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Influence of oil viscosity on the tribological behavior of a laser-textured Ti6Al4V alloy
Marjetka Conradi, Aleksandra Kocijan, Bojan Podgornik, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Laser texturing with a dimple pattern was applied to modify a Ti6Al4V alloy at the micro level, aiming to improve its friction and wear resistance in combination with oil lubrication to optimize the performance in demanding industrial environments. The tribological analysis was performed on four different dimple-textured surfaces with varying dimple size and dimple-to-dimple distance and under lubrication with three different oils, i.e., T9, VG46, and VG100, to reflect the oil viscosity’s influence on the friction/wear of the laser-textured Ti6Al4V alloy. The results show that the surfaces with the highest texture density showed the most significant COF reduction of around 10% in a low-viscosity oil (T9). However, in high-viscosity oils (VG46 and VG100), the influence of the laser texturing on the COF was less pronounced. A wear analysis revealed that the laser texturing intensified the abrasive wear, especially on surfaces with a higher texture density. For low-texturing-density surfaces, less wear was observed for low- and medium-viscosity oils (T9 and VG46). For medium-to-high-texturing densities, the high-viscosity oil (VG100) provided the best contact conditions and wear results. Overall, reduced wear, even below the non-texturing case, was observed for sample 50–200 in VG100 lubrication, indicating the combined effect of oil reservoirs and increased oil-film thickness within the dimples due to the high viscosity.
Keywords: oil lubrication, surface modification, Ti-based alloy, tribology
Published in DiRROS: 01.02.2024; Views: 543; Downloads: 215
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Overview of the thermal properties of rocks and sediments in Slovenia
Dušan Rajver, Simona Adrinek, 2023, review article

Abstract: The use of geothermal energy, which comes from both deep geothermal systems and the shallow underground, has been developing rapidly in the last few decades. The purpose of the paper is to present the results of measurements of the thermal properties of all rock samples and sediments that were available from boreholes, two tunnels and numerous surface locations in Slovenia in the period from 1982 to the end of 2022. In relation to the shallow geothermal potential, a special effort is needed to characterize the thermal properties of the rocks and sediments and to implement thermal energy transfer technology. In this sense, knowledge of the thermal conductivity of rocks and sediments is required to assess the possibility of low-enthalpy heat exchange in a given local area. The largest number of measurements was taken to determine thermal conductivity. Determinations of thermal diffusivity were carried out on a much smaller number of rock and sediment samples, as well as determinations of radiogenic heat production in rocks. The results of thermal conductivity measurements on 430 samples from 119 wells, 20 samples from two tunnels and 156 samples from surface locations are shown. The highest thermal conductivities are shown by samples of dolomite, quartz conglomerate and conglomerate, phyllonite, quartz phyllite and gneiss, while the lowest are measured in sediments such as clay, lignite with clay, peat and dry sand. The determined radioactive heat generation is the lowest for milonitized dolomite and highest for dark grey sandstone with shale clasts. Our results are comparable to those already published worldwide, and they could be the basis for the possible future Slovenian standard for the thermal properties of measured rocks and sediments.
Keywords: thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, borehole, tunnel, surface, rock, sediment, radioactive heat generation, Slovenia
Published in DiRROS: 15.01.2024; Views: 411; Downloads: 223
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Antibacterial effect of polymethyl methacrylate resin base containing TiO2 nanoparticles
Anamarija Zore, Anže Abram, Aleksander Učakar, Ivo Godina, Franc Rojko, Roman Štukelj, Andrijana Sever Škapin, Rajko Vidrih, Olivera Dolić, Valentina Veselinović, Klemen Bohinc, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Restorations in dentistry must reproduce the aspect of the patient’s natural teeth and require non-toxicity, biocompatibility, and good mechanical properties in order to last longer. Restorations are permanently in contact with microbes that can adhere to and form biofilms. The purpose of this study was to determine the adhesion extent of Streptococcus mutans to polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) resin base containing TiO2 nanoparticles. To understand the adhesion of Streptococcus mutans on the modified resin-based surfaces, the following surface properties were measured: the roughness, contact angle, zeta potential and CIE color parameters. Evaluation of tensile stress performance in TiO2 modified PMMA showed that the maximum tensile stress of the modified PMMA resin decreases with an increasing amount of TiO2 nanoparticles. The increasing amount of TiO2 decreases the roughness and causes contact angles in the border between hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces. All the studied surfaces are negatively charged and added TiO2 tends to increase the zeta potential. The addition of TiO2 nanoparticles increases the lightness and decreases the intensity of the red and yellow color. The increasing addition of TiO2 nanoparticles into PMMA increases the morphological change of bacterial cells.
