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Query: "work type" (1) AND "fulltext" AND "organization" (Science and Research Centre Koper) .

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Efects of chronic physical exercise on executive functions and episodic memory in clinical and healthy older adult populations : a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol
Soledad Ballesteros, Andreea Badache, Vera Belkin, Christoforos D. Giannaki, Antonia Kaltsatou, Uroš Marušič, Mohammad Mosaferi Ziaaldini, Manca Peskar, José M. Reales, Jennifer A. Rieker, 2024, review article

Abstract: Background Executive functions (EFs) and episodic memory are fundamental components of cognition that deteriorate with age and are crucial for independent living. While numerous reviews have explored the effect of exercise on these components in old age, these reviews screened and analyzed selected older adult populations, or specific exercise modes, thus providing only limited answers to the fundamental question on the effect of exercise on cognition in old age. This article describes the protocol for a systematic review and multilevel meta-analytic study aiming at evaluating the effectiveness of different types of chronic exercise in improving and/or maintaining EFs and long-term episodic memory in older adults. Methods and analysis The study protocol was written in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Several databases will be searched. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) conducted in older adults aged ≥ 60 years providing any kind of planned, structured, and repetitive exercise interventions, and EFs and/or episodic memory measures as outcomes, published in English in peer-reviewed journals and doctoral dissertations will be included. Two independent reviewers will screen the selected articles, while a third reviewer will resolve possible conflicts. The Cochrane risk-of-bias tool will be used to assess the quality of the studies. Finally, data will be extracted from the selected articles, and the formal method of combining individual data from the selected studies will be applied using a random effect multilevel meta-analysis. The data analysis will be conducted with the metafor package in R. Discussion and conclusion This review will synthesize the existing evidence and pinpoint gaps existing in the literature on the effects of exercise on EFs and episodic memory in healthy and unhealthy older adults. Findings from this meta-analysis will help to design effective exercise interventions for older adults to improve and/or maintain EFs and episodic memory. Its results will be useful for many researchers and professionals working with older adults and their families.
Keywords: diseased older adults, healthy older adultsi, episodic memory, executive functions, exercises, three level meta analysis, tri-nivojska meta-analiza
Published in DiRROS: 03.04.2024; Views: 471; Downloads: 217
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Metabolic consequences of anabolic steroids, insulin, and growth hormone abuse in recreational bodybuilders : implications for the world anti-doping agency passport
Filippo Giorgio Di Girolamo, Chiara Biasinutto, Alessandro Mangogna, Nicola Fiotti, Pierandrea Vinci, Rado Pišot, Filippo Mearelli, Boštjan Šimunič, Chiara Roni, Gianni Biolo, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Background Hormonal doping in recreational sports is a public-health concern. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) promoted the creation of the Athlete Biological Passport, aiming to monitor athlete’s biological variables over time to facilitate indirect detection of doping. Detection tests for anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) and growth hormone (GH) are available while insulin abuse cannot be revealed. We have determined in recreational bodybuilders the metabolic effects associated with different patterns of hormone abuse. All analyses were conducted using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 21.0 software (SPSS Chicago, IL). Results We have assessed plasma concentrations of selected metabolic markers and fatty acid content in erythrocyte membranes of 92 male bodybuilders and in 45 healthy controls. Hormonal abuse was identified by anonymous questionnaires. 43% (%) of recruited bodybuilders regularly abused hormones, i.e., anabolic androgenic steroids (95%) often associated with GH (30%) and/or insulin (38%). HDL-cholesterol was lower in insulin and/or GH abusers. Alanine (ALT) and aspartic (AST) transaminases were greater in hormone abusing bodybuilders than in non-doping bodybuilders and controls. Insulin doping was selectively associated with increased plasma ALT-to-AST ratio. In erythrocyte membranes, elongase activity (i.e., stearic-to-palmitic ratio) was lower in insulin and/or growth hormone doping, whereas increased Δ-9 desaturase activity (i.e., palmitoleic-to-palmitic ratio) was selectively associated with insulin doping. Conclusions In conclusion, our study demonstrates that insulin and GH abuse are characterized by multiple alterations of specific metabolic markers. Although further studies are needed to test whether longitudinal monitoring of selected metabolic marker such as muscle contraction time, HDL levels, ALT-AST ratio as well as the activities of selected enzymes (e.g. Δ-9 desaturase and elongase), could contribute to the detection of insulin and GH abuse in sport.
Keywords: bodybuilders, doping, drug abuse, matabolism
Published in DiRROS: 03.04.2024; Views: 422; Downloads: 163
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Beta–gamma phase-amplitude coupling as a non-invasive biomarker for Parkinson’s diseas : insights from Electroencephalography studies
Tisa Hodnik, Stiven Roytman, Nicolaas I. Bohnen, Uroš Marušič, 2024, review article

