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Query: "keywords" (rak (medicina)) .

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CA19-9 serum levels predict micrometastases in patients with gastric cancer
Tomaž Jagrič, Stojan Potrč, Katarina Miš, Mojca Plankl, Tomaž Marš, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: Background. We explored the prognostic value of the up-regulated carbohydrate antigen (CA19-9) in node-negative patients with gastric cancer as a surrogate marker for micrometastases. Patients and methods. Micrometastases were determined using reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) for a subgroup of 30 node-negative patients. This group was used to determine the cut-off for preoperative CA19-9 serum levels as a surrogate marker for micrometastases. Then 187 node-negative T1 to T4 patients were selected to validate the predictive value of this CA19-9 threshold. Results. Patients with micrometastases had significantly higher preoperative CA19-9 serum levels compared to patients without micrometastases (p = 0.046). CA19-9 serum levels were significantly correlated with tumour site, tumour diameter, and perineural invasion. Although not reaching significance, subgroup analysis showed better five-year survival rates for patients with CA19-9 serum levels below the threshold, compared to patients with CA19-9 serum levels above the cut-off. The cumulative survival for T2 to T4 node-negative patients was significantly better with CA19-9 serum levels below the cut-off (p = 0.04). Conclusions. Preoperative CA19-9 serum levels can be used to predict higher risk for haematogenous spread and micrometastases in node-negative patients. However, CA19-9 serum levels lack the necessary sensitivity and specificity to reliably predict micrometastases.
Keywords: gastric cancer, micrometastases, CA19-9, rak (medicina), želodec, metastaze, diagnostika, antigeni, tumorski označevalci
Published in DiRROS: 09.05.2024; Views: 298; Downloads: 237
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Nova zdravila za tarčno zdravljenje pljučnega raka z insercijo v eksonu 20 gena EGFR : klinični primer
Aleksandra Sokolova, Loredana Mrak, 2024, published professional conference contribution

Keywords: internistična onkologija, pljučni rak, kemoterapija
Published in DiRROS: 22.04.2024; Views: 447; Downloads: 122
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Uporaba sacituzumab-govitekana pri predhodno močno zdravljeni bolnici z razsejanim trojno negativnim rakom dojk
Nina Privšek, Cvetka Grašič-Kuhar, 2024, published professional conference contribution

Keywords: internistična onkologija, rak dojk, kemoterapija
Published in DiRROS: 22.04.2024; Views: 357; Downloads: 116
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Rak telesa maternice : vzdrževalno zdravljenje z navtemadlinom, zaviralcem MDM2
Ana Geltar, Erik Škof, 2024, published professional conference contribution

Keywords: internistična onkologija, rak telesa maternice, kemoterapija
Published in DiRROS: 22.04.2024; Views: 339; Downloads: 108
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Zdravljenje bolnice z metastatskim urotelnim karcinomom ledvičnega meha s sodobnimi onkološkimi zdravili
Mićo Božić, Tanja Ovčariček, 2024, published professional conference contribution

Keywords: internistična onkologija, rak ledvic, kemoterapija
Published in DiRROS: 22.04.2024; Views: 378; Downloads: 128
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Teranostično zdravljenje - nov pristop v zdravljenju napredovalega raka prostate
Daša Bosilj, Tina Pavlin, Boštjan Šeruga, 2024, published professional conference contribution

Keywords: internistična onkologija, rak prostate, kemoterapija
Published in DiRROS: 22.04.2024; Views: 422; Downloads: 93
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Konjugat protitelo-zdravilo trastuzumab-derukstekan pri zdravljenju HER2-pozitivnega rak želodca
Lucija Bogdan, Tanja Mesti, 2024, published professional conference contribution

Keywords: internistična onkologija, rak želodca, kemoterapija
Published in DiRROS: 22.04.2024; Views: 491; Downloads: 126
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Premagovanje hormonske rezistence pri napredovalem luminalnem raku dojk : serd, kapivasertib
Domen Ribnikar, 2024, published professional conference contribution

Keywords: internistična onkologija, rak dojke, kemoterapija
Published in DiRROS: 22.04.2024; Views: 368; Downloads: 107
.pdf Full text (812,38 KB)

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