1001. Between Philosophy and Literature : Friedrich Schlegel’s Concept of Romantic Irony in Fragments and in LucindeMalwina Rolka, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: The concept of romantic irony developed by Friedrich Schlegel is one of the most powerful and productive elements of the Jena Romanticism, which, to this day, stirs interest among the researchers of the German culture of the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. In thus-oriented studies, however, most scholars emphasize the Fragments published by the philosopher in the years 1797–1800, while relegating Lucinde—Schlegel’s controversial novel written in 1799—to the margins of their reflection. Although underappreciated by the academia, Lucinde, in its fundamental assumptions, was supposed to be an exercise in both the theory and the practice of irony. Bearing this in mind, in the present article I attempt to reconstruct Schlegel’s groundbreaking concept by taking into account both these sources. In the analysis, I focus on the notions of dissimulation, dialectics, and reflection: three descriptive categories, which ultimately account for the innovative character of Schlegelian vision of irony. Keywords: romantic irony, dissimulation, dialectics, reflection Published in DiRROS: 23.10.2024; Views: 146; Downloads: 50
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1002. Man as a Being of Hygiene in a Phenomenological and Anthropological PerspectiveJaroslava Vydrová, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: The aim of the text is to address the phenomenon of hygiene as that which concerns the transitory boundary of our corporeality (the lived body in the physical body), as an ambiguous and diverse phenomenon, which presents itself in various ways (in the field of expressivity). The study draws on the fruitful cooperation between phenomenology and philosophical anthropology. In the first part, the text analyzes how corporeality is treated in the phenomenological reflection based on Edmund Husserl’s conception of the lived body and in the following phenomenological thematizations of corporeality. Upon the foundation of such an approach, we engage in an elaboration of the problem of hygiene in its anthropological specificity. With the help of an anthropological study of Helmuth Plessner, it is possible, in the subsequent parts of the text, to approach the phenomenon of hygiene in its particular manifestations—as expressions of interaction in society (with examples of diplomacy and good manners) as well as in the field of artistic expressions (with examples of hygienic images in the first half of the 20th century). Hygiene thus appears as a phenomenon in the framework of a complex being in the world, and it cannot be derived from the outer (socially construed) or causal-physiological phenomena. This makes hygiene a specific leading clue for the research regarding subjectivity. Keywords: Edmund Husserl, Helmuth Plessner, hygiene, lived body, works of art Published in DiRROS: 23.10.2024; Views: 143; Downloads: 46
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1003. The Silent Biomedical Others : Intimacy, Communication, and Neurological QueernessMaxim Miroshnichenko, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: In this essay, I delineate the relationship between movement, thought, and the ability to speak. In neurology, the biomedical view constructs the image of the subaltern, a muted lifeform devoid of personality and whose life is not congruent with the concepts of autonomy and capacity. I propose to name these human beings “biomedical others.” An anomaly, this subaltern, is an underside of the philosophical totalization of subjectivity. In the biomedical framework, others are devoid of speech. Medicine, its institutes, and agents in the healthcare system speak to them. However, the lives of biomedical others are based on gestures, facial expressions, and body commands that are enacted as micro-gestures. The urgency to give voice to the biomedical others is the ethical task of this essay. They are namely voiceless and powerless, evoking a different kind of ethics: fragility, minority, and silence. Keywords: biomedical others, disability, neurology, patient, subaltern Published in DiRROS: 23.10.2024; Views: 125; Downloads: 47
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1004. La primauté de la constitution de l’objet transitionnel chez Marc RichirMing-Hon Chu, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: The Primacy of Constitution of the Transitional Object in Marc Richir
