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Query: "author" (Skudnik Mitja) .

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Obstoj, branost in kakovost revije Gozdarski vestnik so odvisni od nas vseh
Mitja Skudnik, Polona Hafner, 2022, preface, editorial, afterword

Keywords: obstoj revije, branost revije, kvaliteta revije, Gozdarski vestnik, strokovne revije, gozdarstvo
Published in DiRROS: 08.03.2022; Views: 1152; Downloads: 359
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Trajnostno gospodarjenje z gozdovi in trajnostna oskrba lesnopredelovalnih podjetij z lesom
Mitja Skudnik, Polona Hafner, 2021, preface, editorial, afterword

Published in DiRROS: 18.12.2021; Views: 1049; Downloads: 302
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Growing stock monitoring by European National Forest Inventories : historical origins, current methods and harmonisation
Thomas Gschwantner, Iciar Alberdi, Sébastien Bauwens, Susann Bender, Dragan Borota, Michal Bošela, Olivier Bouriaud, Johannes Breidenbach, Janis Donis, Christoph Fischer, Mitja Skudnik, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Wood resources have been essential for human welfare throughout history. Also nowadays, the volume of growing stock (GS) is considered one of the most important forest attributes monitored by National Forest Inventories (NFIs) to inform policy decisions and forest management planning. The origins of forest inventories closely relate to times of early wood shortage in Europe causing the need to explore and plan the utilisation of GS in the catchment areas of mines, saltworks and settlements. Over time, forest surveys became more detailed and their scope turned to larger areas, although they were still conceived as stand-wise inventories. In the 1920s, the first sample-based NFIs were introduced in the northern European countries. Since the earliest beginnings, GS monitoring approaches have considerably evolved. Current NFI methods differ due to country-specific conditions, inventory traditions, and information needs. Consequently, GS estimates were lacking international comparability and were therefore subject to recent harmonisation efforts to meet the increasing demand for consistent forest resource information at European level. As primary large-area monitoring programmes in most European countries, NFIs assess a multitude of variables, describing various aspects of sustainable forest management, including for example wood supply, carbon sequestration, and biodiversity. Many of these contemporary subject matters involve considerations about GS and its changes, at different geographic levels and time frames from past to future developments according to scenario simulations. Due to its historical, continued and currently increasing importance, we provide an up-to-date review focussing on large-area GS monitoring where we i) describe the origins and historical development of European NFIs, ii) address the terminology and present GS definitions of NFIs, iii) summarise the current methods of 23 European NFIs including sampling methods, tree measurements, volume models, estimators, uncertainty components, and the use of air- and space-borne data sources, iv) present the recent progress in NFI harmonisation in Europe, and v) provide an outlook under changing climate and forest-based bioeconomy objectives.
Keywords: forest history, natural resources, sustainability, timber volume, sampling, remote sensing, bioeconomy, climate change
Published in DiRROS: 14.12.2021; Views: 1011; Downloads: 723
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Environmental signals in Quercus robur L. tree-ring widths and [delta]13C
Polona Hafner, Jožica Gričar, Mitja Skudnik, Tom Levanič, 2015, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Published in DiRROS: 03.11.2021; Views: 727; Downloads: 254
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Aktivni lastniki gozdov in njihov prispevek k prehodu v brezogljično družbo
Mitja Skudnik, Polona Hafner, 2021, preface, editorial, afterword

Published in DiRROS: 26.10.2021; Views: 1049; Downloads: 335
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Upravljanje z mestnimi gozdovi za boljšo kakovost bivanja v mestih
Mitja Skudnik, Polona Hafner, 2021, preface, editorial, afterword

Published in DiRROS: 02.08.2021; Views: 1341; Downloads: 357
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V Sloveniji se povečuje osutost bukove krošnje
Nikica Ogris, Mitja Skudnik, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: V zadnjem času po vsej Sloveniji opažamo hiranje navadne bukve (Fagus sylvatica L.). Cilj prispevka je predstaviti dolgoročen trend osutosti krošnje navadne bukve v Sloveniji in pojasniti delež osutosti bukove krošnje s pomočjo podatkov iz popisa povzročiteljev poškodb v okviru vsakoletnega popisa razvrednotenja in poškodovanosti gozdov. Pri tem smo uporabili podatkovno zbirko o spremljanju osutosti in poškodovanosti dreves na M6 stalnih vzorčnih ploskvah (Nivo I) na sistematični mreži 16 % 16 km v obdobju 1993%2020. Rezultati kažejo, da se je povprečna osutost bukove krošnje od leta 1993 do 2020 povečala iz 13,9 % na 32,2 %. Dolgoročen linearen trend je pokazal, da se je povprečna osutost bukove krošnje povečala za 0,63 % na leto. Za trend povprečne osutosti bukve je bilo prelomno izjemno sušno leto 2003, ko se je trend osutosti povečal iz 0,61 % na 0,94 % na leto. Trend večanja osutosti bukve smo zaznali na vseh obravnavanih lokacijah. Ugotovili smo, da se povprečna osutost bukve hitreje veča na jugu in zahodu države. Katastrofalen žledolom leta 2014 je povzročil drastično spremembo povzročiteljev osutosti bukve. V obdobju pred žledolomom leta 2014 so osutost bukove krošnje najbolje pojasnjevale poškodbe zaradi žuželk. Po žledolomu leta 2014 so se povečale poškodbe bukve zaradi žleda, gliv, neposrednih človekovih vplivov (obsežne sanacije žledoloma) in drugih dejavnikov. Žledolom je na bukovih gozdovih pustil trajne posledice, saj so poškodbe zaradi žleda in posledično sanacije vidne še dandanes, kar je razvidno tudi iz popisa povzročiteljev poškodb bukve. V zadnjih dveh letih, 2019%2020, so glive najpomembnejše povzročiteljice poškodb bukve. Po letu 2014 pa se je zmanjšala poškodovanost bukve zaradi žuželk. Natančnih vzrokov za splošno slabšanje zdravstvenega stanja bukve po vsej Sloveniji še ne poznamo.
Keywords: Fagus sylvatica, bukev, osutost krošnje, poškodovanost, podnebne spremembe, žledolom, suša
Published in DiRROS: 02.08.2021; Views: 1941; Downloads: 542
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