Keywords: bacterial adhesion, Streptococcus mutans, polymethyl methacrylate resin, TiO2, surface properties
Published in DiRROS: 20.12.2023; Views: 416; Downloads: 243
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Accounting for cloud cover and circannual variation puts the effect of lunar phase on deer–vehicle collisions into perspective
Jacopo Cerri, Laura Stendardi, Elena Bužan, Boštjan Pokorny, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Although several studies have focused on the influence of moonlight on deer–vehicle collisions, findings have been inconsistent. This may be due to neglect of the effects of cloud cover, a major impediment to moon illumination and circannual variation in both deer and human activity. We assessed how median cloud cover interacted with the illuminated fraction of the moon in affecting daily roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) roadkill in Slovenia (Central Europe). Data included nationwide roadkill (n = 49,259), collected between 2010 and 2019 by hunters, as required by law. Roadkill peaked under medium to high cloud cover and decreased during nights with low or extremely high cloudiness. This pattern was more pronounced on nights with a full moon. However, the effects of moon illumination and cloud cover had a lower predictive potential than circannual variation, as collisions clearly peaked in April/May, July and August/September. Our results suggest that moonlight could influence roe deer movements through compensatory foraging. However, on nights with a full moon, collisions could also be affected by weather. On bright nights, roe deer might be less active due to increased human presence and sustained vehicular traffic. Then, with medium to high cloud cover and also rainfall, human presence in the environment may be low enough to increase deer movements, but vehicular traffic can still be intermediate, maximizing the risk of collisions. Finally, with overcast skies, widespread rainfall can reduce both traffic volume and human outdoor activity, decreasing the risk of collisions. Moon illumination may indeed affect wildlife–vehicle collisions and roadkill, but its effects should be quantified as a function of cloud cover. Moreover, to make studies truly comparable, research about wildlife–vehicle collisions should also account for time of the year. Policy implications. Because collisions with roe deer peak at particular periods of the year, signs should be installed seasonally. By doing so, they would warn drivers about the risk, improve drivers' awareness and increase their safety. Moreover, as collisions also increase on nights with a full moon and overcast skies, interactive warning signs that are activated by ground illumination should also be useful.
Keywords: cloudiness, MODIS Surface Reflectance, moon, road ecology, roe deer, Slovenia, thin-plate splines, wildlife–vehicle collisions
Published in DiRROS: 16.11.2023; Views: 696; Downloads: 302
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Evolution of surface functional groups and aromatic ring degradation upon treatment of polystyrene with hydroxyl radicals
Alenka Vesel, Rok Zaplotnik, Gregor Primc, Miran Mozetič, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: The surface properties of hydrocarbon polymers are inadequate for numerous applications. Hence, they require alteration via functionalisation with desired functional groups. Hydroxyl groups are often preferred, since they enable appropriate polarity for the irreversible grafting of desired molecules. In this study, the surface kinetics resulting from the treatment of polystyrene with hydroxyl (OH) radicals from the gas phase was fundamentally investigated through a precisely-designed experiment. Polystyrene samples were exposed to various known fluences of OH radicals, and the evolution of surface functional groups versus the OH fluence was monitored using high-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The fluences of OH radicals varied between 1 × 1018 and 4 × 1023 m−2 in the process of finding a threshold fluence for the formation of specific groups. The surface concentration of carbonyl (C=O) groups could be measured using XPS at a fluence of approximately 5 × 1020 m−2. The C=O groups became measurable at a fluence of approximately 1.5 × 1021 m−2, and carboxyl (COOH)/ester groups at approximately 4 × 1021 m−2. As deduced from the XPS, a concentration of C=O groups at approximately 5 % occurred before the degradation of the aromatic ring. The formation of other oxygen-functional groups required opening of the aromatic ring. The results have been explained using a two-step process, considering available theories vis-a-vis initial stages in the functionalisation of PS with polar functional groups.
Keywords: polistiren, kinetika površinske funkcionalizacije, OH radikali, vpliv doze radikalov, časovni razvoj, polystyrene, surface functionalisation kinetics, OH radicals
Published in DiRROS: 09.11.2023; Views: 526; Downloads: 216
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Depassivation and repassivation of stainless steels by stepwise pH change
Emir Mujanović, Bojan Zajec, Andraž Legat, Tadeja Kosec, Janez Kovač, Gregor Mori, Stefan Hönig, Gerald Zehethofer, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: Immersion tests with different stainless steels have been performed, while the pH was stepwise decreased and then increased again. During 8.5-day exposure, the depassivation and repassivation pH values as a function of pitting resistance equivalent number were determined. There is always a gap between both pH values (depassivation and repassivation), indicating that for every steel, there are conditions where an existing passive layer can be maintained but cannot be rebuilt after depassivation. In such environments, the passive layer is thicker, consisting mainly of molybdenum and iron rich oxides, while chromium is dissolved. Usually, depending on conditions, the passive layer is more chromium-rich, especially the inner layer. This is relevant, for example, for acidizing jobs in oil and gas industry, proving that repassivation after acidizing will happen promptly, when the pH is increased again.