Among the psychoanalysts, it was primarily Donald Winnicott who helped Marc Richir to clarify and develop genetic phenomenology, which had already been outlined by Edmund Husserl. The paper attempts to demonstrate the use Richir makes of Winnicott’s works for his own research devoted to the elaboration of Husserl’s project. According to Richir’s reading, Winnicott insisted on the “primacy of constitution of the transitional object” for the access to the real. By referring to Winnicott’s own words, we seek to show in what sense he privileges the constitutional role of the transitional object, and how Richir adopts and reinterprets his teachings. We explicate that the transitional object reveals its complexity through the function that at once enables and disturbs the process of “hominization.” Keywords: Winnicott, psychoanalysis, genetic phenomenology, play, breakdown Published in DiRROS: 23.10.2024; Views: 179; Downloads: 62
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1005. Spektakel in čas v sodobni filozofijiDario Vuger, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: S pomočjo zgodovinske in fenomenološke analize želimo v pričujoči študiji centralizirati raziskovanje fenomena spektakla kot pomembnega predmeta sodobne filozofije. Pojem spektakla proučujemo na podlagi zgodovinskega razvoja modernega pojmovanja časa kot enega izmed osrednjih vprašanj sodobne filozofije ter tudi kot osrednjega pojma za razumevanje sodobne znanosti, kulture in družbe kot celote. Znotraj sodobne kontinentalne filozofske tradicije je namreč koncept časa tesno povezan s pojmi prisotnosti, percepcije in mediacije. Filozofska razprava med Henrijem Bergsonom in Albertom Einsteinom je pojma spektakel in čas pripeljala v neposredno povezavo kot del novega konceptualnega okvira sodobne filozofije. Tedaj se je prvič pokazalo, da ima znanost bistveno vrednost za konstrukcijo sodobnega življenja. Nadaljnjemu razvoju sledimo z razpiranjem filozofskega in kibernetičnega okvira za vzpostavitev filozofskega odnosa do spektakla kot enega izmed temeljnih fenomenov sodobnega življenja. Pri razpravljanju upoštevamo metodologijo, kakršna je prikazana v filozofiji Martina Heideggra. Prefiguracijo določene teorije spektakla nazadnje zasnujemo z razmislekom o prelomni kritiki kibernetike pri Gilbertu Simondonu Keywords: spektakel, čas, kibernetika, vizualizacija, fenomenologija, teorija medijev Published in DiRROS: 23.10.2024; Views: 167; Downloads: 52
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1006. Hermeneutics, Practice, Event : An Attempt at Re-Conceptualizing Human AgencyMiklós Nyírő, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: The paper deals with the problem of a re-conceptualization of the basic modes of human agency. This task is prompted by a consideration, according to which our traditional conceptuality (going back to the Greek distinction between poiesis and praxis) cannot account for the very emergence of true praxis that in turn can be explained by a certain oblivion institutionalized in our culture, namely, already on the level of grammar. Such oblivion is revealed by pointing out that the voice systems of the primordial Indo-European languages, as opposed to those of the major occidental languages, were still able to capture the all-encompassing notion of “pure event” and of “medial (event-related) agency.” This yields a tripartite typology of agency, which can account for the kind of human activity that mediates between poiesis and praxis and may, therefore, prepare for the latter. Keywords: hermeneutics, practice, agency, grammar, middle voice, event Published in DiRROS: 23.10.2024; Views: 176; Downloads: 55
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1007. La crisi dell'abitare : L'ethos dell'occidenteAlfredo Rocha de la Torre, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: The Crisis of Dwelling. The Ethos of the West
The paper attempts to describe the fundamental features of the cultural ethos of the contemporary world, which within humanity causes the crisis of dwelling. Referring to the Heideggerian diagnostic of Weltzivilisation—as characterized by the prevalence of calculative thinking and thus by the demand of the availability of all entities—, we underline the features of thoughtlessness and emptiness of the technical civilization tied predominantly to calculation. Upon the basis of these features, one can conclude that the ethos of the current world has a banal and nihilistic character, which is linked, in a very general way, to the comprehension structure of today’s man that constitutes the way of the latter’s opening to the world and understanding of the disclosure itself. The prepositions of such a deliberation allow us to recognize that the crisis of dwelling resides, ultimately, in the crisis of thinking already indicated by Heidegger. Keywords: crisis of dwelling, current cultural ethos, calculative thinking, Weltzivilisation, banal nihilism Published in DiRROS: 23.10.2024; Views: 188; Downloads: 52
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