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Final report on women’s careers progression : deliverable D3.3
Ana Rotter, Ernesta Grigalionyte-Bembič, Jan Ulčar, Andrea Wolfram, Janne Haack, Madlen Baumert, Veronika Mešková, Teresa Carvalho, Carina Jordão, Sara Diogo, Hana Himi, Maya Ashkenazi, 2022, treatise, preliminary study, study

Abstract: The main objective of this deliverable is to evaluate what impact the CHANGE project had on GEP implementing partners and CHANGE team members. The deliverable is based on the data obtained from self-assessment forms, which were filled in by CHANGE implementing partners in February 2022. This report presents the views on how the participation in CHANGE project changed the institutional gender equality level and what impact was made to individuals included in the CHANGE project. The results show that inclusion in CHANGE project had significant positive organizational and personal impact to the organizations and CHANGE team members.
Published in DiRROS: 02.09.2024; Views: 189; Downloads: 68
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Response of beech and fir in the Carpathians and Dinarides
Eva Dařenová, Pia Caroline Adamič, Matjaž Čater, 2024, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: silver fir, beech, light response, Carpathians, Dinarides, soil water content, forest
Published in DiRROS: 02.09.2024; Views: 190; Downloads: 59
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Soil microbiome along the carpathian mountains
Nejc Suban, Olivera Maksimović, Nataša Šibanc, Tijana Martinović, Eva Dařenová, Matjaž Čater, Tine Grebenc, 2024, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: soil microbiome, next-generation sequencing, climate change, forest soil, fungi, bacteria
Published in DiRROS: 02.09.2024; Views: 206; Downloads: 64
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Global harmful algal bloom : status report 2021
Patricija Mozetič, 2021, final research report

Abstract: • An extremely variegated picture of harmful algal bloom types and their socio-economic impacts at the regional and subregional scale has emerged from a comprehensive overview of OBIS and HAEDAT data in the period 1985 to 2018. • The diversity of the HAB events parallels that of the causative species, which show different ranges and ecological characteristics, as well as highly variable responses to environmental changes. • The intensity and frequency of specific blooms vary at regional and local scale, with increasing or decreasing trends and sudden occasional outbursts, but with no uniform global trend that can be discerned from that of increased observational efforts. • In many cases intoxications and other adverse effects on human health are kept under control through increased monitoring activities, but impacts on human activities such as aquaculture, fishery, use of natural marine resources and tourism keep on posing economic activities at risk in many regions.
Published in DiRROS: 02.09.2024; Views: 131; Downloads: 655
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Poljudno poročilo rezultatov projekta : Life naturaviva, biodiverziteta - umetnost življenja
Anamarija Žagar, Blaž Koderman, Danilo Bevk, Davorin Tome, Jernej Polajnar, Maja Opalički, 2022, final research report

Abstract: Kadar koli v družbi vznikne socialni ali naravni problem, se zbere skupina zainteresiranih ljudi, da bi ga rešili ali vsaj oblažili posledice. Z naraščanjem človeške populacije se število težav povečuje vedno hitreje. Podnebne spremembe in kriza biodiverzitete sta naravna problema, ki sta se povzpela na vrh seznama. Vsi, ki se ukvarjajo s problemom krize biodiverzitete, slej ko prej spoznajo, da je težave bistveno lažje reševati, če jih ljudje razumejo do te mere, da so jih pripravljeni aktivno podpreti. Zato morajo biti ljudje čim bolj izobraženi in dobro obveščeni o problemih / rešitvah — eno izmed pomembnih naravovarstvenih orodij je zato tudi komuniciranje. Mnogi v Sloveniji so zaskrbljeni zaradi krize biotske raznovrstnosti, veliko jih deluje na področju varstva narave. Manjka pa nam pobud, ki bi se osredotočale na biotsko raznovrstnost kot skupni imenovalec življenja. Vse vrste in naravni procesi znotraj ekosistemov so soodvisni, zato za biotsko raznovrstnost ne moremo skrbeti le z varovanjem določenih območij ali izbranih vrst. Ljudi je treba soočiti z nacionalno (ali celo širšo) vrednostjo biotske raznovrstnosti, če jih želimo odkrito seznaniti s problemom in pričakovati njihovo sodelovanje. Od tod potreba po projektu, ki bi zajel različne dele in ravni biotske raznovrstnosti ter jih predstavil ljudem kot enoten, neprecenljiv naravni pojav. Nekakšna sistematična predstavitev bogastva naše naravne dediščine z jasnim sporočilom, kako pomembno je, da zanjo skrbimo
Published in DiRROS: 02.09.2024; Views: 166; Downloads: 3147
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Monitoring čebel na travniku v parku Tivoli v letu 2022 : končno poročilo
Danilo Bevk, Rok Šturm, Blaž Koderman, 2022, final research report

Abstract: V Sloveniji je bilo do sedaj zabeleženih 573 vrst divjih čebel, vključujoč čmrlje in čebele samotarke. Divje čebele naseljujejo raznolike habitate, pri čemer ekstenzivni travniki igrajo pomembno vlogo pri zagotavljanju prehrane in gnezdišč za večino vrst. Čebele na cvetočih rastlinah nabirajo cvetni prah in medičino za svojo prehrano in prehrano zaroda. Pri tem opravljajo eno ključnih ekosistemskih storitev – opraševanje, tako divjih kot kmetijskih rastlin. Opraševalci so tako pomembni za ohranjanje biotske pestrosti in zagotavljanje prehranske varnosti.
Keywords: opraševalci, čebele, čmrlji, monitoring, park Tivoli, Ljubljana
Published in DiRROS: 02.09.2024; Views: 152; Downloads: 1782
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Testing of tomato brown rugose fruit virus by real-time RT-PCR (Bernabe-Orts et al. 2021) : validation report
Nataša Mehle, Marta Luigi, Antonio Tiberini, Ariana Manglli, Ana Vučurović, Francesco Faggioli, 2023, final research report

Abstract: Detection and identification of tomato brown rugose fruit virus.
Keywords: ToBRFV, diagnostics, method validation, EURL-Virology
Published in DiRROS: 02.09.2024; Views: 177; Downloads: 121
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Testing of begomoviruses capable of infecting tomatoes and plants of the family Cucurbitaceae by PCR : validation report
Nataša Mehle, Jakob Brodarič, Zala Kogej Zwitter, Tjaša Jakomin, Ana Vučurović, 2023, final research report

Abstract: Detection of begomoviruses capable of infecting tomatoes and plants of the family Cucurbitaceae.
Keywords: begomoviruses, EURL-Virology
Published in DiRROS: 02.09.2024; Views: 191; Downloads: 131
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