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Query: "author" (Daniel Žlindra) .

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Ozone in urban forests
Matej Rupel, Daniel Žlindra, 2015, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Published in DiRROS: 03.11.2021; Views: 866; Downloads: 291
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EUFORINNO methods towards formal accreditaion
Daniel Žlindra, Marko Bajc, Robert Robek, 2015, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Published in DiRROS: 03.11.2021; Views: 842; Downloads: 332
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Short-term impacts of harvesting intensity on the upper soil layers in high karst Dinaric fir-beech forests
Emira Hukić, Matjaž Čater, Aleksander Marinšek, Mitja Ferlan, Milan Kobal, Daniel Žlindra, Hamid Čustović, Primož Simončič, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The present study addresses the short-term effects of different harvest intensities under close-to-nature selective management on the upper soil layers in Slovenian and Bosnian Dinaric karst fir-beech forests. The different harvest intensities coincided with the single-tree and irregular shelterwood management, common in the region. The effect of harvesting intensity on the upper soil layers (Ol, Of, Ol and 0%10 cm mineral soil) was investigated by a repeated measurements experiment in Slovenia on 27 research plots in close-to nature managed forests. The properties of the upper layers (concentration of SOC and TN, C/N ratio, weights, BD and SOC stocks) were analyzed twice, before (2011) and after (2014) treatment of 50% and 100% harvest intensity in relation to the total standing growing stock of trees. As a control, we used no-treatment <20% harvesting intensity plots. To extend this experiment, we added three comparable plots from the Bosnian site: one in an old-growth forest with 0% harvest intensity and two in the managed forest with <20% harvest intensity. The results of the assessment of mean differences indicated a significant influence of harvesting intensity on the decrease in SOC, TN concentrations, weights and SOC stocks in the organic layers and the increase in BD and SOC stocks in the 0%10 cm mineral soil. The highest relative decreases in Ol, Of and Oh SOC stocks occurred in 50% (%10 and %38%) and 100% (%16 and %49%) harvest intensities. Negligible relative differences in both organic and 0%10 cm mineral layers were found for the <20% harvest intensity in the region. The change in forest light conditions resulting from differences in canopy openness as a function of applied harvest intensity explained the significant difference in the properties of the upper soil layers. The impact of the short-term losses in SOC stocks, in terms of overall soil productivity, may depend on the regeneration dynamics and melioration methods.
Keywords: close-to-nature forest management, harvest intensity, Calcic Cambisol, forest soil, soil organic carbon
Published in DiRROS: 10.05.2021; Views: 1306; Downloads: 920
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Raziskovalno delo kot del javne gozdarske službe
Nike Krajnc, Primož Simončič, Lado Kutnar, Daniel Žlindra, Barbara Piškur, Nikica Ogris, Hojka Kraigher, Gregor Božič, Mitja Skudnik, Matevž Triplat, 2019, professional article

Abstract: Skladno z Zakonom o gozdovih del Javne gozdarske službe (JGS) opravlja tudi Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije (GIS). Aktivnosti JGS na GIS so usmerjene predvsem v strokovno podporo Ministrstvu za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano ter Zavodu za gozdove Slovenije. Področja dela JGS / GIS so naslednja: spremljanje stanja razvrednotenja in poškodovanosti gozdov, usmerjanje in strokovno vodstvo poročevalske, prognostično-diagnostične službe za gozdove, strokovno usmerjanje gozdne semenarske in drevesničarske dejavnosti, razvoj informacijskega sistema za gozdove, priprava strokovnih podlag za opravljanje del v gozdovih. GIS v okviru JGS opravlja tudi javna pooblastila. V 25 letih obstoja JGS/GIS so se nabrali številni dosežki ter za slovensko gozdarstvo pomembni rezultati. V prispevku predstavljamo poudarke JGS/GIS, za katere menimo, da so aktualni in zanimivi za strokovno javnost.
Keywords: gozdarstvo, javna gozdarska služba, raziskovalna dejavnost, Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije, javna gozdarska služba
Published in DiRROS: 16.11.2019; Views: 2968; Downloads: 839
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