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Razmerje med ksilemskim in floemskim prirastkom pri jelki (Abies alba Mill.)
Luka Krže, Jožica Gričar, Katarina Čufar, 2007, original scientific article

Abstract: Pri 10 zdravih jelkah (Abies alba) smo raziskali anatomsko zgradbo floemskih branik (FB) glede na njihovo širino, razmerje med številom slojev celic v FB in v ksilemskih branikah (KB) iste sezone, razlike v številu slojev celic v FBin KB po obodu posameznega drevesa ter zvezo med širino FB in KB, nastalih vistem letu, ter širino dormantne kambijeve cone (KC). Intaktne vzorce tkiv zaraziskave smo vzeli iz živih dreves v letih 2001 in 2002 ter pripravili preparate prečnih prerezov za svetlobno mikroskopijo. Ugotovili smo zvezo med širino in anatomsko zgradbo FB. Pri ožjih FB je prevladoval rani floem, pri širših pa kasni. Pri širših FB se je v kasnem floemu lahko pojavil dodatni pasaksialnega parenhima. KB so bile 2- do 21-krat širše od FB. Širina KB je poobodu posameznega drevesa bolj variirala kot širina FB. Širina dormantne KC je bila v pozitivni zvezi s širino FB in KB.
Keywords: navadna jelka, Abies alba Mill., prirastek, ksilem, floem, kambijeva cona
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4838; Downloads: 2097
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Sezonska dinamika ksilogeneze in floemogeneze pri navadni jelki (Abies alba Mill.)
Jožica Gričar, Primož Oven, Katarina Čufar, 2005, original scientific article

Abstract: Preučili smo dinamiko nastajanja ksilemskega in floemskega letnega prirastnegaplašča oz. branike pri navadni jelki (Abies alba) v rastni sezoni 2003. Vzorce floema, kambija in ksilema smo vsak teden vzeli iz dveh navideznozdravih odraslih jelk. Raziskave s svetlobnim mikroskopom so pokazale, da se je na floemski strani začela diferenciacija enega do dveh slojev floemskih derivatov še pred začetkom kambijeve aktivnosti. Kambijeva delitvena aktivnost se je začela hkrati na ksilemski in floemski strani v začetku maja. Kambijeva aktivnost se je zaključila konec avgusta. Diferenciacija terminalnih traheid kasnega lesa je potekala do konca oktobra, floemskih celic pa do konca septembra. Število celic, nastalih na ksilemski strani, je bilo večje kot na floemski. Zdi se, da je bila po obodu drevesa širina ksilemske branike bolj variabilna od floemske.
Keywords: navadna jelka, Abies alba Mill., kambij, ksilem, floem, traheide, sitaste celice, diferenciacija
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4678; Downloads: 1897
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Analysis of the influece of ungulates on the regeneration of Dinaric fir-beech forests in the research site Trnovec in the Kočevje forest managementregion
Kristjan Jarni, Dušan Robič, Andrej Bončina, 2004, original scientific article

Abstract: In the period 1970-2000, 152 fenced-in areas were built in the Kočevje Forest Management Region with an aim to protect tree seedlings and saplings from ungulatesć activity and to monitor the influence of roe and red deer on natural regeneration. The average surface area of fenced areas is 0.71 ha. Using the pair comparison technique (fenced vs. unfenced areas), the structureand the composition of the natural regeneration of tree species as well as complete shrub and herb vegetation were analysed in the research site Trnovec. Furthermore, the vegetation was investigated using the Braun-Blanquetmethod. The research results show significant differences between fenced and unfenced areas, both in tree species composition and in theheight structure of the sapling community. In fenced areas the total numberof saplings taller than 50 cm is higher and an increase is also evident in the number of saplings of silver fir Abies alba, sycamore Acer pseudoplatanus, elm Ulmus glabra and other minor tree species. There are also significant differences in species composition and in the abundance of plant species in the herb layer. The results show that natural regeneration of Dinaric fir-beech forests is successful, provided the influence of ungulates is excluded.
Keywords: natural forest regeneration, Fagus sylvatica, roe deer, fir-beech forest, Abies alba, fenced area, seedling browsing, Kočevje forest region, research site Trnovec
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4876; Downloads: 2129
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Differentiation of last formed tracheids in wood of silver firs (Abies alba) having various cambial productivity
Jožica Gričar, Aleš Straže, Katarina Čufar, 2003, original scientific article

