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Query: "author" (Aleš Kadunc) .

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Ali izvajalske kapacitete gozdarskih storitev zadoščajo?
Aleš Kadunc, 2023, popular article

Keywords: gozdarske storitve
Published in DiRROS: 12.12.2023; Views: 381; Downloads: 104
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Ob rob delavnici Problematika podlubnikov - iskanje operativnih rešitev
Aleš Kadunc, Andrej Avsenek, Marko Matjašič, 2019, professional article

Abstract: Na Zgornjem Gorenjskem že nekaj let beležimo/jo velike napade podlubnikov. Ker je količina prizadetega drevja zelo velika, prihaja do precejšnjih organizacijskih, kadrovskih, logističnih in komercialnih težav. Z namenom iskanja operativnih rešitev sta GG Bled d.o.o. in Zavod za gozdove Slovenije, OE Bled, organizirala enodnevno delavnico na Pokljuki. Na njej je bilo predstavljenih pet referatov, od tega trije tujih strokovnjakov. Nadalje je bila izvedena tudi anketa, katere rezultati so podrobno predstavljeni v prispevku.
Keywords: obvladovanje podlubnikov, smrekovi sestoji, Zgornja Gorenjska, operativne težave, anketa
Published in DiRROS: 19.10.2019; Views: 2641; Downloads: 784
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Quality and timber value of European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) trees in the Karavanke region
Aleš Kadunc, Aleš Poljanec, 2011, original scientific article

Abstract: Although European larch is a commercially important tree species in the Alps, this study is among the first focusing on the quality and value of larch trees. Data from permanent sample plots of the Slovenia Forest Service (802 plots; 1851 trees) was used to model the quality and value of standing larch trees. The share of excellent and very good quality timber amounted to 49%, but the share of veneer logs and sawlogs I was only 11.7%. The quality and value of larch trees were positively influenced by the diameter at breast height and stand basal area, and negatively by altitude and harvesting intensity. In addition, timber value was higher in stands in regeneration and uneven-aged stands and in stands with a low share of spruce or high share of deciduous tree species. Trees from higher social layers and undamaged trees also proved to have more valuable timber. The quality of larch trees was lower on extreme beech and pine forest types.
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4501; Downloads: 1929
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Felling maturity criteria of beech stands in Slovakia
Rudolf Petráš, Julian Mecko, Aleš Kadunc, 2010, original scientific article

