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Title:Digitalni zajem podatkov o stanju krošenj in poškodovanosti gozdov za namene poročanja ICP Forests
Authors:ID Skudnik, Mitja (Author)
ID Grah, Andrej (Author)
ID Pintar, Anže Martin (Author)
ID Planinšek, Špela (Author)
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MD5: 51FEB0808039E08D535A6542C6EE2173
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:Logo ZGDS - Zveza gozdarskih društev Slovenije
Abstract:Mednarodna delovna skupina za proučevanje vplivov onesnaženosti na gozdne ekosisteme, ki je bila ustanovljena pod okriljem Konvencije o daljinskem transportu onesnaženega zraka, deluje že nekaj desetletij (od leta 1980). Za področje gozdarstva je ključna delovna skupina ICP Forests, katere osnovna ideja je spremljanje vplivov atmosferskih onesnažil na procese v gozdnih ekosistemih. Pravilnik o varstvu gozdov je zakonska podlaga za izvajanje tega programa v Sloveniji, terenske izmere in spremljanje stanja pa pod okriljem javne gozdarske službe izvaja Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije. Širok nabor podatkov, zbranih na terenu, že 35 let polni mednarodne zbirke podatkov. V Sloveniji smo se odločili za uvedbo digitalnega vnosa terenskih podatkov, saj menimo, da elektronski vnos podatkov omogoča kakovostnejše podatke zaradi logičnih kontrol ter prihranek časa pri zajemu in obdelavi podatkov. V delu predstavljamo primer postavitve in uporabe posebej izdelane mobilne aplikacije za digitalni zajem podatkov s pripadajočo podatkovno bazo, ki omogoča enostavno shranjevanje podatkov in pozneje izvoz za namene poročanja.
Keywords:digitalni vnos podatkov, podatkovne baze, Pravilnik o varstvu gozdov, mednarodno poročanje, osutost, popis poškodb drevje
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Year of publishing:2020
Year of performance:2020
Number of pages:str. 185-194
Numbering:Letn. 78, št. 4
PID:20.500.12556/DiRROS-12070 New window
ISSN on article:0017-2723
COBISS.SI-ID:18102275 New window
Publication date in DiRROS:09.06.2020
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Gozdarski vestnik : slovenska strokovna revija za gozdarstvo
Shortened title:Gozd. vestn.
Publisher:Zveza gozdarskih društev Slovenije
COBISS.SI-ID:3736834 New window

Secondary language

Title:Digital capture of tree crown condition and damage cause assesments for the purpose of ICP forests reporting
Abstract:The international working group for examining the impacts of pollution on the forest ecosystems, founded under the Convention on the long-range air pollution transport, has been active for some decades (since 1980). For the field of forestry, ICP Forests working group, whose basic idea is to monitor the impacts of atmospheric pollutants on the processes in forest ecosystems. The Rules on forest protection represent the legislative basis for performing this program in Slovenia; field measurements and monitoring of the condition are performed by the Slovenian Forestry Institute under the patronage of the public forestry service. An extensive data set, acquired in the field, has been filling international data bases for 35 years. In Slovenia, we decided to introduce the digital capture of the field data since we believe the electronic data capture enables data of higher quality due to the logic controls and time-saving in data capture and processing. In our article, we present an example of the establishment and use of a specially designed mobile application for digital data capture with the associated data base enabling simple data storage and later the export for the purpose of reporting.
Keywords:digital data capture, database, regulation on forest protection, international reporting, crown condition, damaging agents


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  1. Gozdarski vestnik