Abstract: Phase-amplitude coupling (PAC) describes the interaction of two separate frequencies in which the lower frequency phase acts as a carrier frequency of the higher frequency amplitude. It is a means of carrying integrated streams of information between micro- and macroscale systems in the brain, allowing for coordinated activity of separate brain regions. A beta–gamma PAC increase over the sensorimotor cortex has been observed consistently in people with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Its cause is attributed to neural entrainment in the basal ganglia, caused by pathological degeneration characteristic of PD. Disruptions in this phenomenon in PD patients have been observed in the resting state as well as during movement recordings and have reliably distinguished patients from healthy participants. The changes can be detected non-invasively with the electroencephalogram (EEG). They correspond to the severity of the motor symptoms and the medication status of people with PD. Furthermore, a medication-induced decrease in PAC in PD correlates with the alleviation of motor symptoms measured by assessment scales. A beta–gamma PAC increase has, therefore, been explored as a possible means of quantifying motor pathology in PD. The application of this parameter to closed-loop deep brain stimulation could serve as a self-adaptation measure of such treatment, responding to fluctuations of motor symptom severity in PD. Furthermore, phase-dependent stimulation provides a new precise method for modulating PAC increases in the cortex. This review offers a comprehensive synthesis of the current EEG-based evidence on PAC fluctuations in PD, explores the potential practical utility of this biomarker, and provides recommendations for future research.
Keywords: neurodegenerative diseases, Parkinson’s disease, electroencephalography, phase-amplitude coupling
Published in DiRROS: 21.03.2024; Views: 438; Downloads: 199
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Animal pneuma : reflections on environmental respiratory phenomenology
Lenart Škof, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: This essay is an attempt to propose an outline of a new respiratory animal philosophy. Based on an analysis of the forgetting of breath in Western philosophy, it aims to gesture towards a future, breathful and compassionate world of co-sharing and co-breathing. In the first part, the basic features of forgetting of breath are explained based on David Abram’s work in respiratory ecophilosophy. This part also introduces an important contribution to modern philosophy by Ludwig Klages. The second part is dedicated to reflections on what I understand as an unfortunate transition from soul and pneuma to spirit and Geist. Based on these analyses, I proceed towards an idiosyncratic thought on the nocturnal mystery of pneuma, with references to ancient Upanishadic and 20th-century phenomenological Levinasian thought. Based on these teachings, I argue that, at the bottom of her existence, the subject is a lung partaking in an immense external lung (Merleau-Ponty). In the fourth part of the essay, I extend my reflections toward comparative animal respiratory phenomenology and argue for the immense compassion for all our fellow breathing beings. Finally, in the concluding, fifth part of this essay, I am arguing for a future biocentric and breathful environment, signifying and bringing a new compassionate-respiratory alliance into the world.
Keywords: pneuma, psyche, breath, animal breath, respiratory phenomenology, environmental philosophy
Published in DiRROS: 07.03.2024; Views: 356; Downloads: 169
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Editorial : The intersection of cognitive, motor, and sensory processing in agings
Uroš Marušič, Jeannette R. Mahoney, 2024, other scientific articles

