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Effects of governmental data governance on urban fire risk : a city-wide analysis in China
Zhao-Ge Liu, Xiang-Yang Li, Grunde Jomaas, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: The effects of data governance (as a means to maximize big data value creation in fire risk management) performance on fire risk was analyzed based on multi-source statistical data of 105 cities in China from 2016 to 2018. Specifically, data governance was first quantified with ten detailed indicators, which were then selected for explaining urban fire risk through correlation analysis. Next, the sample cities were clustered in terms of major socio-economic characteristics, and then the effects of data governance were examined by constructing multivariate regression models for each city cluster with ordinary least squares (OLS). The results showed that the constructed regression models produced good interpretation of fire risk in different types of cities, with coefficient of determination (R2) in each model exceeding 0.65. Among the indicators, the development of infrastructures (e.g. data collection devices and data analysis platforms), the level of data use, and the updating of fire risk related data were proved to produce significant effects on the reduction of fire frequency and fire consequence. Moreover, the organizational maturity of data governance was proved to be helpful in reducing fire frequency. For the cities with large population, the cross-department sharing of high-value data was found to be another important determinant of urban fire frequency. In comparison with existing statistical models which interpreted fire risk with general social factors (with the highest R2 = 0.60), these new regression models presented a better statistical performance (with the average R2 = 0.72). These findings are expected to provide decision support for the local governments of China and other jurisdictions to facilitate big data projects in improving fire risk management.
Keywords: urban fire risk, fire risk management, big data technologies, data governance, socio-economic factors, city-wide analysis
Published in DiRROS: 09.01.2024; Views: 284; Downloads: 68
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Fire safety assessment of sprinkler systems for car parks using the J-value methodology
Malika Alimzhanova, Michael Spearpoint, Grunde Jomaas, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: A J-value assessment was carried out to quantify the costs and benefits of sprinkler system installation in car parks, both with respect to life safety and property protection. Nine scenarios were established based on collected input data. All car park types were considered for the USA, England, Scotland, Wales and the UK nations collectively, while separate considerations were made for multi-storey car parks (MSCPs) in the UK and for MSCPs, underground and other parking types in England. Even when assuming 100% sprinkler effectiveness, the J-values for the nine scenarios were all larger than unity (ranging from 5 to 555), thus indicating that the installation of sprinklers is not a cost-effective investment for car parks from a societal point of view. The analysis showed that different car park types must be treated separately, due to specifics of structure and fire statistics. The lowest J-values were obtained for MSCPs and underground car parks. Sprinkler installation mainly provides property protection benefits, because of property loss savings substantially outweigh those associated with life safety. Even though sprinklers were not cost-effective for car parks in the current analysis, the scarcity of data and new emerging technologies suggests that further investigation is needed.
Keywords: cost-benefit analysis, J-value, life quality index, Car parks, Sprinkler systems
Published in DiRROS: 09.01.2024; Views: 326; Downloads: 116
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Kulturna in jezikovna dediščina Hijacinta Repiča, frančiškana pri sv. Ani v Kopru
Diana Košir, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Prispevek prinaša pregled zapisane zapuščine frančiškana Hijacinta Repiča (1863–1918) iz koprskega samostana sv. Ane. Arhivski viri so danes hranjeni na Domoznanskem oddelku koprske knjižnice, v Pokrajinskem arhivu Koper, v provincialnih arhivih reda manjših bratov v Ljubljani in Benetkah ter v samostanu sv. Ane. Avtorica jih analizira, opiše in umesti v slovensko kulturno zgodovino v Istri na prelomu 19. stoletja. Na temelju analize primarnih in sekundarnih virov se v novi luči predstavlja plodovito delovanje p. Repiča. Njegova prizadevanja za širjenje slovenske besede kažejo, da je bil – čeprav za samostanskimi zidovi – na prelomu stoletij eden od prvih predstavnikov slovenskega slovstva v Istri.
Keywords: pater Hijacint Repič, frančiškani, samostan sv. Ane v Kopru
Published in DiRROS: 08.01.2024; Views: 321; Downloads: 146
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Povezanost med rakom in onesnaževali, ki nastanejo v procesih sežiga in sosežiga odpadkov: krovni pregled literature
Teja Oblak, Tanja Carli, Vesna Zadnik, Niko Samec, Andreja Kukec, 2023, review article

