe na ribiškem trgu in sorodne teme kakortudi možnosti za trajnostni razvoj ribištva v slovenskem morju in v celinskih vodah. Rezultati intervjujev so nam dali vpogled v vrsto težav in v možne rešitve, kot so jih predvideli različni deležniki, povezani s trgom rib. V zaključku raziskave so predstavljeni ugotovitve o trgu rib, možne smeri in vplivi na razvoj trga rib. Glede na ugotovljene težave smo podali tudi predloge, ki bi lahko izboljšali stanje v ribištvu in na trgu rib v Sloveniji. Raziskava je prinesla nekaj pomembnih ugotovitev, kot so: slovenski potrošniki pojedo mnogo manj rib v primerjavi z ostalimi članicami Evropske unije, slabo so ozaveščeni o ribolovnih izdelkih in ozaveščanje je preveč kratkoročno usmerjeno, da bi dosegli spremembe. V vseh dejavnostih, povezanih s trgom rib, je potrebno zmanjšati vplive na okolje, kar bo pomagalo ohranjati ribolovne vire v naravnih vodah.
Keywords:prehranska varnost, ribolov, ribogojstvo, akvakultura, trajnostni razvoj, zakonodaja, kvaliteta, trženje, razvojne perspektive, elektronske knjige
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Publication date:01.01.2021
Place of publishing:Koper
Place of performance:Koper
Publisher:Založba Univerze na Primorskem
Year of publishing:2021
Year of performance:2021
Number of pages:131 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DiRROS-20189 New window
DOI:10.26493/978-961-293-114-8 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:98414339 New window
Note:Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 28. 4. 2022;
Publication date in DiRROS:08.08.2024
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Document is financed by a project

Funder:ARIS - Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency
Project number:V1-1808-2018
Name:Uporaba tehnologije DNA za ugotavljanje poneverb v ribiških proizvodih z vrednotenjem socio ekonomskih vidikov


License:CC BY-SA 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Description:This Creative Commons license is very similar to the regular Attribution license, but requires the release of all derivative works under this same license.

Secondary language

Abstract:The research brings new insights and challenges in the field of fisheries in Slovenia and related industries.Through interviews, we obtained primary data for the research, which covered various aspects and segments of the fishing market in Slovenia, with a focus on socio-economic factors. We investigated fishing and farming of shellfish and fish in the sea and inland waters, the link between fisheries and tourism, processing of fisheries products, abuses in the fisheries market and related issues, and opportunities for sustainable development of fisheries in the Slovenian sea and inland waters. The results of the interviews gave us an insight into the types of problems and possible solutions as seen by different stakeholders in relation to the fish market. The findings on the market, possible directions for development and implications for development are presented at the end of the study. Given the problems identified, we have also made suggestions that could improve the situation of fisheries and the fish market in Slovenia. The survey yielded some important findings, such as: Slovenian consumers eat much less fish than other eu members, have little awareness of fishery products and are too short term to make changes. In all activities related to the fish market, it is necessary to reduce the impact on the environment, which helps to preserve fish stocks in natural waters.
