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Environmental and economic impacts of hydroxyapatite mineralized wood : LCA and LCC analysis
Matic Sitar, Manja Kitek Kuzman, Leon Oblak, Katarina Remic, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Wood is considered a promising raw material for the circular bioeconomy and has the ability to store biogenic carbon, and this is one reason why we want to extend the service life of the wood. In order to consider the influence of durability in our study, we used two wood species with different lifespans. Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) belongs to the group of very sensitive wood species, as the durability of the untreated wood is estimated to be around 5 years; meanwhile, pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) belongs to the group of moderately resistant wood species, where the durability of the untreated wood is estimated to be up to 15 years. While toxic chemicals are often used for wood preservation, hydroxyapatite offers an environmentally friendly solution for wood mineralization. This study presents life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle cost (LCC) analyses comparing a novel hydroxyapatite (HAp) mineralization method with a service life of 50 years to a non-mineralized reference alternative. LCA was based on EN ISO 14040 and EN ISO 14044, while LCC was adapted from the European Commission’s LCC tool for public procurement. The results of the LCA show that mineralized wood has a lower overall impact on the environment than surface-treated beech wood but a higher impact than surface-treated pine wood. Most impact categories were determined by electricity consumption with the exception of stratospheric ozone depletion, water consumption, and land use. Water consumption proved to be the category where the mineralization process was problematic due to water consumption during the leaching process. The LCC showed that mineralized wood is the most cost-effective solution for the exterior façade, as all costs, but especially investment costs, were lower. The differences in the LCA and LCC results are mainly due to the different lifetimes of the two alternatives. It can be concluded that if energy-intensive processes and chemicals are used in the production of the material, the extended lifetime must be sufficient to account for the additional impacts that occur during the production phase.
Keywords: environmental impacts, hydroxyapatite, life cycle assessment (LCA), life cycle cost analysis (LCC), wood mineralization
Published in DiRROS: 09.09.2024; Views: 136; Downloads: 2518
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Effects of selected printing parameters on the fire properties of 3D-printed neat polylactic acid (PLA) and wood/PLA composites
Nataša Knez, Mirko Kariž, Friderik Knez, Nadir Ayrilmis, Manja Kitek Kuzman, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The effects of selected printing parameters on the fire properties of additively produced composites from neat polylactic acid (PLA) and wood/PLA filaments were investigated. The reaction to fire of the 3D-printed specimens was tested according to the ISO 5660-1 cone calorimeter test method. The results showed that the properties of the specimens when exposed to fire were significantly affected by the incorporation of wood flour into the PLA filament. It was also interesting that PLA specimens had much better reactions to fire than the wood/PLA specimens. Time to ignition was found to be much longer in the 3D-printed PLA specimens. Although the maximal heat release rate was a little higher in the PLA than the wood/PLA specimens, the duration of HRR was longer for the wood/PLA specimens. The initial mass of the specimens was smaller in the wood/PLA composites, but during the radiant heat exposure the mass typically decreased slower than in the PLA specimens.
Keywords: reaction to fire, wood, polylactic acid (PLA), filament, 3D printer, biocomposite
Published in DiRROS: 17.07.2023; Views: 515; Downloads: 330
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Raziskava stališč o leseni gradnji v Sloveniji v letu 2006
Manja Kitek Kuzman, Jasna Hrovatin, 2007, original scientific article

Abstract: Lesena gradnja predstavlja na področju stanovanjskih stavb v Sloveniji le majhen delež celotne gradnje. Želeli smo ugotoviti, kaj je vzrok tako majhnegadeleža lesene gradnje v Sloveniji. Z javnomnenjsko raziskavo "Slovensko javno mnenje o leseni gradnji" smo anketirance spraševali o poznavanju lesene gradnje in njenih prednostih. Zbiranje podatkov je bilo opravljeno z metodo CATI. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da javnost ni dovolj seznanjenas prednostmi lesene gradnje.Večina vprašanih, ki živi v individualnihiši, nasprotuje leseni nadgradnji. Več kot polovico vprašanih soglaša, da je les primeren material za stavbno pohištvo in gradbene konstrukcije. O povečanju proračunskih sredstev za ekološko gradnjo ima javnost pozitivno mnenje. O trditvi, da lesena gradnja omogoča bolj zdravo bivalno okolje kot klasična zidana, ima javnost enakomerno porazdeljeno mnenje. Raziskava kot merjenje stališč javnosti je primerno empirično izhodišče za pripravo morebitne kampanje obveščanja javnosti o prednostih lesene gradnje.
Keywords: javno mnenje, lesena gradnja, stanovanjska gradnja, Slovenija
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4760; Downloads: 2070
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