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Query: "author" (Hladnik David) .

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On the use of R programming language in the analyses of spatial data
Milan Kobal, Andrej Ceglar, Klemen Eler, Barbara Medved Cvikl, Luka Honzak, Primož Simončič, David Hladnik, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: R is a powerful and increasingly popular programming language with strong graphical and presentation features and large expanŽdability. Although primarily intended for statistical computing, R has paved its way to the field of GIS through the development of specialized extension packages. It offers a wide range of functions at all GIS levels: data acquisition, data manipulation, graphical reŽpresentation and quantitative analysis. The paper presents R as an open source alternative to the existing commercial GIS software. It proves especially well when advanced quantitative methods on spatial data are needed (e.g. spatial modelling). We demonstrate R capabilities through spatial analysis of forest area in Snežnik (South Slovenia), where the possibilities of data import, conversion and export into various GIS formats and possibilities of geostatistics, spatial modelling and spatial visualization are demonstrated.
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 5581; Downloads: 2795
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Ocenjevanje gozdnatosti v zasnovi gozdne inventure na Slovenskem
David Hladnik, Laura Žižek, 2012, original scientific article

Keywords: gozdnatost, ocenjevanje, gozdna inventura, vzorčne mreže, ortofoto, Slovenija
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4856; Downloads: 2094
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Ocenjevanje natančnosti deblovnic in volumenskih funkcij
David Hladnik, Milan Kobal, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: Primerjali smo postopke za ocenjevanje volumna debeljadi jelke na podlagi Huberjevega, Smalianovega in Newtonovega obrazca. Podatke za primerjavo smo dobili z interpolacijo kubičnih zlepkov na podlagi merjenja posekanih dreves. Newtonov in Huberjev postopek sta bila najnatančnejša pri ocenjevanju volumnovstarih jelk (starost do 200 let, povprečni premer 59 cm). Na podlagi izračunanih volumnov smo ocenjevali volumne stoječih dreves v sklopu gozdne inventure. Slovenske Čoklove tarife (1959) so se kljub svoji preprosti zasnovi izkazale s sprejemljivo natančnostjo (povprečno odstopanje v odstotkih od povprečnega volumna < 1 %, R2=0.87). Delež pojasnjene variabilnosti volumnov dreves se je povečal za 5 % pri dvovhodnih deblovnicah in za 11 % pri triparametrskih volumenskih funkcijah.
Keywords: volumen debeljadi, tarife, volumenske funkcije, jelka, Abies alba Mill.
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4723; Downloads: 1948
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Stand diversity in the Dinaric fir-beech forests
Milan Kobal, David Hladnik, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: Data from forest research and permanent sampling plots were used to quantify stand structure and forest diversity in uneven-aged Dinaric silver fir and beech forest at the level of forest management unit. The study examined the indicators that are expected to be used in the monitoring of biodiversity and the favourable conservation status of forest habitat types in Natura 2000 sites. By comparing the present and past stand structures, it was possible to establish the developmental dynamics of the stands and the changes of structure indices of the forest stands on the 2-hectare research plots in the last 50 years. We adopted the indicators for the assessment of biotic and stand structure diversity based on tree species composition, stand densities, mean DBH and coefficient of variation, species and DBH-based Shannonćs index, spatial mingling and size differentiation of trees on the permanent sampling plots. The indicators confirmed stand structural diversity in four forest management classes of uneven-aged Dinaric fir-beech forests in the Leskova dolina (valley) of the Sneznik-Javorniki high Karst region. Continuous forest inventory and the presented indicators of stand structure and diversity may potentially represent the framework for the monitoring of the favourable conservation status of forest habitat types.
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4430; Downloads: 1900
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Artificial energy inputs into spruce lowland forests in suburban landscapes in Slovenia
Janez Pirnat, David Hladnik, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: Slovene forestry is concerned with nature conservation, but in the past, the species variety of forests has often been changed and, similarly as elsewhere in Europe, the share of forest with artificial dominance of Norway spruce increased. Based on the spatial model of landscape structure, we estimated the arrangement in conservation of suburban forests in eight Slovene macro regions. In the area of town Kočevje, we assessed artificial energy inputs in the forests lying within one kilometre large area used by inhabitants for daily recreation. In this area, 65 % of forests were categorized as forests with artificial dominance of Norway spruce.
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4665; Downloads: 2019
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Gozdni habitatni tipi območij Natura 2000 v krajinski zgradbi Pohorja
David Hladnik, Matej Tajnikar, 2008, original scientific article

Keywords: Natura 2000, gozdni habitatni tipi, monitoring, krajinska zgradba, Pohorje
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4863; Downloads: 2138
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Ocenjevanje prostorske zgradbe jelovo-bukovih sestojev
David Hladnik, 2004, original scientific article

Abstract: V treh sestojih jelovo-bukovih gozdov na visokem krasu smo raziskali sestojno strukturo in njeno prostorsko zgradbo. Na treh raziskovalnih ploskvah, velikih2 ha, smo izmerili koordinate dreves ter njihove dendrometrijske znake.Raziskovalne ploskve v treh sestojih se med seboj razlikujejo po svoji zgradbi, gostotah in tudi po parametrih prostorske zgradbe, ki smo jih ocenilina podlagi metod za ocenjevanje prostorske razmestitve dreves. Za drevesa v I in II debelinskem razredu smo izračunali višje povprečne relativnerazlike v sestojnih gostotah kot za debelejša drevesa. Ko so vzorčne ploskve presegle velikost 6 a, so bile povprečne relativne razlike pri ocenjevanju števila dreves v III debelinskem razredu v vseh treh sestojih manjše od 30 % v vseh treh sestojih. Na podlagi teoretičnih modelov je bilo mogoče o šopasti rasti dreves sklepati le v sestoju s prevladujočo jelko. V dveh sestojih jelke in bukve smo določili tudi sestojne skupine, ki so jih oblikovala drevesa na površini do 0,5 ha. Za jelko, smreko in bukev smo ocenili (P<0,01), da se njihova prostorska razmestitev razlikuje od slučajnostne, te drevesne vrste pa so oblikovale tudi različno velike sestojneskupine na površini do 0,25 ha. Ker so bila dominatna drevesa v vseh treh sestojih enakomerno in slučajnostno razporejena, sklepamo, da sestoji tudi po obdobju propadanja jelke niso postali razgrajeni.
Keywords: sestojna gostota, prostorska razmestitev, jelovo-bukovi sestoji
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4913; Downloads: 2077
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Kakovost prostorskih podatkov in informacij o slovenskih gozdnatih krajinah
David Hladnik, Janez Zafran, 1996, original scientific article

Keywords: prostorski podatki, kakovost, GIS, krajina, zgradba
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4754; Downloads: 2073
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Vzajemnost fiziografskih dejavnikov in vegetacije ter rabe prostora na Kočevskem
David Hladnik, 2002, original scientific article

Keywords: raba prostora, vegetacijska karta, fiziografski dejavnik, medsebojni vpliv, GIS, Kočevska, Slovenija
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4796; Downloads: 2083
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