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Title:Breast cancer and breast health awareness as an evolving health promotion concept
Authors:ID Plesničar, Andrej (Author)
ID Kovač, Viljem (Author)
ID Kralj, Božo (Author)
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Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:Logo OI - Institute of Oncology
Abstract:Background. Breast cancer is the most frequent malignant disease in the majority of developed countries. In the last few years the introduction of mammography screening programmes has resulted in an improved survival of breast cancer patients. However, the incidence of the disease in these countries is still on the increase. Present focus on secondary breast cancer prevention activities, consisting of early detection and treatment, cannot ensure a decrease of breast cancer incidence. Improved breast health awarenesscould therefore represent a part of specific health promotion activities aimed at decreasing the incidence of breast cancer. Conclusions. Indeveloped countries breast cancer is a significant health care issue. Secondary breast cancer prevention activities should therefore be complementedby specific health promotion activities in order to reduce its incidence in the future. Primary breast cancer prevention would include healthpromotion activities aimed at enhancement of the individual as well as collective breast health awareness. Properly enlightened members of the influential population groups could attain appropriate changes in the fields of legislation, taxation, customs and commercial regulations that would enablewomen to control their own breast health.
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Publication date:01.01.2004
Publisher:Association of Radiology and Oncology
Year of publishing:2004
Number of pages:str. 27-34
Numbering:Let. 38, št. 1
PID:20.500.12556/DiRROS-18135 New window
ISSN on article:1318-2099
COBISS.SI-ID:1963627 New window
Copyright:by Authors
Publication date in DiRROS:07.02.2024
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Radiology and oncology
Shortened title:Radiol. oncol.
Publisher:Slovenian Medical Society - Section of Radiology, Croatian Medical Association - Croatian Society of Radiology
COBISS.SI-ID:32649472 New window

Secondary language

Title:[Rak dojke in ozaveščenost o zdravju dojk kot razvijajoči načrt promocije zdravja]