Abstract: In this paper, we focus on the felling maturity of beech stands in Slovakia. From an economic point of view, felling maturity of stands depends on volume production, assortment composition at different stand ages, and costs of forest labour. The culmination of net value production serves as a prevailing criterion of felling maturity. Our analyses showed a modest decrease in felling costs after the stand age of 40 years. The mean value increment of beech stands was yield class dependent. The ages of stands when total mean increments culminated were, in comparison with volume production, older on average by 15 years for gross yield and by 28 years for net yield. The latter culminated between 105 and 150 years.
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4494; Downloads: 1929
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Growth characteristics of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) on Isopyro-Fagetum KOS. 62 site
Gregor Meterc, Aleš Kadunc, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: In this paper, growth characteristics of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stands on site of Isopyro-Fagetum KOS. 62 are analysed. The research was carried out in Zasavje, where in mature beech stands five plots measuring 30x30 m were set. All trees above 10 cm were measured and cut for stem analyses. Increment of the last 10 years is statistically significantly influenced by (chronologic) age of trees, shade effect, diameter at breast height, social class and very rarely by crown dimensions. The time of current increment culmination is dependent on age, diameter at breast height, social class and on shade effect. As regards site productivity of the analysed site, a very broad range was ascertained. Variation is almost completely explained by altitude. On three plots sites, productivity increase was confirmed, whereas on one plot the changes were not significant and on one plot site productivity decreased, probably due to the transmitter on Mt Kum.
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4460; Downloads: 1968
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Analiza horizontalne zgradbe bukovih sestojev s podatki s stalnih vzorčnih ploskev
Tina Simončič, Aleš Kadunc, Andrej Bončina, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: Na vzorcu petih izbranih gozdnogospodarskih enot smo po glavnih sestojnih tipih analizirali horizontalno zgradbo bukovih sestojev. Zgradbo smo prikazali z indeksi diverzitete, podrobneje smo obravnavali razmestitev dreves in diferenciacijo njihovega premera. Ugotavljali smo vpliv nekaterih okoljskih dejavnikov ter intenzivnosti poseka na razmestitev. Za analizo smo uporabili podatkovno zbirko stalnih vzorènih ploskev (SVP) Zavoda za gozdove Slovenije. Razmestitev v sestojih se priblizuje naključni enakomerni razmestitvi, opazne so posamezne tendence dreves k sopasti oziroma sistematični razmestitvi. V sestojih prevladuje povprečna diferenciacija premerov, kar kaze na veèjo enomernost. V mlajših razvojnih fazah je nekoliko močneje nakazana sopasta razmestitev, diferenciacija premerov je manjsa. Na manjšo diferenciacijo premera vplivamo z večjo intenziteto poseka, šopasta razmestitev dreves je močneje nakazana na terenih s strmejsimi nakloni. Različne indekse diverzitete lahko izračunamo s podatki s SVP, ki so primerni predvsem za metodo izbranega drevesa in njegovih štirih najbližjih sosedov. Vzorec horizontalne zgradbe omogoča natanènejsi vpogled v sestojno zgradbo, pomemben je pri ocenjevanju mehanske stabilnosti sestojev, biodiverzitete, sestojne gostote in učinkov gospodarjenja.
Keywords: Fagus sylvatica, horizontalna zgradba, indeksi diverzitete, razmestitev dreves, diferenciacija premerov, stalne vzorčne ploskve, sestojni tipi, rastišča, gospodarjenje z gozdovi
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4959; Downloads: 2069
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Factors influencing growth of mature sycamore trees (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) on carbonate bedrock
Aleš Kadunc, Marijan Kotar, 2005, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper presents the growth potential of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) on four types of forest sites located on carbonate bedrock. The research covers sycamore sites (Aceri-Fraxinetum ill.), beech sites (Lamio orvalae-Fagetum), beech sites planted with Norway spruce, and silver fir-beechsites (Omphalodo-Fagetum aceretosum). The analyses for each forest type were carried out on five plots. Our aim was to determine the effect of site factors and stand parameters on sycamore growth. Site productivity (SP) is positively correlated with soil depth, coarse silt percentage in the cambichorizon, the content of phosphorus in leaves and, partly, with potassium. The effect of nitrogen supply on height growth or SP was not confirmed. Furthermore, height growth on sites with a higher rate of nutrient cycling, higher macronutrient supply and higher sand percentage in the cambic horizon is significantly faster. As to the growth of basal area, in addition to positive dependences of crown size, many other correlations with site factors were confirmed.
Keywords: beech stand, growing stock, stand value, current volume increment, current value increment, quality structure, social collective
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4625; Downloads: 1869
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Volumenska in vrednostna zgradba ter priraščanje visokokakovostnih bukovih sestojev v Sloveniji
Aleš Kadunc, Marijan Kotar, 2005, original scientific article

Abstract: Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti strukturo lesnih zalog, tekočega volumenskegaprirastka, (denarne) vrednosti lesne zaloge in tekoči vrednostni prirastek po različnih socialnih kolektivih v visokokakovostnih bukovih sestojih. Analizirani so bili sestoji z 18 rastiščnih enot, pri vsaki s po petimi ploskvami velikosti 30 x 30 m. Na vseh 90 ploskvah je bila napravljena debelna analiza vsega drevja nad merskim pragom in ocenjena kakovost debel po četrtinah. Na podlagi debelnih analiz in ocenjene kakovosti smo ugotovili volumen sestojev, tekoči desetletni volumenski prirastek, vrednost sestojev intekoči desetletni vrednostni prirastek. Nad 90 % volumna in še nekaj večji delež vrednosti pripada strehi sestoja. Kolektiv 100 najdebelejših dreves na hektar zavzema okoli polovico volumna oziroma vrednosti sestoja. Delež furnirske kakovosti je izredno nizek (3 %), delež hlodovine za luščenje pa petkrat višji. Sestoji dosegajo najvišje vrednosti na rastiščih montanskih bukovij.
Keywords: bukov sestoj, lesna zaloga, vrednost sestoja, tekoči volumenski prirastek, tekoči vrednostni prirastek, kakovostna zgradba, socialni kolektiv
Published in DiRROS: 12.07.2017; Views: 4645; Downloads: 1907
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