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What makes me happy and what worries me? A crossnational comparison of stressors and resources for stress relief among youth
Michaela Wright, Franziska Reitegger, Manja Veldin, Maša Vidmar, Katarzyina Borzucka-Sitkiewicz, Marcin Gierczyk, Katarzyna Kowalczewska-Grabowska, Barbara Gasteiger-Klicpera, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Numerous evidence-based programs aim to promote youth mental health. Unfortunately, however, they often fail to engage the target group and lack cultural sensitivity. The present study addresses these issues by using a participatory approach to look at variations of stressors and resources for stress relief among students (12-15 years) in three European countries. Two participatory workshops were conducted in three schools in Austria, Poland and Slovenia, with a total of 81 students participating in the first workshop, and 83 in the second. This study presents the findings derived from two distinct participatory activities wherein participants reported their stressors (Relevant Topics activity) and resources (Photovoice activity). Overall, the study revealed remarkable similarities in stressors and resources across the three countries, but differences were also identified. Stressors relating to interpersonal relationships, school, and self-concept were common themes. While concerns regarding health, future, and global issues were less frequently mentioned, they remained persistent across all countries, an indication of their growing relevance amid today’s multiple crises. Animals, sports, and relationships emerged as the most frequently reported resources. Creative arts and expression, music, and calm activities like reading, and spending time in nature were also frequently cited. Notably, engagement with digital devices or social media emerged neither as a common stressor nor as a notable personal resource. The findings will be used to inform the content development of a culturally sensitive digital mental health promotion program, covering salient topics comprehensively while ensuring diversity awareness.
Keywords: education, participatory research, photovoice, youth, stressors, resources, mental health
Published in DiRROS: 27.01.2025; Views: 126; Downloads: 74
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The Wiener index and the Wiener complexity of the zero-divisor graph of a ring
David Dolžan, 2025, original scientific article

Abstract: We calculate the Wiener index of the zero-divisor graph of a finite semisimple ring. We also calculate the Wiener complexity of the zero-divisor graph of a finite simple ring and find an upper bound for the Wiener complexity in the semisimple case.
Keywords: Wiener index, Wiener complexity, graphs, distance, finite rings, zero-divisors
Published in DiRROS: 24.01.2025; Views: 147; Downloads: 66
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Paradigma spolnosti v celostni obravnavi onkološkega bolnika
Maja Kožuh, 2024, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: celostna obravnava, spolnost, onkološko zdravljenje
Published in DiRROS: 24.01.2025; Views: 143; Downloads: 76
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Podpora bolnikov s parenteralno prehrano na domu
Laura Petrica, 2024, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: zdravstvena nega, parenteralna prehrana, onkološko zdravljenje
Published in DiRROS: 24.01.2025; Views: 134; Downloads: 93
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Vzpostavitev podporne obravnave bolnikov na Onkološkem inštitutu Ljubljana
Majda Čaušević, 2024, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: zdravstvena nega, podporno zdravljenje, onkološko zdravljenje
Published in DiRROS: 24.01.2025; Views: 145; Downloads: 77
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On the diagonal of Riesz operators on Banach lattices
Roman Drnovšek, Marko Kandić, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper extends the well-known Ringrose theory for compact operators to polynomially Riesz operators on Banach spaces. The particular case of an ideal-triangularizable Riesz operator on an order continuous Banach lattice yields that the spectrum of such operator lies on its diagonal, which motivates the systematic study of an abstract diagonal of a regular operator on an order complete vector lattice E. We prove that the class D of regular operators for which the diagonal coincides with the atomic diagonal is always a band in Lr(E), which contains the band of abstract integral operators. If E is also a Banach lattice, then D contains positive Riesz and positive AM-compact operators.
Keywords: vector lattices, Banach lattices, Riesz operators, diagonal of an operator
Published in DiRROS: 24.01.2025; Views: 140; Downloads: 68
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Analiza telefonskih klicev v klicni center Onkološkega inštituta Ljubljana
Dajana Fon Glavan, Aleksandra Grbič, 2024, published professional conference contribution

Keywords: onkologija, onkološki bolniki, klicni center
Published in DiRROS: 24.01.2025; Views: 120; Downloads: 91
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Pozni neželeni učinki pri bolnikih z rakom debelega črevesa in danke po onkološkem zdravljenju
Aleksandra Grbič, Irena Oblak, 2024, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: radioterapija, rak debelega črevesa in danke, onkološko zdravljenje
Published in DiRROS: 24.01.2025; Views: 123; Downloads: 97
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Optimal strategies in fractional games: vertex cover and domination
Csilla Bujtás, Günter Rote, Zsolt Tuza, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: In a hypergraph H=(V,E) with vertex set V and edge set E, a real-valued function f:V[0,1] is a fractional transversal if vEf(v)1 for every edge EE. Its size is |f|:=vVf(v), and the fractional transversal number τ(H) is the smallest possible |f|. We consider a game scenario where two players have opposite goals, one of them trying to minimize and the other to maximize the size of a fractional transversal constructed incrementally. We prove that both players have strategies to achieve their common optimum, and they can reach their goals using rational weights.
Keywords: fractional vertex cover, fractional transversal game, fractional domination game
Published in DiRROS: 24.01.2025; Views: 143; Downloads: 77
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