Abstract: To examine the state of differentiation of the last tracheids formed in wood and the duration of cambial activity, samples of wood and cambium were taken from mature silver fir (Abies alba) trees having various cambial productivity.Semi-thin cross-sections of wood sampled in July and October, 1999, were stained with toluidine blue and observed under a light microscope. In July, three different phases of current annual xylem growth ring formation were found, as a result of various cambial tree productivity. In October, the cell divisions in the cambium were completed in all investigated trees, while the process of differentiation was not entirely completed in trees with a more productive cambium. The number of undifferentiated tracheids was higher in trees having a more productive cambium. In these trees, the cambial activity and the differentiation ended later. In declining trees, the number of cells produced by the cambium was lower and the duration of cambial activity was shorter.
Keywords: navadna jelka, Abies alba, les, traheide, kambijeva aktivnost, diferenciacija, wood, silver fir, tracheids, cambial activity, differentiation
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4732; Downloads: 2061
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Light response of Fagus sylvatica L. and Abies alba Mill. in different categories of forest edge - vertical abundance in two silvicultural systems
Matjaž Čater, Andrej Kobler, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: In managed Dinaric montane fir (Abies alba Mill.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forests, the light response of young beech and fir in gap microsites was studied during three consecutive growing periods (2009, 2010, and 2011) under controlled environmental conditions in stands of single-tree and irregular shelterwood silvicultural system. According to maximal quantum yield, the different response between species in microsite light categories was evidenced for silver fir on microsites with predominating diffuse light and for beech on microsites with predominating direct light, respectively. Abundance and change of share in microsite light categories was compared over different elevation belts on comparable sites between two silvicultural systems. The share of forest edge area was bigger in the irregular shelterwood system. Change in width of forest edge (20, 30 and 40 m) did not affect the proportion and share of the microsite in both regions of different silvicultural system. Separation of microsite areas between both silvicultural systems, evident in lower elevation belts was not evident in the most conflict and highest elevation zone, while the absolute values of all categories above 700 m in both systems were almost identical, indicating the same, small-scale irregular shelterwood system, known also as the freestyle silvicultural approach.
Keywords: Fagus sylvatica, Abies alba, Dinaric silver fir and beech forests, Dinaric forests, forest edge, silviculture, selective system, irregular shelterwood system
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 3271; Downloads: 1414
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The chronology of the silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) from Pohorje, Slovenia
Tom Levanič, Katarina Čufar, 1998, original scientific article

Abstract: Dendrochronological investigations were made in silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) from Lovrenc, Pohorje, in the NE Slovenia. Tree ring analyses were made in discs of 25 healthy, adult, dominant or co-dominant silver firs and in cores from roof construction of two older rustic buildings from the same region using a LINTAB measuring device nad a TSAP/X of F. Rinn. We constructed the chronology of trees spanning the period of 1785-1996. The chronology of the old house is spanning the period of 1713-1852 and the chronology of barn 1745-1887. It was shown that the last considerable reconstruction of the house roof took place after the end of the growing period of 1952. The dating of the cores containining the outer ring 1887 confirmed the dating based on the carved inscription "1888". The three chronologies were joined into 284 years long silver fir chronology for Pohorje spanning the period of 1713-1996. It was compared with the Slovene silver fir chronology of the Dinaric region. Despite distance and great differences between the two regions there was shown a statistically confirmed similarity of two chronologies with tBP=9.8, GLK=71% and CDI=398. The chronologies have 21 common negative, 21 positive signature years and one common signature interval. Based on this the constructed chronology may be considered as representative for the whole Pohorje. The two chronologies are expected to be a good base to construct a regional Slovene Silver-fir chronology for dating in whole Slovenia. Two Slovene chronologies were compared with the following European silver fir chronologies: South German, stand 1993 (Becker and Siebenlist 1970; Spurk and Friedrich , pers. com.), Bavarian Forest - Germany (Eckstein, Sass 1988), Abetone - Italy (Schweingruber, ITRDB), Bannwald - Switzerland (Schweingruber, ITRDB). Both Slovene chronologies proved to be statistically similar with the two German and the Italian silver fir chronology, but showed no similarity with the Swiss one. The Pohorje chronology correlates better with both German ones and the Dinaric chronology correlates better with the Italian one.
Keywords: jelka, Abies alba, datiranje objektov, dendrokronologija, Silver fir, Abies alba, dating of the object, dendrochronology, Slovenia
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4985; Downloads: 2081
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Prirastna depresija pri jelki v Dinarskem fitogeografskem območju med leti 1960 in 1995
Tom Levanič, 1997, original scientific article

Abstract: V Dinarskem fitogeografskem območju smo na 6 raziskovalnih objektih preučili pojav prirastne depresije pri jelki v obdobju 1960-1995. Vzorčili smo v transektih dolžine 400-600 m. Skupaj smo analizirali 365 jelk različnih stopenj prizadetosti. Ugotovili smo, da se je prirastna depresija začela leta 1960 in da je prirastek upadal do leta 1986, nato pa se je začel povečevati. Povečevanje širine branike in pozitiven odziv jelke na izboljšanje rastnih pogojev sta močno odvisna od rastnosti dreves. Tako so se na izboljšanje najbolj odzvale navidezno neprizadete jelke, medtem ko pri prizadetih jelkah izrazitega izboljšanja ni. Pri močno prizadetih jelkah pa se propadanje nadaljuje. Izkazalo se je, da so najbolj prizadeti tisti objekti, ki ležijo bliže urbanih središč in manj tisti, ki so od njih bolj oddaljeni
Keywords: jelka, Abies alba, dendrokronologija, Slovenija, propadanje gozda, onesnaževanje
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4832; Downloads: 1991
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Rast jelke na jugovzhodnem slovenskem gorskem krasu in njeno ekološko ozadje
Milan Piskernik, 1968, treatise, preliminary study, study

Keywords: jelka, Abies alba Mill., Kras, ekologija
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 2896; Downloads: 754
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