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Bevacizumab plus chemotherapy in elderly patients with previously untreated metastatic colorectal cancer : single center experience
Janja Ocvirk, Maja Ebert Moltara, Tanja Mesti, Marko Boc, Martina Reberšek, Neva Volk, Jernej Benedik, Zvezdana Hlebanja, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: Metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) is mainly a disease of elderly, however, geriatric population is underrepresented in clinical trials. Patient registries represent a tool to assess and follow treatment outcomes in this patient population. The aim of the study was with the help of the patients% register to determine the safety and efficacy of bevacizumab plus chemotherapy in elderly patients who had previously untreated metastatic colorectal cancer. Patients and methods. The registry of patients with mCRC was designed to prospectively evaluate the safety and efficacy of bevacizumab-containing chemotherapy as well as selection of patients in routine clinical practice. Patient baseline clinical characteristics, pre-specified bevacizumab-related adverse events, and efficacy data were collected, evaluated and compared according to the age categories. Results. Between January 2008 and December 2010, 210 patients with mCRC (median age 63, male 61.4%) started bevacizumab-containing therapy in the 1st line setting. Majority of the 210 patients received irinotecan-based chemotherapy (68%) as 1st line treatment and 105 patients (50%) received bevacizumab maintenance therapy. Elderly (% 70 years) patients presented 22.9% of all patients and they had worse performance status (PS 1/2, 62.4%) than patients in < 70 years group (PS 1/2, 35.8%). Difference in disease control rate was mainly due to inability to assess response in elderly group (64.6% in elderly and 77.8% in < 70 years group, p = 0.066). The median progression free survival was 10.2 (95% CI, 6.7%16.2) and 11.3 (95% CI, 10.2%12.6) months in elderly and < 70 years group, respectively (p = 0.58). The median overall survival was 18.5 (95% CI, 12.4%28.9) and 27.4 (95% CI, 22.7%31.9) months for elderly and < 70 years group, respectively (p = 0.03). Three-year survival rate was 26% and 37.6% in elderly vs. < 70 years group (p = 0.03). Overall rates of bevacizumab-related adverse events were similar in both groups: proteinuria 21/22 %, hypertension 25/19 %, haemorrhage 2/4 % and thromboembolic events 10/6 %, for elderly and < 70 years group, respectively. Conclusions. In routine clinical practice, the combination of bevacizumab and chemotherapy is effective and welltolerated regimen in elderly patients with metastatic colorectal cancer.
Keywords: metastatic colorectal cancer, bevacizumab, chemotherapy, elderly
Published in DiRROS: 30.04.2024; Views: 419; Downloads: 139
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Priporočila za obravnavo bolnikov s pljučnim rakom
Martina Vrankar, Nina Boc, Izidor Kern, Aleš Rozman, Karmen Stanič, Tomaž Štupnik, Mojca Unk, Maja Ebert Moltara, Vesna Zadnik, Katja Adamič, Jernej Benedik, Marko Bitenc, Jasna But-Hadžić, Anton Crnjac, Marina Čakš, Dominik Časar, Eva Ćirić, Tanja Čufer, Ana Demšar, Rok Devjak, Goran Gačevski, Marta Globočnik Kukovica, Kristina Gornik-Kramberger, Maja Ivanetič Pantar, Marija Ivanović, Urška Janžič, Staša Jelerčič, Veronika Kloboves-Prevodnik, Mile Kovačević, Luka Ležaič, Mateja Marc-Malovrh, Katja Mohorčič, Loredana Mrak, Igor Požek, Nina Turnšek, Bogdan Vidmar, Dušanka Vidovič, Gregor Vlačić, Ana Lina Vodušek, Rok Zbačnik, Ivana Žagar, 2023, professional article

Abstract: Leta 2019 so bila objavljena Priporočila za obravnavo bolnikov s pljučnim rakom, ki so v slovenski prostor vnesla prepotrebno poenotenje diagnostike in zdravljenja z namenom izboljšanja preživetja bolnikov s pljučnim rakom. Posodobitev Priporočil tri leta po izidu izvirnika prinaša največ novosti v poglavju o sistemskem zdravljenju bolnikov s pljučnim rakom. To kaže na izjemen napredek na področju razumevanja onkogeneze in biologije pljučnega raka ter s tem razvoja novih zdravil. Breme pljučnega raka ostaja veliko, saj je pljučni rak pri nas in v svetu še vedno najpogostejši vzrok smrti zaradi raka. Za vsako peto smrt zaradi raka je odgovoren pljučni rak. Skoraj tretjina bolnikov s pljučnim rakom ne prejme specifičnega onkološkega zdravljenja, bodisi zaradi slabega stanja zmogljivosti, spremljajočih bolezni ali obsega bolezni. Polovica bolnikov ima ob diagnozi razsejano bolezen, zaradi česar izboljšanje preživetja z malimi koraki sledi napredku v zdravljenju bolnikov s pljučnim rakom. Ti podatki nas opominjajo, da se bomo morali za velike premike v obravnavi bolnikov s pljučnim rakom lotiti drugačnih pristopov. Kot najbolj obetavno se ponuja zgodnje odkrivanje bolezni, ko so možnosti ozdravitve pljučnega raka najboljše. Zapisana Priporočila so usmeritev za obravnavo bolnikov s pljučnim rakom. Le s sodobnim multidisciplinarnim pristopom obravnave lahko bolniku ponudimo zdravljenje, ki mu omogoča najboljši izhod prognostično neugodne bolezni.
