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Title:Zagotavljanje migracijskih koridorjev za prostoživeče živali na območju železniške infrastrukture
Authors:ID Al Sayegh-Petkovšek, Samar (Author)
ID Kotnik, Klemen (Author)
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Typology:1.02 - Review Article
Organization:Logo SciVie - Slovenian Forestry Institute
Abstract:Železniški transport je okoljsko in ekonomsko sprejemljivejši od drugih vrst kopenskega transporta, vendar lahko negativno vpliva na prostoživeče živali, saj pomeni oviro za njihovo gibanje (barierni učinek) ter neposredno povečuje umrljivost zaradi trkov z vlaki. Zaradi tovrstnih vplivov je smiselno načrtovati in implementirati omilitvene ukrepe, ki zagotavljajo ekološko povezljivost in zmanjšujejo umrljivost prostoživečih živali na območju železniške infrastrukture. Ukrepi morajo biti usmerjeni predvsem k preprečevanju vstopanja in zadrževanja živali na območju železniških tirov, saj se vlaki praviloma ne morejo izogniti trku. Še posebej primerni so omilitveni ukrepi, ki zmanjšujejo število trkov in ne povečujejo bariernega učinka. V preglednem članku smo se osredotočili na ukrepe, ki so bili obravnavani oz. implementirani na območju železniške infrastrukture in na novejše raziskave, v okviru katerih so preverjali možnost uporabe alternativnih omilitvenih ukrepov, npr. opozorilnih sistemov, testiranih v Kanadi in na Švedskem. V drugem delu prispevka predstavljamo predlog protokola za zagotovitev migracijskih koridorjev na območju železnice, ki smo ga oblikovali na podlagi relevantne tuje literature in lastnih izkušenj, pridobljenih z načrtovanjem in spremljanjem ukrepov za zmanjšanje povoza prostoživečih živali (s poudarkom na parkljarjih) na cestah, hitrih cestah ter avtocestah in z analizo povozov na območju slovenske železniške infrastrukture v izbranem petletnem obdobju.
Keywords:migracijski koridorji, železniška infrastruktura, barierni učinek, protokol, omilitveni ukrepi, trki prostoživečih živali z vlaki
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Publication date:30.11.2023
Year of publishing:2023
Number of pages:str. 29-46
Numbering:Vol. 131
PID:20.500.12556/DiRROS-17397 New window
ISSN on article:2335-3112
DOI:10.20315/ASetL.131.3 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:174347011 New window
Publication date in DiRROS:30.11.2023
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Acta Silvae et Ligni
Publisher:Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije, založba Silva Slovenica, Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za gozdarstvo in obnovljive gozdne vire, Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za lesarstvo
COBISS.SI-ID:266761216 New window


License:CC BY-SA 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Description:This Creative Commons license is very similar to the regular Attribution license, but requires the release of all derivative works under this same license.

Secondary language

Title:Providing wildlife corridors in the area of railway infrastructure
Abstract:Rail transport is considered to be more environmentally friendly, economical and socially acceptable than other types of land transport, especially when compared to road transport. However, it can adversely affect wildlife by creating barriers to their movement, commonly known as the “barrier effect”, and by directly increasing mortality due to collisions with trains. Therefore, it is crucial to plan and implement mitigating measures to ensure ecological connectivity and reduce wildlife mortality caused by rail traffic. The primary focus of such measures should be on preventing animals from accessing and lingering on railway tracks, since trains typically cannot avoid collisions. Measures that effectively reduce the number of collisions without exacerbating the barrier effect are particularly desirable. In this review article, we focused on measures that have been proposed or implemented in railway infrastructure. Additionally, we examine recent research exploring the feasibility of alternative mitigation measures, such as warning systems tested in Canada and Sweden. The second part of the paper presents a proposal for a protocol designed to ensure migration corridors and minimize barrier effects. The protocol was developed based on relevant literature and previous studies, as well as our own experience in planning and implementing monitoring measures to reduce wildlife mortality (with a focus on ungulates) on roads, highways and freeways. It also incorporates an analysis of collisions between wildlife and trains on the Slovenian railways network during a selected five-year period
Keywords:wildlife corridors, railway infrastructure, barrier effect, protocol, mitigation measures, wildlife-train collisions


This document is a part of these collections:
  1. Acta Silvae et Ligni
