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Habitat degradation facilitates the invasion of Neophytes : a resurvey study based on permanent vegetation plots in oak forests in Slovenia (Europe)
Janez Kermavnar, Lado Kutnar, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: The spread of neophytes (non-native plant species) challenges the conservation status and ecological integrity of forests, especially in lowland areas. Long-term resurvey studies are needed to evaluate the temporal dynamics of neophytes in forests; however, such data are scarce. In 2023, we resampled a set of 45 permanent vegetation plots (established in 1992/93) in two forest vegetation types: oak–hornbeam forests dominated by Quercus robur and colline oak–beech forests dominated by Q. petraea. Over the last 30 years, oak forests have experienced extensive oak tree mortality, with the degree of habitat degradation being greater in Q. robur forests. In the early 1990s, only three neophytes with low abundance were recorded across all plots. In the 2023 resurvey, the total number of neophytes increased to 22 species (15 herbaceous and 7 woody species), comprising 6.9% of the total species pool in the understory layer. The increase in the plot-level number and cover of neophytes was significant in plots dominated by Q. robur but not in those with Q. petraea. The most frequent neophytes were Impatiens parviflora (present in 31% of plots), Solidago gigantea (27%), Erigeron annuus (16%) and Erechtites hieraciifolia (16%). The richness and cover of neophytes were significantly affected by the tree layer cover (negative correlation) and the degree of soil disturbance (positive correlation). All neophytes established in disturbed patches, whereas the occurrence of I. parviflora was exceptional as it was able to colonize less degraded, shaded understory environments. Habitat degradation (the mortality-induced loss of stand-forming oak trees resulting in extensive tree layer cover decrease) emerged as a key driver promoting neophyte proliferation, coupled with the impact of management-induced disturbances affecting overstory and soil conditions. The spread is expected to continue or even intensify in the future because novel light regimes and disturbances make forest habitats less resistant to neophyte proliferation.
Keywords: long-term vegetation change, invasive non-native plants, oak mortality, Quercus robur, Quercus petraea, canopy openness, Impatiens parviflora, Slovenia
Published in DiRROS: 19.04.2024; Views: 409; Downloads: 233
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Safety and efficacy of IL-12 plasmid DNA transfection into pig skin : supportive data for human clinical trials on gene therapy and vaccination
Urša Lampreht Tratar, Tanja Jesenko, Maša Omerzel, Alenka Seliškar, Urban Stupan, Mihajlo Djokić, Jerneja Sredenšek, Blaž Trotovšek, Gregor Serša, Maja Čemažar, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Gene electrotransfer (GET) of plasmids encoding interleukin 12 (IL-12) has already been used for the treatment of various types of tumors in human oncology and as an adjuvant in DNA vaccines. In recent years, we have developed a plasmid encoding human IL-12 (phIL12) that is currently in a phase I clinical study. The aim was to confirm the results of a non-clinical study in mice on pharmacokinetic characteristics and safety in a porcine model that better resembled human skin. The GET of phIL12 in the skin was performed on nine pigs using different concentrations of plasmid phIL12 and invasive (needle) or noninvasive (plate) types of electrodes. The results of our study demonstrate that the GET of phIL-12 with needle electrodes induced the highest expression of IL-12 at the protein level on day 7 after the procedure. The plasmid was distributed to all tested organs; however, its amount decreased over time and was at a minimum 28 days after GET. Based on plasmid copy number and expression results, together with blood analysis, we showed that IL-12 GET is safe in a porcine animal model. Furthermore, we demonstrated that pigs are a valuable model for human gene therapy safety studies.