Keywords: pljučni rak, priporočila
Published in DiRROS: 27.07.2023; Views: 759; Downloads: 298
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Jernej Benedik, Slavica Lahajnar, 2023, independent professional component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: kanabinoidi, onkologija, bolniki
Published in DiRROS: 24.05.2023; Views: 701; Downloads: 168
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Paliativna sedacija
Jernej Benedik, Branka Stražišar, 2023, independent professional component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: paliativna sedacija, onkologija, bolniki
Published in DiRROS: 24.05.2023; Views: 605; Downloads: 160
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Prehranska podpora
Karla Berlec, Nada Rotovnik-Kozjek, Jernej Benedik, 2023, independent professional component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: paliativna oskrba, prehranska podpora, bolniki
Published in DiRROS: 24.05.2023; Views: 577; Downloads: 206
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Obravnava zaprtja in zapore črevesja
Nena Golob, Jernej Benedik, Rok Petrič, 2023, independent professional component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: paliativna oskrba, onkologija, bolniki
Published in DiRROS: 24.05.2023; Views: 540; Downloads: 140
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Obravnava delirija
Maja Ivanetič Pantar, Jernej Benedik, Maja Ebert Moltara, 2023, independent professional component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: paliativna oskrba, onkologija, bolniki
Published in DiRROS: 24.05.2023; Views: 526; Downloads: 163
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Long-term survival of a patient with liver metastases from clear cell gastric adenocarcinoma after multimodality treatment including interventional oncology techniques : case report
Vesna Jugovec, Jernej Benedik, Jera Jeruc, Peter Popović, 2022, other scientific articles

Abstract: Background: Gastric cancer (GC) is the fourth most common cancer and the third leading cancer-related cause of death worldwide since most patients are diagnosed at an advanced stage. The majority of GCs are adenocarcinomas (ACs), and the poorly characterized clear cell AC represents a unique subgroup of GCs and is an independent marker of poor prognosis. Even though the prognosis for patients with advanced GC is poor we present a report of a patient with long-term survival despite having liver metastases from clear cell gastric AC. Case presentation: A 45-year-old male with clear cell gastric AC underwent subtotal gastrectomy and postoperative chemoradiation. Only a year and a half after his initial treatment the disease spread to his liver. He received two lines of chemotherapy treatment within the next two years before a right hepatectomy was suggested. Due to an initially insufficient future liver remnant (FLR), transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) and portal vein embolization (PVE) were performed, which made the surgical procedure possible. Shortly after a disease progression in the remaining liver was detected. In the following three years the patient was treated with a carefully planned combination of systemic therapy and different interventional oncology techniques including selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT) and TACE. And as illustrated, an attentive, patient-tailored, multimodality treatment approach can sometimes greatly benefit our patients as he had an overall survival of 88 months despite the poor prognosis of his disease. Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this report is the first to describe a patient with liver metastases from clear cell gastric AC treated with interventional oncology techniques (PVE, TACE, and SIRT) in combination with other locoregional and systemic therapies thereby presenting that these interventional oncology techniques can be successfully integrated into long-term management of non-conventional liver tumors.
Keywords: gastric adenocarcinoma, survival, multimodality treatment
Published in DiRROS: 15.09.2022; Views: 633; Downloads: 442
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