Abstract: Izhodišča: V procesih sežiga in sosežiga odpadkov ter proizvodnje cementa se v okolje sproščajo izpusti, ki vsebujejo različna onesnaževala. Z namenom oceniti povezanost med rakom pri poklicno izpostavljenih in okoliških prebivalcih ter izpostavljenostjo okoljskim onesnaževalom iz sežigalnic, naprav za sosežig in cementarn smo si za cilj zadali izdelavo krovnega pregleda literature. Metode: V krovni pregled literature so bile vključene metaanalize in sistematični pregledi literature v angleščini v obdobju od leta 1980 do leta 2023. Iskanje je bilo izvedeno v štirih podatkovnih zbirkah (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane Reviews). Kakovost je bila ocenjena z orodjema AMSTAR-2 (metodologija) in GRADE (dokazi). Rezultati: Izmed 7.701 opredeljenih dokumentov jih je bilo v končno analizo vključenih 14 (pet metaanaliz, devet sistematičnih pregledov). Obstajajo nizki do zmerni dokazi o povezanosti med sarkomom mehkih tkiv in ne-Hodgkinovim limfomom z izpostavljenostjo dioksinom v okolici sežigalnic I. generacije, česar študije niso dokazale za sežigalnice naslednjih generacij. Zaenkrat ne razpolagamo z dokazi za sosežig. Pri delavcih v cementarnah I. do II. generacije obstaja nekaj zmernih dokazov o povezanosti med incidenco vseh rakov, pljučnega raka, raka ustne votline in žrela, prostate in želodca z izpostavljenostjo šestvalentnemu kromu. Velika večina dokazov je omejenih zaradi mešanih rezultatov, razlik v tehniki vprašanj, heterogenosti in potencialni pristranosti. Zaključek: Obstajajo omejeni dokazi o povezanosti med rakom in izpostavljenostjo onesnaževalom iz sežigalnic I. in cementarn I. do II. generacije. Za oceno morebitne povezanosti med rakom in onesnaževali iz najsodobnejših naprav za sosežig je smiselno načrtovati ciljane epidemiološke študije in študije notranje izpostavljenosti z uporabo humanega biomonitoringa.
Keywords: rak, odpadki, sežig, sosežig, cementarna, onesnaževala
Published in DiRROS: 08.01.2024; Views: 398; Downloads: 137
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David Ožura, 2023, preface, editorial, afterword

Keywords: znanstvene revije, založništvo, medicina, onkologija, odprti dostop, indeksiranje, mednarodne bibliografske zbirke, uvodniki
Published in DiRROS: 08.01.2024; Views: 294; Downloads: 131
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Sledenje bolnic z rakom dojk
Andraž Perhavec, 2023, published professional conference contribution

Keywords: rak dojk, rehabilitacija, celostno zdravljenje
Published in DiRROS: 08.01.2024; Views: 312; Downloads: 99
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Rehabilitacija bolnic z rakom dojk
Nikola Bešić, 2023, published professional conference contribution

Keywords: rak dojk, rehabilitacija, celostno zdravljenje
Published in DiRROS: 08.01.2024; Views: 273; Downloads: 75
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Rak dojk med nosečnostjo
Erika Matos, Kaja Cankar, 2023, published professional conference contribution

Keywords: rak dojk, sistemsko zdravljenje, nosečnost
Published in DiRROS: 08.01.2024; Views: 307; Downloads: 94
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Sistemsko zdravljenje trojno negativnega raka dojk
Tanja Ovčariček, 2023, published professional conference contribution

Keywords: rak dojk, sistemsko zdravljenje, kemoterapija
Published in DiRROS: 08.01.2024; Views: 268; Downloads: 85
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