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Query: "author" (Matejka Per) .

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New marker of angiogenesis CD105 (endoglin): diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic role
Mateja Legan, 2005, review article

Abstract: Background. The well established notion that malignant tumours depend on angiogenesis to grow and metastasize focused the investigators interest on tumour vasculature into visualization and validation. Panendothelial markers (CD31, CD34, F8) and CD105 are differentially expressed in angiogenic and normal vessel endothelial cells. Since the former are excellent markers for the normal vasculature, CD105 (endoglin) is more suitable for identifying tumour angiogenesis. Endoglin is a transforming growth factor (TGF)- beta binding receptor, preferentially expressed on endothelial cells of angiogenic tissues, essential for angiogenesis and vascular development. Conclusions. Tumor microvessel density expressed by CD105 immunohistochemical staining in paraffin-embedded tissue section correlates significantly with tumour aggressiveness and prognosis in many solid tumours. Also, targeting of tumour neovasculature specific antigens offers the possibility of future therapeutic approaches.
Published in DiRROS: 14.02.2024; Views: 369; Downloads: 84
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The role of cyclooxygenase-2 in the malignant tissue and possible applicability of cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors in the therapy of cancer
Mateja Legan, 2003, review article

Abstract: Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX 2), an inducible prostaglandin (PG) synthase, is elevated in many types of malignant and pre-malignant tissues. This enzyme is localized in neoplastic (epithelial) cells, microvascular endothelial cells, and stromal fibroblasts. Through the released PG it enhances carcinogenesis with increasing angiogenesis, inhibiting apoptosis, activating matrix metalloproteinases, suppressing of cell mediated antitumor immune response andprotection against damage by cytotoxic agents. Evidences from in vitro studies, studies on animal models as well as first clinical outcomes suggest that the inhibition of COX 2 may suppress carcinogenesis by affecting a numberof pathways: inhibiting angiogenesis, invasiveness of tumors and promoting apoptosis. References forecast that COX 2 inhibitors, mostly COX 2 selective inhibitors, may get a role in the therapy of cancer as an adjuvant therapy or as an co-chemotherapeutic agent. The purpose of the present articleis to summarize the most important facts about the role of COX 2 in themalignant tissue and discuss possible ways for potential therapeutic place of COX 2 inhibitors in clinical practice.
Published in DiRROS: 06.02.2024; Views: 361; Downloads: 84
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Presejanje za raka materničnega vratu s testom HPV : izsledki evropskih raziskav
Matejka Rebolj, 2011, published professional conference contribution

Keywords: porodničarstvo, ginekologija
Published in DiRROS: 07.04.2020; Views: 1842; Downloads: 565
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Uporaba testov HPV DNK za presejanje za raka materničnega vratu
Matejka Rebolj, 2011, professional article

Abstract: Okužba z onkogenimi tipi humanih papilomavirusov (HPV) je potreben pogoj za razvoj raka materničnega vratu. Zaradi dolgoletne uporabe citoloških brisov se je incidenca tega raka zmanjšala, a kljub temu bi bilo treba najti nov presejalni test, ki bi bil občutljivejši za progresivne predrakave spremembe, cervikalno intraepitelialno neoplazijo (CIN). Med te teste spadajo testi HPV DNK. V tem članku so opisane njihove značilnosti, kakor jih je mogoče presoditi na podlagi vseh 8 randomiziranih kontroliranih raziskav z objavljenimi podatki, ki so primerjale uporabo testov HPV s citološkimi brisi za primarno presejanje. Te raziskave so potrdile, da je mogoče na podlagi testov HPV diagnosticirati večje število ≥ CIN 3 kot na podlagi citoloških brisov, čeprav razlika v nekaterih od raziskav, tudi zaradi njihove velikosti, ni bila statistično značilna. Razveseljivo je, da večja občutljivost za ≥ CIN 3 verjetno pomeni tudi boljšo zaščito pred rakom materničnega vratu, čeprav ocena temelji na majhnem številu opazovanih primerov v vsaki izmed raziskav. Pri uporabi testov HPV bo večji izziv omejiti njihove neželene učinke. To so predvsem pogostejši napačno pozitivni testi (ki jih definiramo kot pozitivne presejalne teste brez diagnoze ≥ CIN 3 ali ≥ CIN 2) ter pogostejše diagnoze in morebitno zdravljenje manj nevarnih stopenj CIN (predvsem CIN 1, deloma tudi CIN 2). V tem članku so kritično ovrednoteni 3 pristopi k zmanjšanju bremena testov HPV v primerjavi s citološkimi brisi, in sicer uporaba triažnih testov pri ženskah s pozitivnimi presejalnimi testi HPV, omejitev uporabe testov HPV pri mlajših ženskah in sprememba mejne vrednosti, pri kateri se test HPV odčita kot pozitiven. Vsi ti pristopi imajo svoje prednosti in slabosti.
Keywords: maternični vrat, rak (medicina), preventivna medicina, papiloma virusi
Published in DiRROS: 31.08.2018; Views: 3388; Downloads: 881
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Amino- and ionic liquid-functionalised nanocrystalline ZnO via silane anchoring - an antimicrobial synergy
Marjeta Čepin, Vasko Jovanovski, Matejka Podlogar, Zorica Crnjak Orel, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: Temperature has critical impact on food quality and safety within food supply chain, therefore, food should be kept at the defined storage temperature range. Final consumer should be assured when buying food about actual temperature and thermal history of the selected food product and this is why it should be indicated on the packed or prepacked item. The chromogenic temperature indicator for cold food chain was prepared from suitable active material packed in the properly structured holder. When temperature rises above the defined storage temperature, the active material changes colour and physical state (solid/liquid). Simultaneously, special packaging structure enables irreversible recording of the time exposed to the elevated temperature. The active material was made of thermochromic composite, consisting of dye, developer and solvent. It changes colour at its melting point, being coloured below and discoloured above it. The temperature is called activation temperature of the composite. Its value was adjusted by appropriate solvent and additives used for preparation of the composite, to reach the desired value. The temperature dependent colour change of the composite was determined by colorimetric measurements. The conditions for best observation of the change by naked eye were also examined. The structure of the active material’s holder was analyzed for best displaying of the time spend at high temperature (above the activation temperature). Functioning of the indicator was examined with growth of pathogens as a function of migration of the active material at temperature above the required storage temperature of the food. It was found out that the described chromogenic temperature indicator for cold food chain shows the thermal history of food storage by colour-, phase- and migration changes of the active composite material and consequently would be reliable as indicator in cold food chain to indicate temperature abuse and would disclose potential growth of psychrophilic microorganisms.
Keywords: Chromogenic temperature indicator, Food cold chain, Food quality and safety, Temperature control, Thermal history
Published in DiRROS: 16.12.2014; Views: 6478; Downloads: 1042
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