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Seasonal radial growth of Black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold) from Bosnia and Herzegovina, monitored by the pinning method and manual band dendrometers
Simon Poljanšek, Jernej Jevšenak, Jožica Gričar, Tom Levanič, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: Despite numerous dendroclimatological investigations into different tree species from Bosnia and Herzegovina, information is lacking on intra-annual wood formation patterns, which would help us to interpret the climate signal in tree rings better. Using the pinning method and manual band dendrometers, we investigated the seasonal dynamics of radial growth of black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold) trees in two successive growing seasons: 2011 and 2012. The up to 60-year-old trees grew in a stand at the base of a hill in the western, mountainous part of the Balkan Peninsula. The seasonal dynamics of wood formation and final number of cells differed between the studied years. Wood formation started in both years in early to mid-March. Differences were noticed in the wood production culmination; in 2011 it occurred at the end of May and beginning of June in 2012 and 2011, respectively. Xylem growth finished in 2012 in the middle of August and in 2011 in the middle of September. Based on the first derivative of the Gompertz function calculated rate of xylem growth was lowest in 2011. The dendrometers recorded a slow increment rate in spring, higher in summer and a decreasing rate again in the late summer in both growing seasons. In comparison with pinning, dendrometers showed a delay in the start of radial growth of up to 20 days in 2012. Additionally, dendrometers showed an increase in stem girth after the end of both growing seasons, when wood formation was already completed. Deviations between the two methods could be ascribed to the influence of water storage dynamics in the main stem and numerous structural processes in bark tissue, which are captured in dendrometer data. The influence of weather conditions on xylem phenology is also indicated by differences between the two studied years, although it is difficult to identify the influence of particular short-term weather events.
Keywords: pinning, manual dendrometers, radial growth, Pinus nigra, cambium, Balkan Peninsula
Published in DiRROS: 11.09.2019; Views: 5181; Downloads: 4036
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Josip Koller : začetnik pogozdovanja krasa s črnim borom
Franc Perko, 2018, professional article

Keywords: erozija, zgodovina, Pinus nigra, umetna obnova, Kras
Published in DiRROS: 20.06.2018; Views: 3960; Downloads: 770
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Širjenje črnega bora (Pinus nigra var. austriaca ARNOLD) na Krasu
Lojze Žgajnar, 1973, original scientific article

Keywords: črni bor, Pinus nigra, razširjenost, Kras
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4655; Downloads: 1972
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Proučevanje pestrosti in rodovitnosti gozdnih rastišč na Sežansko-Komenskem Krasu
Mihej Urbančič, Franc Ferlin, Lado Kutnar, 1999, original scientific article

Abstract: Cilj raziskave je bil analizirati talne lastnosti, tla razvrstiti, oceniti rodovitnost rastišč in ugotoviti pestrost vegetacije v starejših (95 - 105 letnih) monokulturah črnega bora. Terenski del raziskave je potekal leta 1998 v gozdnogospodarski enoti Sežana na objektih Kobjeglava in Podgovec. Na vsakem objektu smo na 50 metrski mreži naključno izbrali po 15 raziskovalnih ploskev velikosti 20 Û 20 m. Sestoje na ploskvah smo pedološko, fitocenološko in prirastoslovno proučili. Pedološke preiskave so pokazale, da so se (po FAO-Unesco klasifikaciji) na apnencih in dolomitih razvili liti~ni in rendzični leptosoli, evtrični in kromični kambisoli ter kromični luvisoli. Značilna je velika mikrorastiščna pestrost talnih tipov. Deleži talnih tipov, globina tal ter površinska kamnitost oziroma skalovitost so dobri kazalniki rodovitnosti rastišč. Povezanost rodovitnostnih rangov, določenih na podlagi talnih spremenljivk, z rangi, določenimi na podlagi prirastoslovnih spremenljivk (srednje višine dominantnih dreves črnih borov) so po ploskvah razmeroma tesne (rS = 0,62 - 0,65**). V borovih sestojih, ki jih porašča realna antropogena združba Seslerio autumnalis-Pinetum nigrae Zupančič 1997 (nom. prov.), smo ugotovili naslednje potencialne rastlinske združbe: Ostryo-Quercetum pubescentis (HT. 1950) Trinajstia 1974, ki so slabše rodovitnosti, ter Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum petraeae Poldini (1964) 1982 in Seslerio autumnalis-Carpinetum betuli Zupančič 1997 (nom. prov.), ki so boljše rodovitnosti.
Keywords: tla, gozdna tla, Kras, rodovitnost tal, rastnost sestoja, črni bor, Pinus nigra (Arnold.), talni tip, klasifikacija tal, Komensko-Sežanski Kras, realna vegetacija, potencialna vegetacija, Slovenija
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4979; Downloads: 1998
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Pinus nigra Arnold, izvotljeni poganjki tekoče vegetacije, 3.6.2008 : analizni izvid
Maja Jurc, Dušan Jurc, 2008, treatise, preliminary study, study

Keywords: poškodbe gozdov, Pinus nigra Arnold, črni bor
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 3233; Downloads: 381

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