Keywords: interleukin 12, gene electrotransfer, immunotherapy
Published in DiRROS: 18.04.2024; Views: 474; Downloads: 201
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Do double-expressor high-grade B-cell lymphomas really need intensified treatment : a report from the real-life series of high-grade B-cell lymphomas treated with different therapeutic protocols at the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana
Lučka Boltežar, Samo Rožman, Gorana Gašljević, Biljana Grčar-Kuzmanov, Barbara Jezeršek Novaković, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: High-grade B-cell lymphomas with MYC and BCL2 and/or BCL6 rearrangements are known for their aggressive clinical course and so are the ones with MYC and BCL2 protein overexpression. The optimal therapy for these lymphomas remains to be elucidated. A retrospective analysis of all diffuse large B-cell lymphomas and high-grade B-cell lymphomas with MYC and BCL2 and/or BCL6 rearrangements diagnosed between 2017 and 2021 at the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Slovenia, has been performed. Only patients with double-expressor lymphoma (DEL), double-hit lymphoma (DHL), or triple-hit lymphoma (THL) were included. Demographic and clinical parameters were assessed, as well as progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS). In total, 161 cases out of 309 (161/309; 52,1%) were classified as DEL. Sixteen patients had DHL, MYC/BCL2 rearrangement was observed in eleven patients, and MYC/BCL6 rearrangement was observed in five patients. Five patients were diagnosed with THL. Out of 154 patients (according to inclusion/exclusion criteria) included in further evaluation, one-hundred and thirty-five patients had double-expressor lymphoma (DEL), sixteen patients had DHL, and three patients had THL. In total, 169 patients were treated with R-CHOP, 10 with R-CHOP and intermediate-dose methotrexate, 19 with R-DA-EPOCH, and 16 with other regimens. The median follow-up was 22 months. The 5-year OS for the whole DEL group was 57.1% (95% CI 45.9–68.3%) and the 5-year PFS was 76.5% (95% CI 72.6–80.4%). The log-rank test disclosed no differences in survival between treatment groups (p = 0.712) while the high-risk international prognostic index (IPI) carried a significantly higher risk of death (HR 7.68, 95% CI 2.32–25.49, p = 0.001). The 5-year OS for DHL patients was 32.4% (95% CI 16.6–48.2%) while all three TH patients were deceased or lost to follow-up. Our analyses of real-life data disclose that the R-CHOP protocol with CNS prophylaxis is a successful and curative treatment for a substantial proportion of DEL patients.
Keywords: lymphoma, double-expressor lymphoma, oncology
Published in DiRROS: 18.04.2024; Views: 427; Downloads: 213
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Aggressive anticancer treatment in the last 2 weeks of life
Nena Golob, Teja Oblak, Luka Čavka, Maša Kušar, Boštjan Šeruga, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Background: There is a concern that terminally ill cancer patients may be aggressively treated due to the rapidly growing possibilities of anticancer treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of anticancer treatment at the end of life (EoL). Materials and methods: This retrospective study included adult patients with advanced solid cancers who were treated at the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana and died of cancer between January 2015 and December 2019. A multiple logistic regression model was used to assess an association between the aggressiveness of anticancer treatment (i.e. systemic therapy, radiotherapy and surgery) in the last 2 weeks of life and year of death, age at death, sex, prognosis of cancer and enrolment into the specialist palliative care (SPC). Results: We included 1736 patients in our analysis. Overall, 13.7% of patients were enrolled into the SPC and 14.4% received anticancer treatment in the last 2 weeks of life. The odds of receiving anticancer treatment significantly increased over time [odds ratio (OR) 1.15, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.04-1.27]. There was an increased use of novel systemic therapy (e.g. small-molecule targeted therapy and immunotherapy) at the EoL. Older patients had significantly lower odds to receive anticancer treatment in the last 2 weeks of life as compared to younger patients (OR 0.96, 95% CI 0.95-0.98). As compared to patients receiving only a standard oncology care, those also enrolled into the SPC had significantly lower odds for anticancer treatment in the last 2 weeks of life (OR 0.22, 95% CI 0.12-0.43). Conclusions: Terminally ill cancer patients have increased odds for receiving anticancer treatment, especially novel systemic therapies, in the last 2 weeks of life. Younger patients and those not enrolled into the SPC are at particular risk for anticancer treatment at the EoL
Keywords: systemic therapy, aggressive treatment, anticancer drugs, palliative care
Published in DiRROS: 18.04.2024; Views: 429; Downloads: 204
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Influence of casting defects on damage evolution and potential failures in hot rolling simulation system
Umut Hanoglu, Božidar Šarler, 2023, original scientific article