Keywords: aging, sensory performance, motor performance, cognitive performance, multisensory integration
Published in DiRROS: 22.01.2024; Views: 462; Downloads: 170
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Kulturna in jezikovna dediščina Hijacinta Repiča, frančiškana pri sv. Ani v Kopru
Diana Košir, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Prispevek prinaša pregled zapisane zapuščine frančiškana Hijacinta Repiča (1863–1918) iz koprskega samostana sv. Ane. Arhivski viri so danes hranjeni na Domoznanskem oddelku koprske knjižnice, v Pokrajinskem arhivu Koper, v provincialnih arhivih reda manjših bratov v Ljubljani in Benetkah ter v samostanu sv. Ane. Avtorica jih analizira, opiše in umesti v slovensko kulturno zgodovino v Istri na prelomu 19. stoletja. Na temelju analize primarnih in sekundarnih virov se v novi luči predstavlja plodovito delovanje p. Repiča. Njegova prizadevanja za širjenje slovenske besede kažejo, da je bil – čeprav za samostanskimi zidovi – na prelomu stoletij eden od prvih predstavnikov slovenskega slovstva v Istri.
Keywords: pater Hijacint Repič, frančiškani, samostan sv. Ane v Kopru
Published in DiRROS: 08.01.2024; Views: 397; Downloads: 194
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A new approach towards a user-driven coastal climate service to enhance climate resilience in European cities
Roberta Paranunzio, Iulia Anton, Elisa Adirosi, Tasneem Ahmed, Luca Baldini, Carlo Brandini, Filippo Giannetti, Cécil J. W. Meulenberg, Alberto Ortolani, Francesco Pilla, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Coastal climate services play a crucial role in developing customised climate information for diverse end-users and stakeholders. To build climate-resilient societies, decision-makers should be empowered through easy access to powerful tools that enable timely adaptation to future and ongoing hazards. For this reason, fit-for-purpose climate services are needed to conduct accurate historical characterisation and projections for interpretative studies on climate- and water-related risks at the local coastal scale. The EU-funded SCORE project (Smart Control of Climate Resilience in European Coastal Cities) utilises climate and marine services for the development of smart technologies that support nature-based solutions to address specific concerns, including rising sea levels, coastal erosion, and coastal flooding due to extreme weather events. As part of the SCORE project, decision-makers will be able to address climate change-related coastal effects in their own cities through novel participatory approaches (Coastal City Living Labs—CCLLs). As part of this framework, this work (i) discusses the main requirements for the identification of fit-for-purpose coastal climate services for local-scale impact studies in European coastal cities based on CCLL requests and prior knowledge and (ii) provides relevant parameters and features that fulfil the users’ needs.
Keywords: ecosystem, ecosystem services, climate change adaptation, coastal climate service, urban areas, climate resilience, coastal hazards
Published in DiRROS: 05.01.2024; Views: 582; Downloads: 239
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Is there a place for pantheism in (post-)Christian ecofeminist reconstruction of the God/Goddess–world relationship
Nadja Furlan-Štante, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper is an attempt to consider an alternative pluralist pantheism (Mary Jane Rubenstein) as the next step in the evolution of interpersonal, interspecies, and God–human–nature relationships and its possible realisation in (post-)Christian ecofeminism and its epistemology. It follows the methodology and epistemology of theological ecofeminism, which assumes that the oppression of women and the exploitation of nature stem from the same constellation of phenomena: patriarchal domination, dualistic anthropologies, and global hypercapitalism. Recognising that pantheism is a very complex phenomenon and should not be viewed as a single codified viewpoint, but rather as a diverse family of different doctrines, this paper understands pantheism primarily as the paradigm that asserts that everything is part of a divine unity consisting of an all-encompassing, manifested deity or God/Goddess. The paper first explains the pan-en-theistic turn in Christian ecofeminism as a tool for deconstructing the dominant Cartesian dualistic binaries and their symbolism and metanarratives, and as the first “safe” phase of transition from Christian anthropocentrism. From this standpoint, Grace M. Jantzen’s defense of pantheism as an alternative to transcendental theism is further explored as she argues that divinity is found “in” the physical and material world and nowhere else. The paper then moves to the second phase, proposed in the final part of the paper, on the possibility of the theoretical adoption of pluralist pantheism in (post-)Christian ecofeminist ecotheology. Here, the question of the “fear and horror of pantheism” in Western thought is discussed.
Keywords: ecofeminist theology, nature, pan-en-theism, pluralistic pantheism
Published in DiRROS: 05.01.2024; Views: 686; Downloads: 479
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Cytosolic Ca2+ gradients and mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake in resting muscle fibers : a model analysis
Lorenzo Marcucci, Antonio Michelucci, Carlo Reggiani, 2023, original scientific article

Keywords: skeletal muscles, muscle fibre, sarcoplasmic reticulum, calcium
Published in DiRROS: 18.12.2023; Views: 430; Downloads: 255
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