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Histološka opredelitev folikularnih neoplazem ščitnice
Andreja Klevišar Ivančič, 2025, published scientific conference contribution

Published in DiRROS: 06.03.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 0
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Licenciranje programske opreme
Matija Šuklje, 2024, other monographs and other completed works

Abstract: Predavanje pokriva osnove odprte kode oz. FOSS ter preseka le-teh z odprto znanostjo oz. FAIR principov. Ponuja sistematski pregled različnih avtorsko-pravnih situacij pod katerimi se lahko znajde programska oprema ter kratek oris najbolj pogostih FOSS licenc.
Keywords: odprti podatki, odprta znanost, licence, licenciranje, odprta koda, FOSS, intelektualna lastnina, avtorske pravice, programska oprema, institucionalni repozitoriji, projekt Spoznaj, načela odprte znanosti, raziskovalni podatki, uporabljanje podatkov
Published in DiRROS: 06.03.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 0
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Autoimmune mast cell activation test as a diagnostic tool in chronic spontaneous urticaria
Ana Koren, Luka Dejanović, Matija Rijavec, Peter Kopač, Mojca Bizjak, Mihaela Zidarn, Mitja Košnik, Peter Korošec, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: first_pagesettingsOrder Article Reprints Open AccessArticle Autoimmune Mast Cell Activation Test as a Diagnostic Tool in Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria by Ana Koren 1,*ORCID,Luka Dejanović 1ORCID,Matija Rijavec 1,2ORCID,Peter Kopač 1,3ORCID,Mojca Bizjak 1ORCID,Mihaela Zidarn 1,3,Mitja Košnik 1,3ORCID andPeter Korošec 1,4 1 University Clinic of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases Golnik, 4204 Golnik, Slovenia 2 Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 3 Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 4 Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ljubljana, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25(17), 9281; Submission received: 25 July 2024 / Revised: 23 August 2024 / Accepted: 25 August 2024 / Published: 27 August 2024 (This article belongs to the Special Issue Progression of Allergy and Immune Response) Downloadkeyboard_arrow_down Browse Figures Review Reports Versions Notes Abstract Chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) is associated with skin mast cell activation, and its triggering mechanisms are not completely elucidated. Evidence suggests an autoimmune component of CSU. Our aim was to assess the usefulness of an autoimmune mast cell activation test (aiMAT) for diagnosing and differentiating CSU into different subtypes. We enrolled 43 patients with active, uncontrolled CSU before starting treatment with omalizumab and 15 controls. Patients were evaluated based on omalizumab response. aiMATs were performed using non-IgE-sensitized (NS) or myeloma IgE-sensitized (S) LAD2 cells, which were then stimulated with CSU/control sera (25 µL and 10 µL). The expression of CD63 was assessed with flow cytometry. CD63 response on NS-LAD2 was significantly increased in CSU patients compared to controls after the stimulation with 25 µL CSU/control sera (p = 0.0007) and with 10 µL CSU/control sera (p = 0.0001). The ROC curve analysis demonstrated an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.82. The cutoff for autoimmune-non-IgE-sensitized-MAT was 40.3% CD63+ LAD2, which resulted in 73.3% sensitivity and 81.4% specificity. CD63 response on S-LAD2 was significantly increased in CSU patients compared to controls after the stimulation with 25 µL CSU/control sera (p = 0.03). The ROC curve analysis demonstrated an AUC of 0.66. The cutoff for the autoimmune-myeloma IgE-sensitized-MAT was 58.4% CD63+ cells, which resulted in 62.8% sensitivity and 66.7% specificity. Overall, 36 out of 43 (84%) patients responded to omalizumab, and 7 (16%) were nonresponders. We found no differences between LAD2 CD63 response and response to omalizumab. In conclusion, aiMAT could represent a new diagnostic tool in CSU. Additional studies are needed to evaluate the potential benefits during omalizumab therapy.
Keywords: mast cell activation test, LAD2, chronic spontaneous urticaria, omalizumab, CD63 expression
Published in DiRROS: 06.03.2025; Views: 20; Downloads: 13
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