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Evaluation of differences in solubility in organic solvents of softwood/hardwood-based industrial kraft lignins using Hansen parameters and FTIR
Klara Drame, Blaž Likozar, Giorgio Tofani, 2024, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 28.10.2024; Views: 233; Downloads: 1112
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Impedance spectroscopy applied to lithium battery materials : good practices in measurements and analyses
Sara Drvarič Talian, Sergio Brutti, Maria Assunta Navarrah, Jože Moškon, Miran Gaberšček, 2024, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 28.10.2024; Views: 304; Downloads: 968
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CFD-based analysis of deviations between thermocouple measurements and local gas temperatures during the cooling phase of compartment fires
Florian Put, Andrea Lucherini, Ruben Van Coile, Bart Merci, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Data from thermocouple (TC) measurements play a pivotal role in fire safety science and engineering studies. It is well-known that there are deviations from the actual local gas temperature and many studies have led to the development of correction factors. The present study focuses on these deviations inside compartments through a systematic series of CFD simulations, performed with Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS), version 6.8.0. A canonical cubic box is used as geometry. This allows for the demonstration of the impact of the presence of smoke, with variable optical thickness, on the TC data as retrieved from FDS. Significant differences are observed between TC measurements and local gas temperatures. Corrections as developed for TC measurements in open atmospheres cannot be readily applied in compartment configurations, where smoke properties change both spatially and temporally.
Keywords: thermocouple measurements, CFD simulations, heat transfer, compartment fires, cooling, fire dynamics, FDS
Published in DiRROS: 28.10.2024; Views: 263; Downloads: 93
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Odprta znanost in avtorske pravice
Ana Fidler, Mojca Žuželj, 2024, review article

Abstract: Eno izmed temeljnih načel odprte znanosti je odprti dostop do rezultatov javno financiranih raziskav. Avtorji oz. imetniki avtorskih pravic zagotovijo odprti dostop med drugim z ustreznim upravljanjem avtorskih pravic. Krovni zakon, ki ureja avtorsko pravico v Sloveniji, je Zakon o avtorski in sorodnih pravicah, ki je bil nazadnje spremenjen septembra 2022. Z novelo smo v slovenski pravni red dobili za področje odprte znanosti pomembni izjemi, in sicer izjemo za besedilno in podatkovno rudarjenje za namene znanstvenega raziskovanja ter splošno izjemo za znanstveno raziskovanje. Novembra 2021 je bil sprejet Zakon o znanstvenoraziskovalni in inovacijski dejavnosti ter maja 2023 Uredba o izvajanju znanstvenoraziskovalnega dela v skladu z načeli odprte znanosti, ki podrobneje določata zagotovitev odprtega dostopa do vseh recenziranih znanstvenih objav in raziskovalnih podatkov ter drugih rezultatov, pridobljenih v okviru raziskav, sofinanciranih z javnimi viri najmanj v višini 50 %. V članku bomo podrobneje opisali zakonodajno ureditev avtorskih pravic v Sloveniji in spremembe na zakonodajnem področju, ki so povezane z odprto znanostjo. Predstavili bomo licence Creative Commons, ki so svetovno znane in pomembne za boljšo dostopnost rezultatov raziskav, širjenje znanja ter kakovost izobraževanja. Dalje bomo predstavili strategijo ohranjanja pravic in pravico do sekundarnega publiciranja kot ukrepa oz. pobudi, ki sta bili razviti za spodbujanje dostopa do publikacij in njihove ponovne uporabe ter odpravljanje omejitev, ki jih za raziskave predstavlja avtorskopravna zakonodaja.
Keywords: avtorske pravice, odprta znanost, odprte licence, strategija ohranjanja pravic, pravica do sekundarnega publiciranja
Published in DiRROS: 28.10.2024; Views: 326; Downloads: 143
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Conference report : 2024 Padua - 5 days on muscle and mobility medicine (2024PDM3)
Kaja Teraž, Boštjan Šimunič, 2024, other component parts

Keywords: skeletal muscle, conference, reports
Published in DiRROS: 28.10.2024; Views: 227; Downloads: 130
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A SBI 2023 Bedrest study
Boštjan Šimunič, Rado Pišot, 2024, other component parts

Keywords: studies, kinesiology, health benefits, physical inactivity
Published in DiRROS: 28.10.2024; Views: 221; Downloads: 134
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Luka Šlosar, 2024, preface, editorial, afterword

Keywords: sports, kinesiology, health benefits, physical activity
Published in DiRROS: 28.10.2024; Views: 209; Downloads: 111
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First report of cherry green ring mottle virus in sweet cherries in Slovenia
Aljoša Beber, Janja Lamovšek, Barbara Grubar, Irena Mavrič Pleško, 2024, other scientific articles

Keywords: CGRMV, cherry necrotic rusty mottle virus, robigovirus, sweet cherry, RT-PCR
Published in DiRROS: 28.10.2024; Views: 239; Downloads: 130
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