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1951 - 1960 / 2000
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Elucidating nucleation stages of transgranular stress corrosion cracking in austenitic stainless steel by in situ electrochemical and optical methods
Sarmiento Klapper Helmuth, Bojan Zajec, Andreas Heyn, Andraž Legat, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: The pitting and environmentally assisted cracking resistance of austenitic stainless steels (SS) is challenged in several industrial applications particularly those involving hot chloride-concentrated streams. Directional drilling used in the oil and gas exploration is one of these applications. Indeed, high strength CrMn-SS commonly used in drilling technology have a high tendency to fail by stress corrosion cracking (SCC) preceded by localized corrosion once subjected to highly chloride-concentrated drilling fluids at elevated temperatures. A comprehensive understanding regarding the mechanisms governing the transition from pitting into SCCis not currently available, though. Therefore, mechanistic aspects such as the effect of loading conditions on pit nucleation and repassivation as well as the synergistic effect between pit stabilization and the nucleation of a stress corrosion crack are of great practical significance. To investigate this an electrochemical-, optical- and mechanical- monitored SCC test was conducted on a CrMn-SS in an alkaline brine at elevated temperature. The transition from metastable to stable pitting and subsequently to SCC in this system was documented in-situ for the first time. Results supported H.S. Isaacs postulates regarding the interpretation of electrochemical signals and demonstrated that loading conditions affect pit nucleation and repassivation leading to a higher susceptibility of the material to pitting, which preceded SCC.
Keywords: pitting corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, monitoring, elektrochemical noise, austenitic stainless steel
Published in DiRROS: 23.11.2023; Views: 344; Downloads: 258
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Rak jajčnikov : ponovno nekaj novega
2023, proceedings of peer-reviewed scientific conference contributions (domestic conferences)

Abstract: Rak jajčnikov je najpogostejši vzrok smrti pri ženskah, ki zbolijo za ginekološkimi raki, saj je bolezen za večino bolnic v napredovalih fazah pogosto usodna. To je posledica težavne prepoznavnosti bolezni v zgodnjih fazah, ko je zdravljenje učinkovito. /// Na žalost preventivni program za zgodnje odkrivanje raka jajčnikov še ne obstaja, zato je pri več kot 75 % bolnic bolezen odkrita v napredovalih stadijih, kar posledično prinaša slabo prognozo. Tako pri zdravnikih kot pri ženskah je pomanjkljivo poznavanje zgodnjih znakov bolezni, kar lahko vodi v napačno diagnostiko in triažiranje bolnic v neprimerno zdravstveno ustanovo. /// Diagnoza se postavi s pomočjo ustreznih diagnostičnih preiskav, potrdi pa se s patohistološko preiskavo. 90 % rakov jajčnikov izvira iz epitelija, medtem ko so drugi tipi redki. Osnovno zdravljenje vključuje kirurški poseg, katerega cilj je popolnoma odstraniti bolezen in doseči stanje brez vidnega ostanka bolezni. Sledi sistemska terapija, medtem ko obsevanje pri zdravljenju raka jajčnikov nima ključnega pomena. /// Ugotovljeno je, da je zdravljenje raka jajčnikov najuspešnejše v specializiranih ustanovah, kjer delujejo strokovnjaki z usmerjenostjo v ginekološko-onkološko področje. V Sloveniji si nenehno prizadevamo za standardizirano in kakovostno obravnavo žensk z rakom jajčnikov.
Keywords: ginekološki raki, elektronske knjige
Published in DiRROS: 22.11.2023; Views: 490; Downloads: 203
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O akupunkturi : informacije za bolnike
Iztok Potočnik, Branka Stražišar, Tanja Bohinc, Ajša Repar, Teodora Zupanc, Milena Kerin-Povšič, 2023, dictionary, encyclopaedia, lexicon, manual, atlas, map

Keywords: akupunktura, medicina, kitajska medicina, bolniki
Published in DiRROS: 22.11.2023; Views: 570; Downloads: 212
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Priročnik za bolnike z dihalno stomo
Sabina Medjedović, Sara Zorc, Andreja Klinc, 2023, not set

Published in DiRROS: 22.11.2023; Views: 411; Downloads: 112
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Priprava in aplikacija sistemske terapije
Monika Sonc, Alenka Kovačič, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: onkološka zdravila, sistemska terapija, zdravstvena nega
Published in DiRROS: 22.11.2023; Views: 383; Downloads: 111
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Pomen kirurškega kontrolnega varnostnega seznama v operacijski dvorani
Maja Kovač, Maša Sopotnik, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: onkološki bolniki, kirurgija, zdravstvena nega
Published in DiRROS: 22.11.2023; Views: 315; Downloads: 127
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Preprečevanje padcev kot izziv in kazalnik kakovosti zdravstvene nege v bolnišnici
Anamarija Mozetič, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: medicinske sestre, zdravstvena nega, padci
Published in DiRROS: 22.11.2023; Views: 490; Downloads: 167
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Izbira ustreznega venskega dostopa - pomembna za kakovostno in varno zdravstveno nego onkološkega bolnika
Irma Mrzelj, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: onkološki bolniki, venski dostop, zdravstvena nega
Published in DiRROS: 22.11.2023; Views: 370; Downloads: 121
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