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Gostota in mehanske lastnosti izbranih drevesnih vrst v Sloveniji
Luka Krajnc, Polona Hafner, Jožica Gričar, 2024, professional article

Keywords: anatomija lesa, mehanske lastnosti lesa
Published in DiRROS: 31.01.2025; Views: 150; Downloads: 64
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Offline indoor navigation via QR codes
Robert Modic, Matevž Ogrinc, Andraž Simčič, Bojan Blažica, Drago Torkar, 2025, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel, cost-effective system for indoor navigation and localization that operates independently of satellite positioning services and data communication networks. The proposed solution leverages QR codes affixed within building interiors and an accompanying smartphone application, which, through integration with the device’s inertial motion unit (IMU) sensors and the application of the Pedestrian Dead Reckoning (PDR) algorithm [1], accurately determines the user’s position. This position data is then utilized by the Dijkstra navigation algorithm [2] to facilitate user navigation to their desired destination. Beyond navigation, this system offers significant utility in healthcare logistics, enabling efficient collection and transmission of triage decisions in emergency situations, even in the absence of a communication network.
Keywords: cost-effective system, QR codes, Pedestrian Dead Reckoning, indoor navigation
Published in DiRROS: 30.01.2025; Views: 126; Downloads: 0
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Comparing hydrolysable and condensed tannins for tannin protein-based foams
Jonas Eckardt, Lorenzo Moro, Elena Colusso, Primož Šket, Samuele Giovando, Gianluca Tondi, 2025, original scientific article

Published in DiRROS: 30.01.2025; Views: 133; Downloads: 76
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Functional biocarbon-based coatings for wood protection and indoor air depollution
Mariem Zouari, Laetitia Sarah Jennifer Marrot, David Brian DeVallance, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Growing concerns about indoor air pollution heighten the need to develop depolluting materials to achieve a healthy built environment. This study developed functional coatings for wooden surfaces using 20 wt% photocatalytic biocarbon particles doped with manganese oxide (BC–MnO2) and two different coating materials (linseed oil and waterborne acrylic). The samples' surface hydrophobicity and color properties were tested before and after accelerated aging. The depolluting potential of the samples was evaluated by formaldehyde removal efficiency test in indoor conditions. Results showed that adding BC-MnO2 particles increased the hydrophobicity regardless of the coating material's type. After accelerated aging, the hydrophobicity of all samples increased, which was attributed to the curing of the oil and acrylic polymers and the increase in surface roughness eventually caused by surface damage. The color change (ΔE) was more intense in the case of uncoated wood and samples without BC-MnO2. However, the BC-MnO2-containing coatings were effective in color preservation (ΔE < 2), which was attributed to the anti-UV property of biocarbon. The BC-MnO2-containing coatings exhibited a promising formaldehyde removal efficiency of up to 24 % and 46 % for oil and acrylic samples, respectively. The combination of BC-MnO2 and acrylic material was more favourable to attracting the formaldehyde molecules, likely due to the similar polarity. The developed functional coatings exhibited an acceptable ability for wood protection and formaldehyde remediation and can be potentially used to enhance indoor air quality.
Keywords: photocatalytic wood coating, hydrophobic surface, UV protection, volatile organic compound, formaldehyde removal
Published in DiRROS: 30.01.2025; Views: 153; Downloads: 121
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Increasing the confinement in railway track ballast layers
Stanislav Lenart, Siva Ram Karumanchi, 2024, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Insufficient effective confining pressure within the ballast layer can lead to the permanent rotation of grains, causing increased wear and abrasion. Augmenting confinement may not only mitigate ballast degradation but also enhance the overall performance of the track. The increased confining pressure causes the increase of ballasted track stiffness and reduction of resilient and permanent deformation. This paper outlines developing a cost-effective ballast wall arrangement (BWA) to boost ballast layer confinement without disrupting maintenance procedures. It involves incorporating specific secondary raw material elements along the track shoulder, combined with a horizontal geosynthetic reinforcing layer at the base of the ballast layer. These shoulder elements not only impact the track's geometry but also facilitate a reduction in required ballast volume. The efficacy of the ballast confinement mechanism has undergone small-scale testing to prove the concept of reinforcement. Numerical modeling has been developed, which plays a crucial role in supporting the optimal design of this solution.
Keywords: ballast, railway track, geosynthetics, confining pressure, small-scale test
Published in DiRROS: 30.01.2025; Views: 123; Downloads: 77
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Manganese dioxide-coated biocarbon for integrated adsorption-photocatalytic degradation of formaldehyde in indoor conditions
Mariem Zouari, Silvo Hribernik, Laetitia Sarah Jennifer Marrot, Marian Tzolov, David Brian DeVallance, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Formaldehyde is a common indoor air pollutant with hazardous effects on human health. This study investigated the efficiency of biocarbon (BC) functionalized with variable contents of MnO2 for formaldehyde removal in ambient conditions via integrated adsorption-photocatalytic degradation technology. The sample with the highest formaldehyde removal potential was used to prepare a functional coating made of acrylic binder mixed with 20 wt% of the particles and applied on beech (Fagus sylvatica L) substrate. SEM images showed that MnO2 was deposited around and inside the pores of the BC. EDX spectra indicated the presence of Mn peaks and increased content of oxygen in the doped BC compared to pure BC, which indicated the successful formation of MnO2. Raman spectra revealed that the disorder in the BC's structure increased with increasing MnO2 loadings. FTIR spectra of BC–MnO2 samples displayed additional peaks compared to the BC spectrum, which were attributed to MnO vibrations. Moreover, the deposition of increased MnO2 loadings decreased the porosity of the BC due to pores blockage. The BC sample containing 8 % Mn exhibited the highest formaldehyde removal efficiency in 8 h, which was 91 %. A synergetic effect between BC and MnO2 was observed. The formaldehyde removal efficiency and capacity of the coating reached 43 % and 6.1 mg/m2, respectively, suggesting that the developed coating can be potentially used to improve air quality in the built environment.
Keywords: biocarbon, manganese dioxide, catalytic degradation, functional coating, built environment
Published in DiRROS: 30.01.2025; Views: 136; Downloads: 114
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