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Query: "author" (Emilija Fidanchevski) .

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Manual for use of Al-containing residues in low-carbon mineral binders
Sabina Dolenec, Katja Malovrh Rebec, Anja Lešek, Katarina Šter, Lea Žibret, Gorazd Žibret, Klemen Teran, Emil Pučko, Ildikó Merta, Bojan Poletanovic, Elena Yaneva, Peter Kesserű, Ildikó Kovács, Bence Kószó, Alexandra Németh, Richard Laucournet, Mustafa Hadžalić, Emilija Fidanchevski, Biljana Angjusheva, Vojo Jovanov, Miloš Nenadović, Snežana B. Nenadović, Ivana Vukanac, Liljana Kraljević, Mojca Loncnar, Andrej Ipavec, 2020, dictionary, encyclopaedia, lexicon, manual, atlas, map

Abstract: Današnje družbe si ni več mogoče predstavljati brez sodobne infrastrukture, ki temelji na uporabi različnih materialov ter zahteva veliko porabo energije. Vzporedno s proizvodnjo materialov, nastajajo ogromne količine različnih industrijskih in rudarskih ostankov (odpadki/stranski proizvodi), ki jih trenutno ne izkoriščamo, sama odlagališča pa so premalo raziskana. Cilj Evropske unije (EU) je povečati učinkovito rabo virov in ponudbo sekundarnih surovin z recikliranjem, popisom odpadkov iz rudarskih in drugih industrijskih dejavnosti ter njihova ponovna uporaba. Veliko industrijskih in rudarskih odpadkov je obogatenih z aluminijem (Al), zato lahko nadomeščajo naravne vire Al v mineralnih veznih, vendar njihova uporaba zahteva obsežno poznavanje njihovih kemijskih, mineraloških, radioloških in fizikalnih lastnosti. Priročnik, ki so ga pripravili partnerji projekta RIS-ALiCE obravnava zakonodajne vidike, ki urejajo uporabo sekundarnih surovin v gradbenih proizvodih, opis najpogostejših industrijskih in rudarskih ostankov, ki vsebujejo Al (nahajališča boksitov, rdeče blato, jeklarske žlindre, pepeli iz različnih industrij, itd.), potencial njihove ponovne uporabe in njihov ekonomski vidik, potencialne zahteve/ovire za uporabo sekundarnih surovin v cementni industriji in opis belitno-sulfoaluminatnih cementov, ki so obetavna rešitev za izvajanje krožnega gospodarstva z uporabo velikih količin odloženih industrijskih in rudarskih odpadkov, bogatih z Al.
Keywords: gradbeni proizvodi, ponovna uporaba, ekonomski vidik, industrija cementa, krožno gospodarstvo, industrijski odpadki, zakonodaja, elektronske knjige
Published in DiRROS: 22.01.2024; Views: 517; Downloads: 251
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Technical and radiological characterisation of fly ash and bottom ash from thermal power plant
Emilija Fidanchevski, Biljana Angjusheva, Vojo Jovanov, Pece Murtanovski, Ljubica Vladiceska, Nikolina Stamatovska Aluloska, Jelena Krneta Nikolić, Andrej Ipavec, Katarina Šter, Maruša Mrak, Sabina Dolenec, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Huge quantities of fly ash and bottom ash are generated from thermal power plants and it presents great concern for country, mainly due to the environmental effects. In this study, fly ashes and bottom ash were characterized from technical and radiological aspects. Health effect due to the activity of radionuclides 226Ra, 232Th and 40K was estimated via radium equivalent activity (Raeq), external hazards index (Hex), the external absorbed dose rate (D) and annual effective dose rate (EDR). The specific surface area (40.25 m2 g−1), particle density (1.88 g cm−3) and LOI (23.49%) were typical for bottom ash. Siliceous fly ash contained 32% reactive silica. The annual effective dose rate for all ashes is ≤ 0.2 mSv y−1. Both, fly ash and bottom ash present potential secondary raw materials to be used for building purposes as result of their technological and radiological assessment.
Keywords: fly ash, bottom ash, gamma spectrometry, building materials
Published in DiRROS: 22.05.2023; Views: 588; Downloads: 292
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The effect of the addition of construction & demolition waste on the properties of clay-based ceramics
Biljana Angjusheva, Vilma Ducman, Emilija Fidanchevski, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Waste glass and reclaimed brick are types of construction and demolition waste (C&DW) that could potentially be used as secondary raw materials in the production of ceramics. Ceramics based on clay, waste demolished brick (5-15 wt.%) and waste glass (5-20 wt.%) were produced by pressing (P = 68 MPa) and subsequently sintered at 900, 950, 1000, and 1050 ° C for one hour. The physical and mechanical properties of the ceramics obtained were evaluated. The addition of demolished brick decreased the density and mechanical properties of the clay specimens and increased the water absorption. The incorporation of waste glass improved the sintering behavior and its mechanical properties. The addition of 20 wt.% waste glass and 10 wt.% waste demolished brick into the clay matrix improved the flexural strength by up to 20.6 % and decreased the water absorption by up to 22 %. The approach presented promotes an opportunity to recycle construction and demolition waste into alternative resource materials, and represents a positive contribution to the environment.
Keywords: CDW, ceramics, properties
Published in DiRROS: 25.04.2023; Views: 593; Downloads: 341
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The valorisation of selected quarry and mine waste for sustainable cement production within the concept of circular economy
Emilija Fidanchevski, Katarina Šter, Maruša Mrak, Ljiljana Kljajević, Gorazd Žibret, Klemen Teran, Bojan Poletanovic, Monika Fidanchevska, Sabina Dolenec, Ildikó Merta, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: The cement industry could potentially consume large amounts of solid industrial waste in order to improve its sustainability. The suitability of selected quarry and mine waste as secondary raw materials (SRM) was examined for the sustainable production of cement following the concept of a circular economy. The chemical, mineralogical, and radiological characterization of SRM was conducted in this study. Its potential use in low-carbon and low-energy belite-sulfoaluminate cement was investigated by incorporating the examined SRM into cement clinker. Various characterization methods were used to characterize the cement, including X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), thermal analysis (DTA/TG), and isothermal calorimetry. Depending on the chemical composition of the waste, lower or higher amounts were allowed to be incorporated into the raw clinker mixture for a targeted clinker phase composition. Among the samples, differences were observed in the phase composition of synthesized clinkers, which slightly influenced the reactivity of the cement but did not significantly change the compressive strength of the final product.
Keywords: mineralne surovine, rudarski odpadki, rudniki, kamnolomi, cement, klinker, krožno gospodarstvo, BCSA clinker, cement, circular economy, clinker, mine wastes, quarry waste
Published in DiRROS: 10.06.2022; Views: 872; Downloads: 486
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