Keywords: simulation, rolling, steel, slice model, meshless, radial basis functions, damage
Published in DiRROS: 18.04.2024; Views: 401; Downloads: 174
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State of the art methodologies for the estimation of fire costs in buildings to support cost–benefit analysis
Ikwulono David Unobe, Andrea Lucherini, Shuna Ni, Thomas Gernay, Ranjit Kumar Chaudhary, Ruben Van Coile, 2024, review article

Abstract: Fires can lead to costly building damage as well as loss of lives and injuries. Installed to protect buildings from fire, or to limit the damage from such outbreaks, fire protection measures are a common feature in buildings. However, these features come at a cost. Although quite ubiquitous in buildings, the value of these features to private individuals and to society is not fully understood. To understand their value, a cost benefit analysis detailing the costs and benefits of fire protection measures is needed. Carrying out such an analysis requires methods for computing both the cost of these fire protection measures, and losses from fires (including both direct and indirect losses). This study outlines methodologies for evaluating those costs and losses. An exhaustive collection of available data necessary for estimating both costs and losses is presented. Several limitations in current methodologies and data constraints were identified, with recommendations proposed to address these shortcomings. Relevant sections of a study by the authors that refines fire protection cost estimation at national and sub-national levels are emphasized, including updated building categories, guidance on computing multipliers, and detailed cost calculation methods for installation and maintenance costs. The calculation uses regularly updated U.S. Census Bureau construction data, ensuring timely multiplier updates. The insights and suggestions presented in this study will ultimately refine the process of selecting fire protection strategies that maximize the net benefit of fire protection measures for both private stakeholders and society at large.
Keywords: fire protection measures, cost of fire protection, losses from fire, cost benefit analysis, installation costs, maintenance costs
Published in DiRROS: 18.04.2024; Views: 430; Downloads: 86
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Urban greenspaces and nearby natural areas support similar levels of soil ecosystem services
David J. Eldridge, Haiying Cui, Jingyi Ding, Miguel Berdugo, Tadeo Sáez-Sandino, Jorge Duran, Juan J. Gaitan, José L. Blanco-Pastor, Alexandra Rodríguez, César Plaza, Tine Grebenc, Tina Unuk Nahberger, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Greenspaces are important for sustaining healthy urban environments and their human populations. Yet their capacity to support multiple ecosystem services simultaneously (multiservices) compared with nearby natural ecosystems remains virtually unknown. We conducted a global field survey in 56 urban areas to investigate the influence of urban greenspaces on 23 soil and plant attributes and compared them with nearby natural environments. We show that, in general, urban greenspaces and nearby natural areas support similar levels of soil multiservices, with only six of 23 attributes (available phosphorus, water holding capacity, water respiration, plant cover, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), and arachnid richness) significantly greater in greenspaces, and one (available ammonium) greater in natural areas. Further analyses showed that, although natural areas and urban greenspaces delivered a similar number of services at low (>25% threshold) and moderate (>50%) levels of functioning, natural systems supported significantly more functions at high (>75%) levels of functioning. Management practices (mowing) played an important role in explaining urban ecosystem services, but there were no effects of fertilisation or irrigation. Some services declined with increasing site size, for both greenspaces and natural areas. Our work highlights the fact that urban greenspaces are more similar to natural environments than previously reported and underscores the importance of managing urban greenspaces not only for their social and recreational values, but for supporting multiple ecosystem services on which soils and human well-being depends.
Keywords: soil, ecosystem services, urban forests
Published in DiRROS: 17.04.2024; Views: 435; Downloads: 199
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12th International scientific and professional conference “A child in motion.” : Portorož, Slovenia, 2–4 October 2023
Kaja Teraž, Saša Pišot, 2023, other component parts

Keywords: sports, kinesiology, children, teenagers, research, conferences, reports
Published in DiRROS: 17.04.2024; Views: 441; Downloads: 281
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Conference report – the 28th Annual congress of the European College of sport science : Paris, France, 4–7 July 2023
Katarina Puš, 2023, other component parts

Keywords: sports, kinesiology, sport science, research, conferences, reports
Published in DiRROS: 17.04.2024; Views: 446; Downloads: 233
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