Keywords: stress corrosion cracking, surface finish impact, tapered tensile specimen, autoclave, accelerated testing, light water nuclear reactor, critical threshold stress
Published in DiRROS: 30.08.2023; Views: 568; Downloads: 327
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Recombination of oxygen atoms on the surface of oxidized polycrystalline nickel—temperature and pressure dependences
Domen Paul, Miran Mozetič, Rok Zaplotnik, Jernej Ekar, Alenka Vesel, Gregor Primc, Denis Đonlagić, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: The recombination of neutral oxygen atoms in the ground state on the oxidized nickel samples was studied experimentally in the range of pressures where the maximum density occurs in weakly ionized low-pressure oxygen plasma, i.e. between 40 and 200 Pa. The recombination coefficient was determined in the flowing afterglow. The source of oxygen atoms was plasma sustained in a quartz tube of inner diameter 4.7 mm by a microwave discharge in the surfatron mode. The recombination coefficient was determined in the afterglow chamber, which was a Pyrex tube with an inner diameter of 36 mm. The density of oxygen atoms in the afterglow chamber was varied by adjusting the discharge power, the gas flow, the pressure, and the position of a recombinator. Such flexibility of the experimental system enabled adjustment of the temperature of the oxidized nickel samples independently from the O-atom density in its vicinity or other parameters. The density of oxygen atoms in the afterglow chamber at various system parameters was determined by the Šorli method, which is reliable, and has an accuracy of about 20%. The recombination coefficient was determined by calorimetry. The coefficient was inversely proportional to the square root of the pressure and exponentially to the sample temperature. Systematic measurements performed at various pressures and temperatures enabled empirical formula, which were explained qualitatively by recombination kinetics.
Keywords: heterogenous surface recombination, recombination coefficient, nickel, nickel oxide, temperature
Published in DiRROS: 30.08.2023; Views: 586; Downloads: 349
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Stress corrosion crack initiation testing with tapered specimens in high-temperature water - results of a collaborative research project
Rik-Wouter Bosch, Stefan Ritter, Matthias Herbst, Renate Kilian, Grace Burke, Jonathan Duff, Fabio Scenini, Yuchen Gu, Alice Dinu, Ulla Ehrnsten, Aki Toivonen, Radek Novotny, Oliver Martin, Francisco Javier Perosanz, Andraž Legat, Bojan Zajec, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: The applicability of an accelerated test technique using tapered tensile specimens for investigating the stress corrosion crack (SCC) initiation behaviour of structural materials in high-temperature water was assessed in the framework of a European collaborative research project (MICRIN – MItigation of CRack INitiation). The main advantage of using a tapered geometry is, that in a single test a stress gradient is obtained through the gauge length, and therefore a stress threshold for SCC initiation can be determined in a reasonable timeframe. This method was used to investigate two different materials that were known to be susceptible to SCC in light water reactor environment: a high-Si stainless steel and a Ni-base weld metal (Alloy 182). The results of the international test programme confirmed that the tapered specimen test methodology could be used to identify a SCC initiation stress threshold, albeit that significant scatter was present in the data.
Keywords: stress corrosion cracking, surface finish impact, tapered tensile specimen, autoclave, accelerated testing, light water nuclear reactor, critical threshold stress
Published in DiRROS: 28.08.2023; Views: 521; Downloads: 290
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Antifungal effect of polymethyl methacrylate resin base with embedded Au nanoparticles
Ivan Marić, Anamarija Zore, Franc Rojko, Andrijana Sever Škapin, Roman Štukelj, Aleksander Učakar, Rajko Vidrih, Valentina Veselinović, Marijan Gotić, Klemen Bohinc, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Full and partial restorations in dentistry must replicate the characteristics of the patient’s natural teeth. Materials must have good mechanical properties and be non-toxic and biocompatible. Microbes, which can form biofilms, are constantly in contact with restorations. In this study, we investigate how well Candida albicans adheres to a polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) resin base with gold (Au) nanoparticles. We synthesized Au nanoparticles and characterized them. The average size of Au nanoparticles embedded in PMMA was 11 nm. The color difference ∆E between PMMA and PMMA/Au composites was 2.7 and was still esthetically acceptable to patients. PMMA/Au surfaces are rougher and more hydrophilic than pure PMMA surfaces, and the isoelectric point of both types of surfaces was 4.3. Above the isoelectric point, PMMA/Au surfaces are more negatively charged than PMMA surfaces. The added Au nanoparticles decreased the tensile strength, while the hardness did not change significantly. Adhesion measurements showed that PMMA surfaces modified with Au nanoparticles reduced the extent of microbial adhesion of Candida albicans.
Keywords: fungal adhesión, C. albicans, polymethyl methacrylate resin, Au, surface properties, composites
Published in DiRROS: 24.07.2023; Views: 694; Downloads: 273
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